211 posts tagged with links.
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Question about opening links on MeFi
This may have been asked before - but is there a rationale for opening links in the same tab as the post, as opposed to opening the links in a new tab? I prefer the latter, but can live with the former, I'm just curious about the reasoning. My somewhat-educated guess would be that the 'same tab' behavior is compatible with browsers that don't support tabs, but that is just a guess.
Updating crisis resource links, aka help for "There Is Help"
The Wiki's There Is Help page is a great service. It offers links for emergencies, mental health, grief, homelessness, general survival. But it was last updated in the summer of 2020. [more inside]
Too Many Links
This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless.
My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]
Linking urls as links
It feels to me like I am seeing more and more urls just copy-pasted into comments, where people haven’t bothered adding them as links. It’s really easy to add a link, even when using Metafilter on a phone. On the bottom right of the input box, just click where it says “link” and copy-paste the url there in addition to in the text of the comment. Then make sure the text you want to be the clickable link is in between the tags (the two sets of angled brackets). Is there some reason people aren’t doing this? Is there a good way to encourage people to do it without berating them in threads or in a MetaTalk post like this? [more inside]
rel="nofollow" in this day and age
Should there be an easy way to mark links as rel="nofollow" or otherwise indicate that they are not endorsements? [more inside]
Archive link request
The use of archive sites to get around paywalls has been discussed a few times already. I'd like to foreground a request: when using an archive link, please also include the original link. This is for 2 reasons... [more inside]
Bookshop vs Amazon
Hey, have we thought about switching up our affiliate links (at least for books) from Amazon to Bookshop? It’s apparently a platform for indie bookshops set up specifically to keep them afloat and to break Amazon’s stranglehold over online book purchases. [more inside]
Time to change from HTML?
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before recently, but are there any plans to change or add on text coding options beyond HTML? Like Markdown or rich text? [more inside]
Pony Request: URL Coding for Telephone Numbers
Could MeFi please consider implementing the
function for links? (more inside) [more inside]Bug linking to Instagram from Metafilter?
Do links to Instagram cause weird browser behavior for you? If so, is this a Metafilter issue, a browser issue, an Instagram issue, or what? [more inside]
Hand pain and links
I can’t be the only person on this site with hand pain. Carpal tunnel is pervasive, and lots of people have arthritis. For those of us who have hand pain, it hurts to click on a link. So I generally don’t go to links unless I know there’s something I want to see. Sometimes people link using a word like “this” or “here” with no other explanation. If someone, say, asks for muffin recipes and I want to contribute one, I have to click on the vague links to make sure I’m not repeating what that person said. And having to click on a link without knowing what it is is annoying even for people without hand pain. I’m guessing this is something many people don’t even think about. Fellow MeFites, I’d like to ask you to think about it. Please identify your mystery links.
Let’s see what’s out there
With the December Post Contest beginning tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to review and update this conversation from 2013 of possible places where ideas for fun Metafilter posts can be found. Please feel free to share where you find the stuff you post to Mefi in the comments. [more inside]
I hate autoplay videos.
I'm 99.9% sure that there's no practical way to get the user base to stop linking to sites that have autoplay video embedded in them, but as a techno-doof, I'm wondering if there's any kind of, I don't know, pass-through or something that can generate URLs that set autoplaying videos to not play? Like an appended bit of code along with all the tracking kerfuffle on the URL?
Failing that, any recommendations for video autoplay blockers for Chrome that actually work would be most welcome. My test page (which all the autoplay blockers fail at blocking autoplay on) is this one, which was linked from this post.
Any chance of marking Twitter links like Youtube ones?
I'm wondering if there's any interest in marking links to Twitter in the same way that we already mark links to Youtube, so that people who want to avoid them can do so more easily. [more inside]
Marking links to tweets
There are a lot of links to tweets where the link text is the text of the tweet. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate not having to click a mystery link to find out what it says, and I understand that we want to cite our sources, but it's annoying to click something expecting to read about some topic and find that I've already read everything there is to read. Could we have some sort of post-link marker to indicate that clicking the link will take you to a tweet that says exactly what the link says? Maybe [tw] or [twpic] or something if the tweet has no other text but some multimedia content? [more inside]
Wanda: No. Not to me. To Archie. And make it good, or we're dead.
It's been very politely brought to my attention that several of the links I've pointed to in the latest incarnation of the Great Trump Inaugural Thread had already been posted by others. I could blame the length of the thread & the loading time or whatnot but the truth is I haven't been as diligent in checking first as I should have been. I honestly feel quite bad about it & decided to make a post here as both penance for myself & reminder to others. I apologize to all & will make sure to check more thoroughly going forward.
Pony request: Ctrl/Command-K for new hyperlnks
A lot of websites and text editors use Ctrl/Command-K to insert a hyperlink around a highlighted selection of text. It'd be great to have a similar shortcut on Metafilter to speed up post creation!
This MetaTalk is blocked in your country on copyright grounds.
Minor pony request: flag for "I can't access the principal content this entire post is built around."
Major pony request: some sort of automated "the links in this post are not viewable in the following areas, are you sure you want to proceed?" [more inside]
Two hundred tiny tweets?
The formatting of the story in the How I Quit Spin post drives me up the wall, and I propose that we should avoid linking to stories formatted that way on Metafilter. [more inside]
Treat member's websites as external links?
I have my preferences set to open links in a new window, but if I click on a user's website from their Profile page, the site opens in the same window. Is it possible to get those links to act like other external links? Is there a downside to changing it that I'm not seeing?
Almost-paywalls, not quite subscription only.
This is just to say that I was disappointed I couldn't access the article linked in this FPP, and the link was essentially the entire FPP. [more inside]
Recent Amazon Links not working
A Metafilter Labs project, Recent Amazon Links, either isn't working or nobody has posted a link to an Amazon product for a couple of days, which I've never seen happen before. As a gadget addict, I'm wondering if something's broken or are other things being prioritized? Is anyone else experiencing this?
Why do people sometimes link to the thread they are posting in?
I fairly often come across links in comments where people clearly intended to link to to a page elsewhere, but their link is to the very thread they are commenting on.
For example chrchr clearly intended to link to the show The Americans at some other page, perhaps Wikipedia or IMDB.
Are people confused how to create a link? Is there are bug changing some submitted links into the link to the thread after they submit their comment?
Foreign language links
There's a wonderful celebrity meltdown happening in Paris right now. I could put together an interesting post with basic summaries in English, but the best links would be in French. Does MetaFilter have a policy on non-English links?
My thoughts are to provide them, and offer an English translation of one or two key paragraphs.
(I would think this would have come up before, but didn't find one in the FAQs or through searching, but I might have missed this).
Descriptive Links
A request: When possible, please consider using descriptive text in your links, especially when linking to Amazon or any other website that doesn't show useful information in the URL. [more inside]
A suggestion for multi-link posts
I like multi-link posts like this one very much. But sometimes, there are so many links that I don't know where to start. [more inside]
My God, it's full of links!
Do we know what post has the largest number of links ever? I would imagine this current post would be a contender.
Sometimes a big block of text with multiple links is appropriate for a post, sometimes some short descriptive text and a link and sometimes really all that is required is a single link. However it seems that in recent Meta posts the later gets short shrift, so with that in mind: Single link posters of Mefi, keep up the good work!
Read The Fantastic Article
threeblindmice, could you try Reading The Fantastic Article? [more inside]
Previous and Next Links While Browsing by Tag
When browsings by tag the only page nav links are numbers which takes careful aim to hit on a Nexus 7. "Previous" and "Next" links would greatly ease finger-based navigation.
Linky Pony: URL search for previous postings
I'm much more of a Green user than a Blue user. However, I came across an article that might be interesting for FPP submission that was published in December.
I realized that I didn't really have any way of finding out whether this particular article had been posted before, without knowing the keywords that someone might have used to describe it.
Might it be possible to create a 'search by url' function, either in the 'new post' page or somewhere else, to be able to paste in a url and see whether it's been linked to on MeFi ever? It seems like this might help cut down on duplicates (especially if it was part of the new post submission process). ...or am i missing something super obvious?
I realized that I didn't really have any way of finding out whether this particular article had been posted before, without knowing the keywords that someone might have used to describe it.
Might it be possible to create a 'search by url' function, either in the 'new post' page or somewhere else, to be able to paste in a url and see whether it's been linked to on MeFi ever? It seems like this might help cut down on duplicates (especially if it was part of the new post submission process). ...or am i missing something super obvious?
Best Stuff AskMe?
Some time ago (at least 2-3 years), there was an AskMe about "the best website for reviews of consumer products" or something like that. One answer featured a blog/forum meant entirely for reviews of headphones. Anyone remember either the thread or the site? It was orange/tan and very minimalist. Possibly spun off SomethingAwful.
Ponies for everyone!
Deadpan links to satire sites considered harmful
The politics threads contain lots of comments that are single links to news articles. Also people post links to satirical sites like The Onion, which is fine by me. It seems to have become a thing to post the latter links as if they were real, though, with no prefatory "Satire:" or "Onion:" or what have you. I personally find this irritating, so I was wondering what the community consensus was. [more inside]
Page views! Page views! Page views!
It was inevitable: BuzzFeed has discovered AskMe. (But we are just 17, if you know what I mean.)
Do unexplained YouTube links annoy you? I don't mean FPs with a pattern of clearly identified YT links, or someone making a topical and fairly obvious post like "I like this version better"; but just an inline link with zero context. [more inside]
URLs on projects
Clarification about Projects (not on the FAQ): do projects need an external URL? [more inside]
Just-clicked link colors
Weirdness in the color of just-clicked links on an iPad. [more inside]
Malformed URLs get "fixed" in a weird way.
I've noticed that links that are incorrectly written seem to lead back to the thread rather than to the (usually easily guessable) URL. Is it possible to modify the behavior to enable the links to (usually) point to the right place? [more inside]
Wiiiiild Horses
Seeing all the prancing ponies on Metatalk lately reminded me of something I've been meaning to suggest for a while now, regarding links. [more inside]
Dodgy link needs to go.
Why is the second link to this post still up? Several people have mentioned problems with it, including myself, yet the link still remains. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I think that the link should be axed since its absence won't really affect the rest of the post. Or is this just something that is allowed? [more inside]
What percentage of FPP links get clicked?
What percentage of FPP links get clicked?
Stop click and listen
I seem to post a lot of FPPs that revolve around podcast or other audio content these days, and It's gotten me curious... how often do you stop and listen to the content in links of that kind? Is it more or less likely than the chances you would watch a video?
Help with links
I'm really sorry, but I am nowhere near as computer savvy as the rest of you. Could someone please explain to me (with small words; talk to me like I'm four) how to make links? Possibly relevant: I'm never on a real computer, I only have an iPhone. (yes, weird, I know.)
Self referential posts
Apologies, MeFi.
Lazy single-link post, plus calling you stupid.
Apologies. [more inside]
Single Link, No More
Is it just me or has the number of single-link entries increased drastically of late? And if that's the case, how can we get it back to the old way of links-rich entries?
News feed for comment links on mefi
A lot of good links on the blue, green and grey. But some of the better links are buried in the comments section of ask mefi, or even front page.
Is there any easy way to have a list of all of the links on mefi as they get posted in comments section come up in a news feed? [more inside]
links only please.
Is there any interest in a display mode that shows only the comments providing links? It might make a fairly convenient way to skim long messy threads quickly. [more inside]
Downloading links I've favorited?
Is there a way to strip links from comments and posts I've favorited (for uploading into delicious or similar)? I tend to use favorites as bookmarks, but now I have thousands of favorites and no way to organize them.