3 posts tagged with xmas by jessamyn.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

What are your today traditions?

Even for people who do not celebrate Christmas, December 25th can be a bit of an odd day because a lot of places are closed, there's a sameness to the social media shares, and the internet gets ever so slightly quieter. Whether you celebrate or not, what are some things that you traditionally do today? Or just what are you up to?
posted by jessamyn on Dec 25, 2022 - 73 comments

the holidays are upon us sooner than usual

Can we get the MeFiMall updated and publicized? Thanks!
posted by jessamyn on Nov 15, 2018 - 29 comments

Five Golden Malls -- the fifth year of the MeFi Shops

It's that time of year when people who like that sort of thing can buy/sell stuff to/from other people who like that sort of thing. Last year we had about sixty participants. Interested in being involved in this year's Shops by MeFites? Read on... [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Nov 29, 2011 - 52 comments

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