2 posts tagged with woman.
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Comment about unsung civil rights heroine?
I recall seeing a comment within the past few months that I am 97% sure was on Metafilter and am trying to hunt down--details are so hazy that I am having trouble searching/Googling. It was about an African-American woman from the late part of the 19th Century or early part of the 20th Century who was an early advocate for civil rights and who is largely overlooked but who has an interesting history. Possibly framed in a "she totally kicked ass" kind of way in said comment. Notably, she managed to get an advanced degree/degrees at a time when that was systemically very challenging. Ring any bells? Know it isn't much to go on.
Gender Experiment
Where is that thread I read about a blogger / webdesigner / freelancer of some kind with very masculine topics who pretended to be a man, now outing herself as a woman? [more inside]