2 posts tagged with talks.
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MetaTalks Down in Metafilterville

So, on the presumption that Metafilterville happens, whether under the Breton Woods Accord, or the Camp David, whether in NO-LA! or Me-emphis, we should have some talks... But instead of going TED-die (wups! sorry), we should keep to the MeFi rules: Nothing about yourself or what you or your friends & family, (OK, OK, we can have a Projects stage too) but Code-Threads that bring in links in a coherent or (and?) amusing way, complete with Talking Posts (that is, posts, by which people who want to talk, stand). How about it?
posted by BillW on Mar 4, 2013 - 32 comments

"Matt Haughey (Metafilter founder) at Gel 2010"

Hey, neat, it's mathowie giving a 20min talk about Metafilter at the 2010 Gel conference [more inside]
posted by gwint on May 26, 2010 - 100 comments

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