5 posts tagged with useful.
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Help me find the askme about references?
Not academic references. I think someone was giving something handmade to his or her brother, and someone else might have suggested almanacs, but I can't find it, or anything like it. I'm looking for lists of useful things to be able to look up on a piece of paper, back of a book. I know my times table, and don't find much need to convert between weights. But my damned ADhDled brain can't remember or think of things I look up repeatedly.
Interesting Profiles?
Is there a good collection of recent interesting/informative mefite profiles? If not can you all suggest some to me? [more inside]
Nice work, deezil.
deezil has an excellent spyware removal/virus removal guide in his profile. Are there other members with similarly useful content?
High signal profiles
I find that Mutant's profile is full of useful information, about himself and his areas of expertise. Do you guys know of any other profiles with useful and interesting information, particularly about specialty subjects?
What questions work the best with Askme? Worst?
Ask.Meta Question askers/answerers.
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?