60 posts tagged with holidays.
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Happy Holidays! What are you doing?
Hi y'all!
With the major holidays reaching their peak this week, how are you spending them this year, what are you up to? Any special travel plans, or particular dishes you’re making this time around? What are you most looking forward to doing?
With the major holidays reaching their peak this week, how are you spending them this year, what are you up to? Any special travel plans, or particular dishes you’re making this time around? What are you most looking forward to doing?
Hey! Community member Wobbuffet suggested we play a MetaFilter type version of bingo, so let's view or download the card, then get into the rules
Complete 5 spots in a row, by making a post or doing the action in the square. You can work in any direction you like (horizontal, vertical, diagonal). Or expand that to include an X, a T, picture frames, a small blackout, a full blackout, whatever your heart desires! Once you're done, return to this thread, type "Bingo" and let us know which squares you did!
When making a post related to this game, please tag it as 'MefiBingo2024'.
There's a few notes inside about categories.
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Complete 5 spots in a row, by making a post or doing the action in the square. You can work in any direction you like (horizontal, vertical, diagonal). Or expand that to include an X, a T, picture frames, a small blackout, a full blackout, whatever your heart desires! Once you're done, return to this thread, type "Bingo" and let us know which squares you did!
When making a post related to this game, please tag it as 'MefiBingo2024'.
There's a few notes inside about categories.
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Go forth and post!
In a recent MeTa thread, Wobbuffet proposed a bingo type game for the site, to encourage folks to make new posts. This sounds like a good idea for December, so come on inside and help us figure out details before we launch this idea. [more inside]
MeFites for the Holidays
During the first Trump administration, we had MetaTalk threads to connect MeFites who had space at their holiday table with other MeFites who may not feel welcome at their family table or who had nowhere special to go. Given the recent election results, we should revive that tradition. [more inside]
2023 Secret Beans Gift Swap Thank You Post
Thank You Internet Stranger for your most wonderful and precious gift . . . [more inside]
What are your today traditions?
Even for people who do not celebrate Christmas, December 25th can be a bit of an odd day because a lot of places are closed, there's a sameness to the social media shares, and the internet gets ever so slightly quieter. Whether you celebrate or not, what are some things that you traditionally do today? Or just what are you up to?
Holiday Greetings/Check-in from the Polar Vortex
For those of us in the North American region, there is a massive storm that's been moving across the continent, dropping snow, rain, high winds, arctic air and general horrible conditions. Sending warm thoughts and prayers for safe travels (or hibernation) to all during this holiday season. Please let us know how you are doing in your corner of the world.
Metatalktail Hour: Holiday Cheer
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! We're deep into the holiday season and rounding the bend towards New Year's. This week I just want to hear about your holidays! Or your non-holidays! Whatever nice things you are doing this month, no matter what holidays you do or don't celebrate!
Metatalktail Hour: Tradition!
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, I'd like to know about a tradition you love. It could be a family tradition, a cultural tradition, or a personal one -- holiday-related or not. And I like to know why you love it, what is great about it! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: If I Ran the Holidays
It is a holiday-filled weekend in the US/UK with Bloomsday, Juneteenth, Father's Day and the Solstice all happening within a few days of each other, and all during Pride Month. So today, on National Hike With a Geek Day, I'd like to know what thing (commemoration, celebration, special event) would you like to make into a holiday? What would happen on that day? Who would it be for or about? Or would there be an existing holiday you'd reconfigure? Or do you have a personal holiday that you celebrate in your own way? [more inside]
MetaFilter has a Mall!
Do you have a thing to sell? Do you want to buy some things from other MeFites? There is a Mall. It's a little homemade, but it's here and it's available for you to put a link or links to things you have for sale. If you had a shop in the mall previously, it's still there (we usually take it down for a reboot after holidays but didn't this year). Here is the link to submit your new shop. If you need to edit/delete a shop, drop us a note at the Contact Form. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Wish List!
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, I have a SUPER-SELFISH metatalktail hour, which is that I want to know what's on your wishlist, because my mother demands we provide her with extensive ones for the holidays and mine is crappy. What is on your realistic wishlist? What books? Movies? Random small appliances? What is on your wild imaginary wishlist, specific private islands? Modernist mansions? TELL ME. What would be the perfect gift for YOU? [more inside]
Holiday Stories to Bring the Cheer
Hi all, I thought I'd contribute to the community by asking this question: what's a favorite holiday moment of yours? It can be silly, sweet, hilarious, anything that brings you a moment of cheer when you remember it. Best wishes during this season and hugs to anyone that wants them.
Random Acts of Kindness
End of another long week, let's carve out a space to talk about something other than politics for those that need that space. Let's talk about random acts of kindness. I just read this news story about a woman who let a stranger ahead of her in line while shopping, the stranger repaid this act of kindness by purchasing some of her items as a thank you. What are some random acts of kindness that you have experienced yourself? Maybe someone bought you a cup of coffee. Or passed on a parking ticket that still had time left on it. It could be the dinner that was paid for without your knowledge. Whatever it is, in keeping with the holiday spirit, let's talk about those random acts of kindness that surprised you. Don't forget that this includes being kind to yourself. Cheers.
MeFites for the Holidays
Continuing a tradition started by filthy light thief this thread is a place for MeFites to connect for the holidays. [more inside]
'Tis the Season
Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Saturnalia! Happy Kwanza! Glad Yul! Happy just another day of work or rest! Whether you celebrate the Christian religious holiday Christmas, or not. I wanted to have a place for us to share some happy with each other. Stay safe and warm. Hug your loved ones and know that you matter. Cheers!
Metatalktails: Alternative Holiday Traditions
Hello friends. Eyebrows McGee is taking a much-needed nap, so I'm here instead this week. Tonight, I want to hear about your alternative holiday traditions. For any holiday at all -- do you celebrate it differently, in a good way? Did your family have a tradition you belatedly realized was just done by you? Did your holiday alternative ever go hilariously wrong? [more inside]
Secret Quonsar 2018: Thank You Thread
Let the happiness and niceness continue!
(This is the official 2018 Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread.)
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange
The link for the MeFi Holiday Card Exchange is within! [more inside]
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning
Who's up for sending more cards for the holidays? (Or receiving!) I plan on coordinating another card exchange this year, if there is interest - I enjoyed receiving cards from MeFites so much last year! [more inside]
secret quonsar 2018: Let the Niceness begin!
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Sunday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Saturday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Friday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2018: Let's Plan!
Friends! It is October and it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Holiday HoliYAY!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, an open thread for the holidays, and I hope you're having lovely ones! Tell us something holiday-y that's up with you.
Secret Quonsar thank you thread (2017)
This is the official Secret Quonsar thank you thread.
Metatalktail Hour: Pre-Holiday Chatter
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Now that Halloween is over, I am ready to GET HYPE for the winter holidays, and with the SUPER-INTENSE SNOWSTORM we had on Friday that made it impossible to drive, but only for an hour, I think the universe is telling me it's time to talk turkey. (And trees and menorahs and festivus poles and kinaras and champagne and red envelopes and logs and orbital mechanics and any other holiday accoutrements that may be common to your culture, family, or religion!) So what is up for the next couple months, what are you looking forward to, what are you making cunning plans to avoid, tell us everything holiday.
Holiday card exchange?
Would anyone be interested in a holiday card exchange?
I'd also be happy to have a list of people who are interested in receiving holiday cards, even if you don't want/can't send any out this year - I love sending mail! [more inside]
MeFites offering seasonal refuge and open homes
As folks gear up for holidays, I know some will be avoiding family for various reasons, so I wanted to set up the second annual thread to facilitate seasonal connections for support and good company (here's the first, from last year). [more inside]
secret quonsar 2017: Signups are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Saturday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Friday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2017: The Planning Thread
Oh look! It's October and it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
Happy Holidays!
Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and for the rest of us I'm sure we'll enjoy Festivus. Share your plans/best present/whatever AND your single best Dec/Jan holiday recipe but YOU MUST PICK ONLY ONE. (It's like Highlander, but for recipes.)
The thread with people opening their homes for Thanksgiving warmed my heart. Let's not forget there are those among us with nowhere to go for Christmas/other winter holidays. [more inside]
MeFites offering refuge for the holidays
In recent (often election) threads, some MeFites have said they're not looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with their families. Others have offered up their homes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here's a MetaTalk thread to facilitate those holiday connections for support and good company. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2016: signups are open
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Friday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Friday, December 2*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
Planning for secret quonsar, 2016 edition
If it's October, it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
Moderators' Day 2016 GET HYPE
Back in 2007 your humble narrator suggested, near the end of a rather challenging day at the comment factory, that we remember and honor June 13th as Moderators' Day henceforth-ish. Please join me in thanking all of our mods - past and present - for the hard and often thankless job they do every day to make MetaFilter one of the best places on the Internet. Thank you cortex, restless_nomad, taz, LobsterMitten, goodnewsfortheinsane, Eyebrows McGee, and vacapinta. Welcome and thank you to our new coder frimble, and special thanks to our moderators emeriti, jessamyn, mathowie, and pb. [more inside]
Happy holidays, Metafilter!
MetaFilter has been an important part of my online life for closing in on two years now, and I'd like to wish everyone happy holidays as well as give other MeFites a forum for general well-wishing and/or holiday kvetching. I wish you all health and happiness!
2015 secret quonsar: sign ups are open!
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Thursday, November 12, and the gift send by (or on) date is Tuesday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 10. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
Planning for secret quonsar: 2015 edition
If it's October, it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
List your stuff in the MeFi Mall!
For the last several years, we've built the MeFi Mall to showcase holiday gift ideas made by MeFi members. This is your annual reminder to get your stuff for sale listed in the MeFi Mall by following the link and submitting your one-line write-up of what you're offering for sale. Thanks! [more inside]
secret quonsar 2014: signups are now open
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Wednesday, November 12, and the send by (or on) date is Monday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, November 10. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
secret quonsar: planning time!
Presents are fun... so let's plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange. Read About it on the Wiki. We need to settle one key question before we start to swapping. [more inside]
Best O' Best Of
What were your favorite long read articles + accompanying threads on the blue in 2013? [more inside]
87: Dungeons and Dragons
Episode 87 of the podcast was recorded on December 9th and runs about 1hr 40min long as we recap our favorite posts from the past five weeks. [more inside]
I'd like to make a Holiday Request. [more inside]
This post is basically 'you're not doing it correctly, do it my way'
Secret quonsar 2011 roundup
It's Secret quonsar Roundup Time! We're trying to make sure everyone gets their gift this year. Please check your email and respond if you have an email from us. If you have any questions talk to us Meanwhile, we thought we'd share some fun statistics and next steps. [more inside]
It's the Most Quonsarful Time of The Year!
THNK U, QUONSAR!!!! [more inside]
secret quonsar 2011: Signups are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 24, and the send by date is Monday, December 5. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 22. Spending Limit: $15. Note: We are doing things a bit differently this year. [more inside]
We are reconsidering that decision
Deep within the bowels of yesterday’s cluster-fuck, it was stated by jessamyn that the operation of the site during holidays was in question. [more inside]
48: Sitting or Standing
Episode 48 was recorded on January 11 and runs about an hour long. We cover our favorite bits of the site over the past month and squeeze in a few more music clips than usual. Enjoy. [more inside]
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