5 posts tagged with xfn.
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Disabled Contacts

7 people just removed me from their contact list! From beyond the MeFi grave! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Mar 13, 2012 - 75 comments

Contact Filters

My little pony: On the contacts page, can we have links to filter contacts based on the XFN links we've applied to them? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Aug 17, 2009 - 19 comments


"Muse" is romantic? [more inside]
posted by Miko on Jul 21, 2008 - 109 comments

Contacts restrictions

I am wondering about the use of radio buttons vs. checkboxes in the "add contacts" page.
posted by Meatbomb on Nov 1, 2006 - 25 comments

we've now got some XFN features in place

Thanks to the hard work of timeistight, we've now got some XFN features in place to do some of that social networking you've read so much about. As of right now, you can add folks as contacts, and describe the relationship optionally. Soon I'll have a page showing contributions to the site from your contacts, so if you have a favorite writer here, add them as a contact and hit that special page later when it's online. Imagine, ssoon you'll be able to say "show me all the questions asked by my friends to Ask MetaFilter" and get a page back showing just that, among other things.

I will definitely be working on the display of this info on user pages, as it currently looks like ass. Sky's the limit once we have this in place with some data. Oh, and I have no idea what a muse is either, anyone know?
posted by mathowie on Jun 15, 2004 - 120 comments

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