2 posts tagged with truncation.
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Comment truncation in Recent Activity

Can I run this pony up a flagpole and see if anyone salutes? Would it be possible to not truncate long comments on the Recent Activity page? It would be nice to be able to read the entire comment without having to click over into the thread.
posted by MsMolly on Jul 30, 2015 - 29 comments

Recent Activity Comment Length Po[...]

Sometimes comments in recent activity get truncated with a "[...]" when they run too long. Could we allow MeFites to customize this aggressiveness? For instance, I've currently got a thread at the top of Recent Activity that contains a number of comments such as this one (9,414 characters over five paragraphs) and this one (11,121 characters over six paragraphs). These walls of text make it difficult to navigate. If I could choose the point at which comments are truncated (say, two paragraphs or 1,000 characters, whichever comes second) I -and maybe others?- would be a happy camper. Is this a cool and reasonable idea?
posted by Going To Maine on Jan 29, 2015 - 73 comments

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