15 posts tagged with themes.
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Themed Metafilter Posts

Inspired by Fizz's recent run of excellent gaming-related posts and Wordshore's similarly awesome food posts, I'm looking for further examples of mefites posting series of front page posts with a common theme. [more inside]
posted by jonnyploy on Aug 31, 2017 - 23 comments

How do you view the Blue?

MeFi gives us the option to choose a theme, tweak the font, font sizes, etc, to make the site look the way we want it to look—to a degree. Add-ons like Greasemonkey allow us to customize even further.

What does your MetaFilter look like? [more inside]
posted by defenestration on Jan 24, 2010 - 93 comments

What's with the goats today?!?!?

70887, 70888, 70889. Coincidence? I think not! [more inside]
posted by ObscureReferenceMan on Apr 17, 2008 - 58 comments

Elephant Day celebrated amidst pomp

Happy metafilter elephant day! [more inside]
posted by [@I][:+:][@I] on Oct 8, 2007 - 50 comments

MeFi Omnia Vincit

For Oklahoma's centennial, I was thinking the Okie Mefites (resident and expatriate) could contribute a set of FPP posts on the state leading up to Statehood Day (November 16). Non-Okies invited, too.
posted by dw on Jul 29, 2007 - 28 comments

Feeling a little dizzy

Is today vertigo day on MetaFilter? If so, why?
posted by Meatbomb on Jun 25, 2007 - 3 comments

Pimp My Preferences

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there a "metafilter skins" or "mefi css" customization repository where I can choose more interesting themes? Or some super-customization method? I'm really feeling the need to see some yellow and purple stripes with kitten wallpaper lately; feelin' weary with the same old blue, green, and grey after all these years.
posted by DenOfSizer on Jun 16, 2007 - 39 comments

Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?

I'd love to help you name your cat, and I'd love to help you name your baked goods. BUT - Please avoid "help me name my kitten/computer/website" and "help me make a mix CD" questions. Why do we want to avoid these kind of questions? Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
posted by bigmusic on Dec 19, 2006 - 77 comments

Has MeFi ever gone green in the blue for St. P's Day?

Has MeFi ever gone green in the blue for St. P's Day?
posted by NickDouglas on Mar 17, 2005 - 67 comments

Is MetaFilter starting down that slippery slope toward Theme Days

Is MetaFilter starting down that slippery slope toward Theme Days (like on The Mickey Mouse Club)?
October 15th examples: We started the day with regrets and apologies, got playful with Hello Kitty, Fisher-Price and double Legos, and then it got ugly: bad wedding dresses, worse plastic surgery, nazi architecture, a nazi dog, a dinosaur frog, finishing up with maggots. Am I the only one seeing a pattern here?
And does this mean today will be Fun With Music Day? (Miguel, you jumped the gun)
posted by wendell on Oct 16, 2003 - 36 comments

Plain text theme for MeFi

Plain text theme for MetaFilter:
click for larger image

Now available on the customize page.
posted by mathowie on Oct 17, 2002 - 39 comments

I wanted a themed profile

So, there doesn't seem to be anything in Metafilter policy *banning* it- how does one "theme" one's user page like Danelope ?

BTW it's wacked yo in IE 5 for Mac
posted by jeremias on Oct 2, 2002 - 13 comments

What is this, RabbitFilter?

What is this, RabbitFilter? As of 12:24 EST (9:24 PST, 17:24 GMT), there are 14 threads, 10 of which are related to Flash and/or rabbits. When will the madness end? I'm no cuniculophobe, but could not several of the threads (which are indeed clever, witty, and linky) have been condensed into one or two good rabbit related threads?
posted by insomnyuk on Jul 19, 2002 - 71 comments

do we really need eight redundant threads talking about everyone's favorite candy?

I know it's Halloween, but do we really need eight redundant threads talking about everyone's favorite candy?

Isn't it the type of topic that can exist just as one self-enclosed candy love-fest thread? Seems that would be better than cluttering up the front page, no?
posted by dogmatic on Oct 31, 2001 - 11 comments

I think it would be cool if Metafilter was themeable

I think it would be cool if Metafilter was themeable. It might be a little difficult to program, but I know it's doable. I would like to see something other than BLUE when I come here.
posted by y0bhgu0d on Jun 11, 2000 - 0 comments

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