Portland Meetup November 3, 2005 6:44 AM   Subscribe

The last Portland, Oregon MetaFilter meet up was in May. If any Stumptown residents would like to float a time and place to have another, I'd like to put some faces to the local names. (mi)
posted by rebirtha to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:44 AM (85 comments total)

...Of course, I suppose I can float a time and place as well as the next guy, but I'd like to know when people might actually show up. Let's do it before we all sink too deeply into the swamp of winter?
posted by rebirtha at 6:46 AM on November 3, 2005

why's it called Stumptown?
posted by amberglow at 6:53 AM on November 3, 2005

Because I'm a dummy.

No. It's because when Portland was growing rapidly in the 1800s it was growing rapidly enough that sometimes the cut-down stumps were just left.
posted by rebirtha at 6:58 AM on November 3, 2005

We had a great time at the last meetup, so I'm up for it. Let it be soon, before the big holiday rush. What about Vet's day weekend some time? Say, late afternoon on the 12th, so we don't end up in a crowd.
posted by frykitty at 7:31 AM on November 3, 2005

Well...what day & place are you thinking would work?
posted by cmonkey at 7:32 AM on November 3, 2005

I highly recommend that it be downtown, as that is convenient as all heck for me. (And it's central, what with the transit system and all...)

In fact, there's a nice McMenamins pub on SW Clay and Park that we could hog a long table at.
posted by cortex at 7:35 AM on November 3, 2005

That McMenamins does have excellent beer.
posted by cmonkey at 7:41 AM on November 3, 2005

I've been looking for an excuse for a weekend drive down to PDX.
posted by matildaben at 7:52 AM on November 3, 2005

I see...Saturday the 12th...I see...afternoonish...pitchers of Terminator...
posted by cortex at 8:15 AM on November 3, 2005

I haven't met anyone from the internets in a while, so I guess I'll be there. Drunk. Embarrassing everyone.
posted by cmonkey at 8:27 AM on November 3, 2005

*high fives cmonkey, misses, falls over*
posted by cortex at 8:29 AM on November 3, 2005

That sounds great to me, and a good excuse to spend time at the Art Museum beforehand.

See you all at, say, 4pm?
posted by frykitty at 8:37 AM on November 3, 2005

Sounds great. I'll see you there.
posted by rebirtha at 8:41 AM on November 3, 2005

Market Street Pub McMenamins, right?
posted by turbodog at 11:05 AM on November 3, 2005

On the nose, turbodog. For folks who don't know it, it's set into higher side of the street level of a large apartment complex that occupies the whole block.
posted by cortex at 12:53 PM on November 3, 2005

Aw, come on guys. Portland is the beer capital of the world, are you seriously thinking that you can't do better than McMenamins?

McMenamins is to beer what Dennys is to gourmet food. Why not the Rogue Pub, Rock Bottom, or, if we can do it on the weekend, McCormick & Schmick's? The M&S happy hour is all weekend and not to be trifled with. All three are downtown-ish. If you want extremely good food and a ridiculous beer selection, there's the Horsebrass (authentic british pub), or a new favorite of mine, Concordia (my former roomate is a chef there, and oh God they're amazing. (Lindemans Framboise by the pitcher? Why yes, that's just the tip of the delicious beer iceberg).

Then there's Pix Patisserie. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll bankrupt youself here, and if you don't have one yet, you will.

Sorry, I get worked up about this stuff.
posted by mullingitover at 12:54 PM on November 3, 2005

In all fairness, McMenamins is a venerable chain, I'm just a bit biased from having a friend who was a brewer there. According to my beer-brewing colleague, they tend to make their beer on the cheap compared to some of the other brewpubs in town. To name the competition: Laurelwood, Lucky Lab, Roots...
posted by mullingitover at 1:06 PM on November 3, 2005

Well, because I really hate it when we hem and haw about a place and time. It's nice we were able to put something together and go with it. I'd prefer not to throw a wrench in. But then, I don't drink.
posted by frykitty at 1:06 PM on November 3, 2005

Heh. I applaud your enthusiasm. You can officially plan the sequel.
posted by cortex at 1:07 PM on November 3, 2005

If beer isn't a priority, I'd like to submit Pix Patisserie for everyone's approval. It's fairly close to downtown (map) (pic of Pix stuff) and has something for everyone. If you haven't been there, you need to go. If you've already been there, you don't need a lot of convincing to go again. Desserts, espresso, etc., make it all worth it. It's cozy, but if the MeFi mob grows too large there are places for the overflow to spill into: a great brew pub (The Hedge House) in literally spitting distance, an authentic Japanese restaurant, and a Mediterranean fusion cuisine restaurant are all on the same corner.
posted by mullingitover at 1:23 PM on November 3, 2005

Uh, isn't Pix *tiny*? Also, I can't get there, but you guys are certainly welcome to go.

The point of downtown is that all buses (well, most of them) go there. I love you guys, but you aren't worth more than one bus.
posted by frykitty at 1:25 PM on November 3, 2005

and the Market St. is seriously 200 ft from my apartment

*elbows mullingitover in the ribs*

posted by cortex at 1:40 PM on November 3, 2005

Yeah, it would take me two busses to get to Division, as well.
Somewhere downtown is probably best for everyone.

The Pix Patisserie on N Williams, however, is across the street from my house and I haven't been arsed to go in
posted by cmonkey at 2:06 PM on November 3, 2005

Actually, I just remembered that the 4 goes up Division, not the 14. So it would only take me one bus.

posted by cmonkey at 2:11 PM on November 3, 2005

Uh, isn't Pix *tiny*? Also, I can't get there, but you guys are certainly welcome to go.

The point of downtown is that all buses (well, most of them) go there. I love you guys, but you aren't worth more than one bus.
posted by frykitty at 1:25 PM PST on November 3 [!]

Yes, it is, but how many people are planning to show? See also: the places next door to Pix that I listed, in the event of a Patisserie Mefi mosh pit. If Mathowie decides to roll, I'm making a standing offer to buy him a Dobos Torte.

*elbows mullingitover in the ribs*

Ok, I forgot it's Portland and nobody drives here. I understand, I don't drive either. Viva velo and stuff.

McCormick & Schmicks? It doesn't get much more downtown than that. It's on 235 SW 1ST Ave, the MAX runs right in front of it, and on the weekend & happy hour you can get a 1/2 pound burger for $1.95, along with other similarly ridiculous deals.
posted by mullingitover at 2:28 PM on November 3, 2005

Wait...why don't we all just show up at mathowie's house? That would be the best MeFi meetup ever!
posted by mullingitover at 2:30 PM on November 3, 2005

Damn, dude, you really hate McMenamins, don't you? :)
posted by cmonkey at 2:34 PM on November 3, 2005

Heh. I have traumatic memories relating to M&S's, but if people want a change of venue then so be it.
posted by cortex at 2:35 PM on November 3, 2005

They're not terrible, they're just really low on my culinary totem pole. I'd put them in a class slightly above Chilis: a chain restaurant with lots of character, but mediocre pub fare. If this were a town in the midwest a McMenamins would probably be my favorite restaurant. But this is Portland, and the restaurants and brewpubs that put them to shame are legion here.
posted by mullingitover at 2:41 PM on November 3, 2005

I'm trying to get myself moved to Portland, so perhaps I'll see ya'll at the next next one.
posted by ToasT at 2:42 PM on November 3, 2005

Ah, but the lowbrow charm and predicitability works for it. Pint of ruby and fires with malt vinegar and salt on em? Soothes the soul! Heals all wounds!
posted by cortex at 2:55 PM on November 3, 2005

McCormick & Schmicks?


I'm just gonna drop it at this point. No, I'm not walking in the door of a major republican donor if I can help it. But that's a whole other argument.

You guys have fun.
posted by frykitty at 2:56 PM on November 3, 2005

Now look what you've done!

*me elbows mullingitover's ribs with renewed vigor*
posted by cortex at 3:04 PM on November 3, 2005

I'm not too into McCormick & Schmicks myself, a bit too fancy and the bartender was an asshole the one time I went in there.
posted by cmonkey at 3:22 PM on November 3, 2005

Seriously, though. Does anyone (with the exception of mullingitover, who, I can sense in my secret heart, is a generous and flexible person willing to take one for the team) have a serious objection to Market Street? I don't want to see this thing fall apart like some inchoate Breakfast Club when we started off so darned well.
posted by cortex at 3:24 PM on November 3, 2005


*me and sb
** we might not.

posted by fishfucker at 3:37 PM on November 3, 2005

Gosh, I had no idea I would've inadvertently led our humble gathering into Portland's seedy republican underbelly. I'll admit I've only been there once, after a fifty-mile bike ride. I inhaled the dirt cheap, delicious half pound burger and swore I'd return. This news of M&S being involved with reactionaries is disconcerting. What am I going to discover next, that I can't shop at Wal-Mart? Alas.

I'm not violently opposed to McMenamins, I just felt that there were better places to spend our ill-earned dollars.

I still say we should show up at Matt's house.
posted by mullingitover at 4:19 PM on November 3, 2005

1. Get drunk at McMenamins
2. Show up at Matt's place
3. ???
posted by cortex at 4:28 PM on November 3, 2005

It sounds like M & S is out if we want to see frykitty, which we do. McMenamins? Rock Bottom? mullingitover suggested some decent drink-ups, and some of them have a decent atmosphere for the non-boozers among us. Folks, let us find a place we are all at least not discontented with.
posted by rebirtha at 5:38 PM on November 3, 2005

FISHFUCKER: you, me, salmonberry - vancouver. late december. 2005. c'mon. we can drink with CANADIANS
posted by cmonkey at 5:39 PM on November 3, 2005

McMenamins, as a whole, is "just okay". But, if you're going to do McMenamins right, do the Kennedy School.

Pix does have beer. Good beer at that(off the wall imports). But it's in bottles, the place is tiny, but they have a faux fridge full'o fun fancies! Milles Borne anyone :)?
posted by mnology at 5:58 PM on November 3, 2005

McMenamins is fine. Rogue is much better.
posted by Dean Keaton at 6:02 PM on November 3, 2005

After a day's worth of deliberation, it sounds to me as if our most likely candidates for a satisfying meet up are McMenamins Market Square, Rock Bottom, or any other nice place in the downtown/near-downtown area, for the sake of ease of attendance. Rogue also sounds good-- depending on where folks are, there are a few buses (and the streetcar) going into that area. I like the idea of buying mathowie desserts until he pops, but Pix may be impractical. If a new consensus on a snappier location seems far-fetched, I think we should stick with McMenamins. Anyone? Everyone?
posted by rebirtha at 9:36 PM on November 3, 2005

>1. Get drunk at McMenamins
>2. Show up at Matt's place
3. Profit!

Cortex, you found the missing step!

I say we stick with Market Street Pub McMenamin's this time, and spend the rest of the thread arguing over the venue for next May's meetup. It's central, at least a local chain, and while there are places with better beer, the McMenamin's beer does not suck. (it's not like we suggesting having the meetup in Beaverton or something)

Besides, It's on The Internets now, it must be true.

Anyone object to Saturday, November 12th, start rolling in around 2ish?

That said, wherever we end up, I need to dig back into a bit of metafilter lore that most of you newer folks don't know about. Before metatalk existed, Matt setup a simple message board on haughey.com for discussion relating to metafilter. It's how metatalk was eventually created.

Anyway, one day Jason Kottke (then a lowly webhead from Minnesota and not yet a Professional Blogger™) started griping how there were hundreds and hundred of Metafilter members, and how soon there would be thousands and thousands.

Someone pointed out that this was obvious and unavoidable, (I think it was Sippy) and that we should start thinking of ways to exploit these new members.

It was decided that any member with a user number over 2500 would be compelled to purchase drinks for any sub-400 member if they should ever meet in public. I know this seems harsh, elitist and unfair, but considering the original proposal involved bound oral sex, a few free pitchers or porter for Matt, I and any other old timers who show up is a cheap price for a brush with internet fame.
posted by alana at 10:18 PM on November 3, 2005

Alan, we've long since converted this to a rolling window -- drinks are now owed to a given user by all users of greater but not more than thrice greater user number.
posted by cortex at 5:38 AM on November 4, 2005

Good news. I'm going to be in Portland. Oregon, even.

Bad news. This weekend, not next. Funny, I missed the St. Louis meetup by being in Chicago, (and, in the degenerate case, the Chicago meetup (and all of the others) by being in St. Louis.

Oh, well.
posted by eriko at 6:44 AM on November 4, 2005

2pm or 4pm?
posted by cmonkey at 6:50 AM on November 4, 2005

I like 4 better, and that was the original call. Do people want to start earlier, though? No strong reason not to, if that's where preferences lie.
posted by cortex at 8:53 AM on November 4, 2005

Anyone got a couch/guest room I can crash for Saturday night so I don't have to drive back up to Seattle the same day? I don't smoke, am nice to pets, and don't seduce spouses.
posted by matildaben at 9:32 AM on November 4, 2005

I missed the 4pm start and just put in 2pm thinking "afternoon". Unless anyone objects I'll change that to 4pm
posted by alana at 9:40 AM on November 4, 2005

posted by cortex at 10:48 AM on November 4, 2005

Oh man. Completely wrong thread.

*blushes, backs out*
posted by cortex at 10:49 AM on November 4, 2005

Ah man, I always miss these things by a day or two. Anyways, I vote for the New Old Lompoc in May.
posted by Staggering Jack at 1:06 PM on November 4, 2005

The Hedgehouse (saw beer/owners as New Old Lompoc) but with more space and nicer environs would be even better (for May).
posted by turbodog at 2:24 PM on November 4, 2005

*same beer/owners
posted by turbodog at 2:24 PM on November 4, 2005

Changed time to 4, but if you want to show up at 2 and get loaded, I'm sure no one would object :)
posted by alana at 4:22 PM on November 4, 2005

Ok I'm going to this one darn it, do I ask for the metafilter group at the door or will there be a banner? And did matildaben ever find a place to stay?
posted by yodelingisfun at 10:45 PM on November 4, 2005

If the weather permits, I'll come home for this one too. Right now I am looking outside at ice forming on everything.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies at 11:38 PM on November 4, 2005

I can be there at 4 sharp, perhaps a little before, to act as welcoming committee. It's not so damn big that we'll need a banner; just head toward the back with an inquisitive look on your face. Looking for a dork with a laptop is probably a good idea.
posted by cortex at 7:35 AM on November 5, 2005

I'll be there before four too, maybe with a Metafilter sign to guide the confused and some paper for shout-outs. matildaben, I'm sorry I can't put you up-- with luck one of the other Portlanders can, else I might recommend a night at the hostel downtown or on Hawthorne, both of which I've stayed at and are fun and cheap. Sadly for our live-updates potential, the closest personal telco node is at 10th & Park, but maybe we can catch one at nearby PSU.
posted by rebirtha at 10:05 AM on November 5, 2005

You mean Salmon and Park? And, yeah, there's a Coffee People there with (as I understand it) free wifi.

There's also a Starbucks a block from the Market St, but that of course is per-fee.

I wonder if there's any residential wifi that bleeds into the pub? Apartment complex all around, after all. Maybe I'll do a test run with the laptop.
posted by cortex at 11:29 AM on November 5, 2005

No one offered me a place to stay yet, nope. My buddy the cartoonist has some pals down there that I can look up.
posted by matildaben at 12:52 PM on November 5, 2005

cortex: yeah, that one.
posted by rebirtha at 5:59 PM on November 5, 2005

FISHFUCKER: you, me, salmonberry - vancouver. late december. 2005. c'mon. we can drink with CANADIANS

possibly. Let me see if I can get the gf on board.
posted by fishfucker at 10:41 AM on November 7, 2005

I have a spare room but I also have two dogs and a cat as well as a room-mate so depending on how easy going you are, it's an option.
posted by yodelingisfun at 11:04 AM on November 7, 2005

26 hours and counting!
posted by cortex at 1:48 PM on November 11, 2005

OK, I'm leaving Seattle at 10 am so I can have some time in Powell's before I come see you folks. Is it at Market Street Pub McMenamin's at 4 pm? I'm bringing a random hanger-on with me so we'll drive back the same night.
posted by matildaben at 7:30 PM on November 11, 2005

I'll be seeing you all there after a day slogging around downtown. Yes, it's 4 pm, matildaben, at the Market Street Pub.
posted by rebirtha at 10:40 PM on November 11, 2005

Rock? Yes. And roll.
posted by cortex at 7:19 AM on November 12, 2005

The fact that it is suddenly raining changes NOTHING.
posted by cortex at 3:12 PM on November 12, 2005

posted by cortex at 7:56 PM on November 12, 2005

I dunno I'm kinda skeeved out by alan/alex. do you have pictures up yet?
posted by yodelingisfun at 8:51 PM on November 12, 2005

Personally, I was surprised to discover that Specklet is a man with big sideburns. Oh, and matildaben gives great scalp. Just so everyone knows...
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies at 9:08 PM on November 12, 2005

wow you got home fast! ok my flickr is all set up and ready, should someone post to metatalk or just link it here?
posted by yodelingisfun at 9:16 PM on November 12, 2005

What's a flickr account?
posted by alana at 9:29 PM on November 12, 2005

GAH, NYC has a post up, hurry up!
posted by alana at 9:41 PM on November 12, 2005

shit shit shit
gotta edit photos
can't sleep clown'll eat me
posted by cortex at 10:32 PM on November 12, 2005

further: let's post a MeTa, but let's git our shit together first
posted by cortex at 10:47 PM on November 12, 2005

I have my photos and those of yodelingisfun set up in two sets. & yeah, alan, you're skeevy.
posted by rebirtha at 10:53 PM on November 12, 2005

cortex, do you have a set to add to the post? You live closest; I sort of thought you would be done with your editing already. Also: my group shot was blurry. Does anyone have a clear one?
posted by rebirtha at 11:02 PM on November 12, 2005

I embrace the skeeve, so long as I am king "fuck with you" of metafilter.
posted by alana at 2:31 AM on November 13, 2005

See I'm thinking that you sorta HAVE to embrace the skeeve..
posted by yodelingisfun at 3:39 AM on November 13, 2005

I told alan/alex that he is cute and a fucker. That about sums it up.

I'll post my flickrs later. When I remember what's a flickr. And recover from my hangover.
posted by matildaben at 7:45 AM on November 13, 2005

All right, I'm going to go ahead and put up links to my shots and yodelingisfun's. matildaben, it must have been all those martinis (or did we establish that those were simply shots of vodka that had a nodding acquaintance with vermouth after all.) I had the impression that cortex had some pictures he might contribute, but maybe he went to sleep or some such.
posted by rebirtha at 8:04 AM on November 13, 2005

Shockingly enough, I did go to bed. I'll get my shots up and drop them into a comment. Woo yeah fun!
posted by cortex at 8:15 AM on November 13, 2005

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