22 posts tagged with us.
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Everybody v. That One Guy

As is not uncommon for threads regarding U.S. politics, the Dispatches from the Upside Down thread involves a debate between a leftist majority and a liberal minority. The thread seems fairly typical to me, in that about 10% of the comments are from a liberal perspective and about 90% are from a leftist perspective. [more inside]
posted by lumpy on Oct 28, 2021 - 59 comments

Get Yer Voting Stories Here!

I was inspired by the grin that I see Hillary sporting lately, and how people's voting stories make me remember that this is an awesome historical moment, let's enjoy it! Share 'em when you cast 'em :) [more inside]
posted by eggkeeper on Oct 22, 2016 - 171 comments

Mefite Election Volunteering

With so many Mefites volunteering for the coming US elections (some in a coordinated fashion), I think a MeTa is in order. Come on in to share tips, stories, encouragement, and more! [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Oct 19, 2016 - 134 comments

A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users

User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 27, 2013 - 2 comments

MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling

Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 30, 2012 - 71 comments

Help the tornado'd?

I'd like to hear from MeFites, Southern or not, who know who/what/where we can donate to, travel to, or otherwise do to help out the tornado-torn areas of the US. [more inside]
posted by deep thought sunstar on Apr 29, 2011 - 43 comments

Peter Watts sentencing update

Update to this thread on the arrest of Peter Watts. [more inside]
posted by Drastic on Apr 27, 2010 - 51 comments

Probably not worth fighting over

People from Britain are bad. Or maybe people from America are bad. I can't decide which is worse. Some recent posts about US vs UK have me worried that the moderators will be in the same position as those trying to broker peace between Arabs and Israelis. Wars have already been fought over this.
posted by twoleftfeet on Jan 4, 2009 - 498 comments

MeFi International

Is MeFi getting less international? This is entirely based on subjective impressions but it seems like we’re seeing a lot less posts outside of regular US waking hours. Is this just something that happens every 4 years because of all the election posts?
posted by Artw on Sep 23, 2008 - 129 comments

I c*nt stop saying twat.

UK vs. US or shock value vs. prudishness? Swearing in the drum circle thread. [more inside]
posted by BrotherCaine on Jul 9, 2008 - 533 comments

Seeking an old post

Can anyone guide me to a post about USian education in which it was described how the POTUS met with business leaders to determine the course of public education in the U.S.? I think they were events that happened during or just after the industrial revolution.
posted by snsranch on Mar 11, 2008 - 20 comments

658 days until the 2008 US elections

There are 658 days between now and the 2008 election in the United States of America. Can we please not start the daily posting of unpostworthy campaign minutia 658 days out? Can we at least hold off until, say, 3 months prior to the election? I shutter in fear at the prospect of having this stuff devour Metafilter for the next 658 days, as we know from experience it will.

The subset of people who are boring obsessive interested enough in this to already care about this us-centric minutia are certainly the same subset of people who already read political blogs. Why does it need to be here?

Please save us, mathowie. You are our only hope.
posted by dios on Jan 16, 2007 - 338 comments

gobble gobble

What gives with all these turkey-related posts? Reminds me of elephant day...
posted by Mister_A on Nov 22, 2006 - 48 comments

Always blaming the US media/government

WTF is up with the "blame the U.S. media/government" derail which occurs every time there's a disaster abroad? Why do so few seem to be bothered by it?
posted by dhoyt on Dec 27, 2004 - 117 comments

Only America Cares About Newsfilter

Pointless Meta callout for YankeeNewsFilter
posted by dash_slot- on Oct 26, 2004 - 45 comments

Who is right, in the US centric vs Newsfilter debate

What does the reaction to this post tell us? Myabe it's just a statistical blip, but I'm a bit surprised at the very vocal negative reaction to this bit of US-centric front-page/TV news as contrasted to the reaction to the NewsFilter posts we get every single day. Why are the naysayers in this thread right when the anti-NewsFilteristas are not? What, exactly, is different?
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Aug 18, 2004 - 78 comments

mefi is an american weblog

MetaFilter is an American weblog. Europeans here, whether British or continental, are mere tokens. Perhaps we should all give up the international pretense. The truth is that MetaFilter, for those of us not lucky (or, to be frank, unluckly) enough to live in the U.S. or Canada, is fast becoming a domestic concern with an ever-decreasing regard for what happens in the (enormous) rest of the world. Whereas (the few remaining) Europeans here are curious about America, Americans here seem boringly and predictably obsessed with themselves. Is isolationism the growing trend on this board? It certainly seems so. Say the word, by the way, and you can have it all to yourselves, no hard feelings.

It is not a good idea but it's a stone's throw away...
posted by MiguelCardoso on Aug 15, 2004 - 370 comments

U.S.A. bad, kills civilians (again)

U.S.A. bad, kills civilians. Guess what folks, we've done this before, several times. Isn't it time to declare a moratorium?
posted by mr_crash_davis on Oct 21, 2003 - 197 comments

U.S. vs. rest-of-the-world grudge match

The ongoing U.S. vs. rest-of-the-world grudge match is unnecessary and annoying, especially when it's off topic.
posted by PrinceValium on Sep 10, 2003 - 54 comments

Dean may well be the bee's knees, but still.

Another post praising Howard Dean leads to charges of DeanFilter. There may be something to those charges: there have been several uncritical and laudatory Howard Dean posts on MetaFilter over the past few months, some of which seem interchangeable. And, as matteo points out, it's probably only going to get worse. We complain (rightly) when a post reeks of viral marketing; why shouldn't this be any different? Shouldn't we be more skeptical of breathless posts that coo over politicians? Aren't we (well, not me per se, but American voters) being sold something? Dean may well be the bee's knees, but still.
posted by mcwetboy on Jun 4, 2003 - 17 comments

Reuters covers it but it isn't covered. What

Reuters/Yahoo also has the story but it's not getting much coverage in US media.
posted by Mo Nickels on Jul 30, 2002 - 27 comments

All your base are belong to us

The new AYBABTU?
posted by holloway on Sep 17, 2001 - 11 comments

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