67 posts tagged with portland.
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cortex + donuts = 🌈
At the end of October our fearless and inimitable leader gave a talk called Keeping Web Communities Healthy in a Dark Timeline at a Donut.js meetup. It included copious amounts of swearing and the observation that "the web can be not shitty." I highly recommend that you take 17 minutes out of your week and watch. Warm fuzzies likely but not guaranteed.
Anyone wanna go see Serenity in PDX tomorrow night? [more inside]
11th Anniversary Meetup
This July 17th, in Portland, OR, is going to be an 11th Anniversary Meetup. Be here or be square. [more inside]
10.9.1, it's on.
It Has Been Decided (beer may have been involved). MeFi PDX 10.9.1 at Enchanted Forest. Logistics and details within. [more inside]
MC Frontalot Meetup
MeFi mod favorite MC Frontalot is playing Dante's in Portland this Monday night. Monday night gigs are usually sparsely attended so I was thinking we could fill the crowd with PDX mefites. Here's how: I'll buy a ticket for any MeFi member standing in front of Dante's at 7:45pm. Let's do this.
PDX Yuletide meetup
Portland "bah-humbug" meetup, Dec. 25 at Powell's Books downtown. Coffee, conversation, and board & card games. [more inside]
PDX 10.3
Portland Meetup, at the secret house at NW 21st and Hoyt. Friday Oct. 16th, 7pm. Memail me for address and secret password.
PDX 10.2
They Can Kill Me But They Cannot Eat Me: PDX 10.2 this Saturday, It is Happening. [more inside]
Let's keep it plain: it's a meet-up in Maine.
Who's in for an Original Portland™ meet-up with Cortex on September 12th? [more inside]
Fuck Yes PDX! Next meet-up?
Fuck Yeah Portland Mefites. Now onto the next one! [more inside]
We don't need JetBlue to have cortex at our meetup
PDX MeFi 10.1 meetup?
Once was not enough. PDX makeup meeting in honour of dersins, same place, different time? [more inside]
Portland Meetup pictures
PDX MeFi-10 set on my Flickr page - let me know if you want larger-sized JPG files for printing, and I'll email 'em to ya gratis.
impromptu PDX meetup Monday, May 18th?
Anybody want to meet up for food and/or drinks in Portland, OR, this upcoming Monday, May 18th? [more inside]
So it's pronounced Or-uh-gun?
Portland OR meetup in late January? [more inside]
Portland, OR Obama Victory Meetup!
Portland, OR Obama Victory Meetup! [more inside]
wordstock is for word lovers
Attention Portland, OR mefites: Portland's literary festival, WordStock, occurs November 8th and 9th. [more inside]
Portland, Maine meetup?
Time for another Portland, Maine meetup? [more inside]
PDX Meetup in Sept
PDX Meetup? I missed the last one. And the one before that. And I really want to make it to one, really I do. [more inside]
not maine, oregon, let's meet in portland
Portland Oregon, let's meet up Friday or Saturday! [more inside]
Portland, ME meetup on July 2nd?
Short notice: meetup in Portland, ME on July 2nd? [more inside]
PDX Meetup
Portland, OR Meetup? Looking back, it's been a looong time since a Portland Meetup. Any one interested? [more inside]
Portland Maine and The King of Kong Informal Meetup
Any other Maine-folk planning to see The King of Kong at SPACE Gallery? [more inside]
Thanksgiving jive turkey festival
Portland, OR MeFites: Far from home this Thanksgiving? Us too. Please attend our Orphan's Thanksgiving dinner/short film festival! [more inside]
Twofer Tuesday
Tuesday, October 23rd, The Harvey Girls (lots of mefi members) and Steve Golberg (ludwig_van) bring the rock to Kelly's Olympian in Portland along with The Minor Thirds (no mefi connection but I can throw them a free account for a mefi trifecta of rawk). Anyone up for a live music school-night meetup?
MeFi's 8th Anniversary Party: Ground Kontrol, Portland
Twofer: Los Angeles and Portland meetups?
I'm visiting Portland, OR from July 21 to July 27, and it would be really groovy to meet up with some MeFites while I'm up there. Any takers? Suggestions on location and time welcome.
Also, I'll be at the Grand Hallows Ball in Los Angeles on July 20, ready to get my grubby hands on my copy of Harry Potter and the Somethingsomethingwhatever. There's a good chance I'll be wearing a cape. Any LA peeps who'd like to join me would be good company.
Any Pre-Party Parties Going On?
Is anybody doing anything in Portland before the big party tomorrow? I've been traveling the western states with my camera looking for interesting sites to see, and I will be driving from Seattle where my parents are to Portland tomorrow. I'm just not sure if it's worth getting to town before 7 or not.
Party RSVP for Portland
Portland meetup party is less than two weeks away, and I need to do a head count. If you're attending the 8th anniversary party, please RSVP on this page. Thanks!
Portland Meetup Thread
Can we unlock this Portland Meetup thread?
Portland/SoPo Maine meetup?
South Portland/Portland, ME meetup? I'll be in town for a few days, and I have Sunday 3/25 free.
Portland (OR) <3 Apple
It's an Apple town right to the core. That is the headline on an article in the (Portland) Oregonian.
Love you Portland!
Just wanted to shout-out some thanks to them's that truly deserves it... (more inside)
Meetup reminder: Portland on short notice
REMINDER: Short notice Portland Meetup tonight at the (very soon to be closed) Rose and Raindrop, 7PM until drunk o'clock.
Short notice Portland, OR meetup?
Short notice Portland OR meetup?
Portland Meetup
Portland, OR Saturday, 1/13/07... Quasi-Meetup at Pi-Rem
Portland Meetup proposal
Portland Meetup proposal: The Harvey Girls (of whom I'm now part!) are playing at Valentines (232 SW Ankeny) Weds. December 6th. 9:30ish. More inside!
Portland meetup photos Oct 2006
10/28/2006 Raw, unedited Portland meetup pics. Warning: May contain beer. The first (last) pic says it all.
Portland Oregon Meetup
Portland Oregon Meetup - Saturday October 28th at the Rose and Raindrop, 3-ish?
portland meetup at mississippi pizza
Portland Meetup pre-meetup? Tonight scottandrew is playing Mississippi pizza from 6pm-8pm. I'll be there. cortex? frykitty? You guys down?
Portland meetup
Portland meetup? It is Rocktober after all...
Portland Meetup Reminder
Portland, OR Meetup reminder. Rose & Raindrop, Saturday 6/3, 6:00 PM PDT.
How about a Portland, Oregon meetup?
How about a Portland, Oregon meetup May 19, 20 or 21? Somewhere near the Pearl district would be great.
Portland Meetup
Dear Portland, Oregon:
How are you? I've been thinking that we should be going out and getting righteously tanked one of these days. How would late May sound? Where shall we meet?
How are you? I've been thinking that we should be going out and getting righteously tanked one of these days. How would late May sound? Where shall we meet?
Northwest Meetup
Reminder: The Grand Seattle/Portland/Vancouver Meetup is this Saturday, April 29, 6 pm at the Elysian.
Where are the Portland Meetup Pics?
So, Portlanders, I see London meetup pics, where are the PDX pics?
portland oregon meetup
Portland, OR1 meetup, this Satruday, the Lucky Lab...what time is this nonsense starting?
1. We're hotter than you too Maine.
1. We're hotter than you too Maine.
Portland Oregon meetup
And on a rainy night, when rubber tires sucked the asphalt and handsome women walked a perilous beat, consensus was called upon in Portland, Oregon. February 18th; name the time and place.
Portland Meetup
Will Portland, Oregon accommodate a Yarthonto! Metafilter meetup? MatildaBen, DFT, alan, cortex et al, I'm talking to you. February 11th or 18th, else we'll meet on a Tuesday, baby.
I'll post again about this later in the new year. Pacific Northwest MeFites, I'm talking to you.
I'll post again about this later in the new year. Pacific Northwest MeFites, I'm talking to you.
Portland Meetup
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