8 posts tagged with user and comments.
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Eponyappropriate Timing

I made this post about trees/plants in video games and lazycomputerkids made this wonderful comment. And then Joyce Kilmer Rest Area, Imaginary Jersey Turnpike responded and it was like the comment gods had lined up. Searching for other examples of these types of perfectly lined up comments on the Meta.
posted by Fizz on Nov 2, 2017 - 17 comments

How to search favorites for posts/comments by a certain user

Is there a way to search my favorites for comments I have favorited by a specific user? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Apr 27, 2011 - 47 comments

Search Through User's Activity?

Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
posted by MikeHarris on Dec 4, 2009 - 14 comments

Ui and feature request for Recent Activity page

Here's a couple of requests concerning the Recent Activity page and one for errors when previewing. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Oct 14, 2009 - 18 comments

nobody noticed

Follow nobody.
posted by carsonb on Aug 8, 2007 - 92 comments

Semantic Wording About Favorites

On the user profile page, the "# of comments marked by others as a favorite" is incorrectly worded. I think that the wording should be changed to something like, "# of times contributions by 'user x' were saved by others" instead. Or is it possible to snip the dupes and only include the unique posts and comments that were favorited (in the # itself)? I read this thread, but it didn't seem to discuss the language I'm referring to.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Aug 1, 2006 - 4 comments

Shorter user comments page

Could the user comments page (./search_comments.cfm?user_ID=XXXX) be set to return only the most recent 20 or so threads posted to, with an option to show the full list at bottom? Increasingly, I'll check the front page just to see if any new threads have been posted, then pop over to my own user comments list to follow up on recent threads I've been interested in and commented on (easier than re-find them on the crowded front page). I'm thinking this might help reduce server bandwidth and db querying, and return the page more quickly.

Unless I'm the only one that goes to my user comments page with any regularity, in which case it's not likely to make much difference. :)
posted by hincandenza on Oct 2, 2001 - 1 comment

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics, July 2001

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics are up for July. This is the first month that threads and comments actually dropped slightly, largely because new user signups are still disabled. Also, we broke 10,000 user IDs yesterday. Congratulations, Ricci.
posted by waxpancake on Aug 2, 2001 - 26 comments

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