Read The Fantastic Article March 14, 2013 6:41 AM   Subscribe

threeblindmice, could you try Reading The Fantastic Article?

For some time, 3bm, you've made lots of comments that show you haven't read the links, like: here, here, here, and here.

You've also posted at least one link that says the opposite of what you claim, like: here.

Could you read the links? I know there are a great many links, and lots of people think that the conversation here on MetaFilter is the best part - but the conversation is founded on the information in the links.
posted by the man of twists and turns to Etiquette/Policy at 6:41 AM (31 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

I thought it was The Fucking Article.
posted by jonmc at 6:50 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

This is going to go well.
posted by dfriedman at 6:51 AM on March 14, 2013 [9 favorites]

Old school individual call out. Nice. Haven't seen one of these in a while.

Also, it is The Fucking Article and now I'm not sure if I can take this call out seriously.
posted by nooneyouknow at 6:53 AM on March 14, 2013 [6 favorites]

Note: Help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion by focusing comments on the issues, topics, and facts at hand—not at other members of the site.
posted by flabdablet at 6:56 AM on March 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

How is 3bm supposed to know JSTOR doesn't have access to time travel technology?
posted by kmz at 6:58 AM on March 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

Awesome. He's the last one, so once you set him straight nobody on Metafilter will ever comment without reading the fantastic article.

Now let's talk about him like he's not in the room. I heard he used to eat paste in the third grade.
posted by bondcliff at 7:00 AM on March 14, 2013 [11 favorites]

Note: Help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion by focusing comments on the issues, topics, and facts at hand—not at other members of the site.

That's exactly what it says at the bottom of a MetaFilter page. This, however, is MetaTalk.
posted by LionIndex at 7:01 AM on March 14, 2013 [10 favorites]

flabdablet: this isn't the blue.
posted by ryanrs at 7:01 AM on March 14, 2013

*shakes fist at LionIndex*
posted by ryanrs at 7:02 AM on March 14, 2013

Really confused as to why this is an individual callout.

1. Could have been a memail.
2. Lots of people do this.
posted by batmonkey at 7:02 AM on March 14, 2013

I recommend memail when you need to talk to someone individually. This way everybody sees it, which I'm sure wasn't what you intended.
posted by dfan at 7:06 AM on March 14, 2013 [2 favorites]

I don't understand this callout. Correcting three blind mice's egregious misstatements about TFA is a perennial source of favorites for all.
posted by shakespeherian at 7:07 AM on March 14, 2013 [31 favorites]

So, basically, one person posted something with which another person disagrees and this second person thinks that publicly discussing that disagreement is a way to resolve his grievance.

Yup. No different than kindergarten.
posted by dfriedman at 7:11 AM on March 14, 2013

My ass, in kindergarten we got to go outside.
posted by griphus at 7:21 AM on March 14, 2013 [21 favorites]

And the fights were by the bike racks.

That said, I've long thought TBM was more interested in stirring the pot than actual discourse. I'm not surprised this callout happened.
posted by Pogo_Fuzzybutt at 7:24 AM on March 14, 2013 [2 favorites]

posted by Capt. Renault at 7:28 AM on March 14, 2013 [2 favorites]

So, basically, one person posted something with which another person disagrees and this second person thinks that publicly discussing that disagreement is a way to resolve his grievance.

This is actually one of the things that MetaTalk is for. tmotat ran this idea by me over email and I said that I thought it was actually a good idea. You're not supposed to make MeFi threads about an individual but sometimes people's individual behavior or approach is felt to be disruptive or problematic. MeTa is where you discuss that with other members of the site. People used it more for this in the past, but it's a totally acceptable way to us it in the present as well.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:37 AM on March 14, 2013 [16 favorites]

posted by Elementary Penguin at 7:38 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

I am saddened that griphus's ass no longer gets to go outside. Perhaps we should take up a collection.
posted by Kirth Gerson at 7:39 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

one person posted something with which another person disagrees and this second person thinks that publicly discussing that disagreement is a way to resolve his grievance.

It's better than hitting. That's what we used to do in kindergarten.
posted by octobersurprise at 7:43 AM on March 14, 2013

1. Could have been a memail.
2. Lots of people do this.

But perhaps not as well as I do? I'm a little bit flattered by the attention. The only thing worse than being talked about and all that.

This is however man of twists and turns (if that is your real name) a fair comment and I will try to take it on board. Send me a mail next time before you call me out on the grey.

more interested in stirring the pot than actual discourse.

Also a fair comment, but it's better when other people do the actual discourse. Everyone uses this place in a different way. For me I am working often alone and this is my coffee pot conversation. I don't get to dwell on the site for any long period of time. My schedule doesn't allow me to do much more than pop in and pop out. The great thing about Metafilter is that one does not have to carry every argument himself because there are plenty of other people to pick it up or correct errors.

This is actually one of the things that MetaTalk is for.

No. This is actually one of the things Memail is for. But people do love the public flogging.

I retire now to my hole in the wainscotting. Please. Continue.
posted by three blind mice at 7:44 AM on March 14, 2013 [16 favorites]

I am amused by people publicly calling out the man of twists and turns instead of sending a memail for publicly calling out three blind mice instead of sending a memail.
posted by Jahaza at 7:49 AM on March 14, 2013 [28 favorites]

Although this is going to fuel my recurring nightmare of a call out that is essentially man Angrycat is such a nuisance and by the way she has awful mousy hair

I'm confused: should we call you out for misrepresenting yourself as a cat, or for the violence that led to mouse bits in your hair?
posted by zombieflanders at 7:51 AM on March 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

Close this thing up?
posted by Reggie Knoble at 7:52 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

I'll second closing it. That was a decent response from three blind mice and the closed thread will still do the job of reminding folk to RTFA.
posted by greenish at 7:54 AM on March 14, 2013 [2 favorites]

Remember that Meta thread where everyone got a star by their name because for that one thread every metasneetch had stars on thars? I just remembered that, and have a solution!

Individual callouts for failure to RTFA will never work, because not RTFAing is just people on the internet being people on the internet. Good rule of thumb, but in practice it works about as well as DNFTT. Which also means it's not something moderation can really address either, short of making rocks fall so everyone dies. In a textual sense. It's possible they could delete comments that clearly, beyond any reasonable doubt, had not RTFA, but that seems overkill.

What should happen instead is this: when comments clearly haven't RTFA, they should get a little dunce cap icon next to their name for that thread.

Other than that, they can natter on without reading as much as they like. It's just that everyone who participates in the thread will know the score and can prioritize engagement accordingly to instead discuss with others who've at least pretended to RTFA more successfully.
posted by Drastic at 7:54 AM on March 14, 2013

Send me a mail next time before you call me out on the grey.

I will. Thanks for your consideration.

I too think this can be closed.
posted by the man of twists and turns at 7:55 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

Jessamyn: This is actually one of the things that MetaTalk is for.

tbm: No. This is actually one of the things Memail is for.

I feel comrade 292 is more convincing in this instance
posted by biffa at 7:57 AM on March 14, 2013 [12 favorites]

This is however...a fair comment and I will try to take it on board.

I will. Thanks for your consideration.

You two sure are taking a long path to the inevitable flameout. Could you speed things up a bit? Thanks.
posted by nobody at 8:00 AM on March 14, 2013 [14 favorites]

Oh, please leave it open. I'm up for some witty banter and repartee!

In before the close.
posted by slogger at 8:00 AM on March 14, 2013

Sounds good, I'm fine closing this up.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 8:01 AM on March 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

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