153 - Josh Ruins Taiga June 5, 2019 11:23 AM   Subscribe

It's time for that monthly podcast: jessamyn and I caught up yesterday on the last month or so of all things MetaFilter, Ask MetaFilter, Projects, and so forth through the ol' enumeration of subsites. We also talk about trivia a little, and as a result I ruin taiga and possibly everything else. We also got to wondering whether Jeopardy would throw you off the show for refusing to answer questions in good faith, so, hey, Jeopardy folks: any good stories there?

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- it's a goddam ceramic guitar!
- some sort of script parsing error turned Jessamyn's contacts page into this ancient post by Mathowie with her userid as the postid and I'm just including it here to prove I checked the script parser output I guess!

- Record a Yiddish song by overeducated_alligator
- Turn a ripped sheet into boxers by batter_my_heart
- Service Desk Consulting Engineer (Tier 1-2 and Tier 3-4 Positions) by churl
- Endpoint Engineer (Senior) - Brown University by BlackPebble

- 'Change the Subject' Documentary by soy bean (MeFi Post)
- Deadwood As It Was. by dances_with_sneetches
- Undulating Jigsaw Puzzles by mpark
- Tufte Bootstrap by dylan_k
- The Generalist Academy by Paragon (MeFi Post)

- play play play play hate hate hate hate by cortex
- I FEEL VERY STRESSED, but in a good way maybe?? by KTamas
- "All my dreams fall like rain on a downtown train..." by jessamyn
- "I've just been having fun, posting funny stuff online." by Johnny Wallflower
- Paging Umberto Eco by PMdixon
- The great Dickens and Dostoevsky hoax by Pyrogenesis
- Weee Weee Wrrr Wrrr ( Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat ) by zabuni
- Every Champion Loses... Eventually by Etrigan
- The Perpetual Diamond by carter
- "Enjoy my old flute if you find one. I certainly did." by LobsterMitten
- It's a resin-ator by mandolin conspiracy
- Place-names by sylvanshine
- You Were the Man Then, Dog by Rhaomi

Ask MeFi
- Tell me the cool way you organize your car by FencingGal
- where can I buy very large containers of toothpaste? by meaty shoe puppet
- TOCs for a specific volume of "Japan Quarterly"? by ryanshepard
- Toothbrush care by the primroses were over
- a comment by jessamyn
- You're gonna feel some kinda way about this by DirtyOldTown
- Something like Smores but infinitely better! by JenThePro
- Cross Country Trip Planning, 1899 Edition by bajema
- Was My Hotel Bonkers? by Raybun
- need silly reasons why partner changed her last name by Sophont
- Plastic bags, the more sustainable choice? Break it down please... by Miko
- Are "man poops" a product of sexism? by crunchy potato

MeFi Music
featured in this episode:
- Crushed by Evstar
- Cider by usonian
- Audio Tape From Paradise by Richard Upton Pickman
- 02 - dolphin or giraffe - vampire deer by pyramid termite
- That Lonesome Road by backseatpilot
- lightning strike by umbú

- Reconsidering the rule against friend-linking on the MeFi front page by cortex
- things just got a lot more Helio-centric by cortex
posted by cortex (staff) to MeFi Podcast at 11:23 AM (15 comments total)

Yay. I'm on the podcast for being a jigsaw idiot!
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 12:02 PM on June 5, 2019 [5 favorites]

That’s the best kind!
posted by billiebee at 12:48 PM on June 5, 2019

Dude you were doing fuckin' jigsaw parkour, that was fantastic.
posted by cortex (staff) at 1:58 PM on June 5, 2019 [1 favorite]


*rushes back to wall covered in various craggy old men in movies and tv shows*
posted by OnTheLastCastle at 9:29 AM on June 6, 2019

This is probably the wrong place for this, but: having been unconvinced myself by the generally agreed-upon answer (found in the metatalk post referenced in episode 151) to the paint-roller-on-the-face moment in classic television question -- mainly because it doesn't involve the window-opening part that seemed so critical in my recollection! -- it was with a rush of joy that I stumbled across this heretofore-unacknowledged moment from Gumby Adventures: Robot Rumpus that satisfied the question for me personally.
posted by churl at 2:55 PM on June 6, 2019 [2 favorites]

posted by cortex (staff) at 4:31 PM on June 6, 2019 [1 favorite]

I don't think I've ever heard cortex sound as angry as he does talking about ytmnd.
posted by rodlymight at 5:20 PM on June 6, 2019

Marhmallows and sweet potatoes....I'm from Central PA and we do that or brown sugar.
posted by 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4a at 5:34 PM on June 6, 2019 [1 favorite]

Jessamyn, just so you know how you come off to some of the listeners: you said casually shitty and dismissive things about attending someone else's religious service that make you sound like a condescending shithead. And surely that's not the person you are....right?

(You may have apologized, but I don't know because I turned off the podcast.)
posted by wenestvedt at 8:13 PM on June 6, 2019

By the way, when Josh says lightning, he means thunder, KTHNX BYE
posted by wheelieman at 7:00 AM on June 7, 2019 [2 favorites]

you said casually shitty and dismissive things about attending someone else's religious service that make you sound like a condescending shithead.

Yep, was out of line. Got on a roll and realized I wasn't just having a private conversation and that was inappropriate. I should have worked out some of those feelings I had before I started talking to Josh about them. I can be a condescending shithead at times but I try to mostly keep it from being other people's problem. Sorry, that was uncool of me.
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 8:17 PM on June 7, 2019 [3 favorites]

I was listening to the podcast in the grocery store, and shortly after the s'mores bit I came across this "S'mores Kit," which is also labelled in French as "Kit à guim-o-choco." Since I'm pretty "meh" on s'mores I was not tempted to buy it. YMMV.

"Guim-o-choco" sounds like it's promising more chocolate, since it name-checks it (and "marshmallows" are "guimauves" in French). In short, it's a more descriptive name than "s'mores."
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 1:58 PM on June 8, 2019

Register me under Team S'mores Are Okay I Guess Because Sugar And Chocolate But It's Not Actually A Good Vehicle For Either Sugar Or Chocolate And I'd Rather Have Something Else When There's An Option.
posted by ardgedee at 6:43 AM on June 10, 2019 [2 favorites]

Hey, thanks for the shout-out! It was my first FPP in some time, and it was great to see the story develop into a happy-ish ending. Also re: the gross alt-right stuff on the site -- that didn't really come to the fore until years after its decline when it was more or less a ghost town. Back in the heyday of the mid-aughts garden-variety edgy BS was the worst that you'd see. Good news is the founder ejected the creeps when he revived the site and has said he didn't want it to become a clone of 4chan or the_donald on his watch, so hopefully v2.0 will turn out better on that score.
posted by Rhaomi at 6:18 AM on June 13, 2019

MetaFilter: Now I hate it even more!
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 7:55 PM on June 16, 2019 [1 favorite]

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