3 posts tagged with tweets.
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A uniform quoting style for twitter links

Since tweets are being linked to or quoted more often than before, especially in the politics threads, I think there is a need to come up with a way to standardise these quotes/links. It could be either just a preferred in house convention or an addition to the buttons that are there below the comment box. Might also need to consider how to quote a thread of tweets or multiple tweets. What does MeFi think?
posted by dhruva on Jun 21, 2017 - 17 comments

Marking links to tweets

There are a lot of links to tweets where the link text is the text of the tweet. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate not having to click a mystery link to find out what it says, and I understand that we want to cite our sources, but it's annoying to click something expecting to read about some topic and find that I've already read everything there is to read. Could we have some sort of post-link marker to indicate that clicking the link will take you to a tweet that says exactly what the link says? Maybe [tw] or [twpic] or something if the tweet has no other text but some multimedia content? [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Feb 2, 2017 - 29 comments

What happened to the @askmetafilter Twitter?

I'm pretty sure it's one of the unofficial Twitter accounts, but does anyone know what happened to the @askmetafilter feed? It looks like it stopped updating on the 5th. This feed was nice to have since it used the question title as the tweet rather than starting with the question itself like the @mefigreen feed. Thanks all.
posted by jroybal on Feb 19, 2014 - 23 comments

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