4 posts tagged with waiting.
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Service: Love

Yay! A server vs served thread! Wheeee!! (via) - Sounds like it happens all the time, but I must be missing it. Any notable mefi threads out there with these entertaining exchanges?
posted by Christ, what an asshole on Mar 10, 2009 - 68 comments

Tagging Metafilter

Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
posted by GleepGlop on Mar 29, 2007 - 11 comments

The best case for a MeFi waiting period I've ever seen

The best case for a MeFi waiting period I've ever seen Survivorcam 2 gets mentioned, 3-4 people (at last count) sign up to create a stupid thread. Anyone want to invite the good people at Slashdot over?
posted by dogmatic on Sep 21, 2001 - 75 comments

waiting period increases on handguns^H^H^H posts

It was mentioned on another thread that the waiting period to post is now one week (up from 24 hours). This is a very good idea.

As further "crowd control safety" measures, perhaps some mechanism could be developed whereby membership had to be confirmed after one week (in some window of time)? This way, the most casually curious would not be able to post, and would not go into the membership figure total.

In addition, how about some period (6 months?) after which membership would expire?

These features might keep a certain minimal level of seriousness to members and their posts; also, it would be fun to see the "tote board" go down as well as up!
posted by ParisParamus on Apr 11, 2001 - 10 comments

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