4 posts tagged with tables.
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Help me find the askme about references?

Not academic references. I think someone was giving something handmade to his or her brother, and someone else might have suggested almanacs, but I can't find it, or anything like it. I'm looking for lists of useful things to be able to look up on a piece of paper, back of a book. I know my times table, and don't find much need to convert between weights. But my damned ADhDled brain can't remember or think of things I look up repeatedly.
posted by b33j on Oct 19, 2013 - 7 comments

Metafilter Frequency Tables updated, now with 636 million words!

It's been over a year since we first made the Metafilter Frequency Tables available, and now they're updated with word frequency information for all of 2011 and 2012 as well, bringing the total number of words up to six hundred and thirty-six million. Gosh! (Is a word we've collectively used 5,707 times since 1999!) [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 14, 2013 - 96 comments

Introducing the Metafilter Frequency Tables

The perfect gift for the computational linguist in your life: Metafilter Frequency Tables! Finally you can know definitively how many times words such as "metafilter", "fucknozzle", or "mctootypoots" have been used on the site. (A: 127,484 times, 28 times, and once.) [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 4, 2011 - 56 comments

I wanted to see how Metafilter has grown since its launch

I wanted to see how Metafilter has grown since its launch, so I crawled the archives for thread/comment totals for every day since July 1999. Then, I wrote a script to plot all the data in line graphs and tables. Click on the links to drill down.

It's interesting to see how quickly the commenting community have grown. At this rate, Matt will have to build thread-within-thread support to handle the sheer number of comments.
posted by waxpancake on Jan 12, 2001 - 16 comments

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