279 posts tagged with podcast.
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mefi music radio hour
OK...I'm pitching. New podcast. Mefi Music made and kept me a musician. This is a goldmine of beautiful, homemade music. Bimonthly music review podcast that acts as a playlist and funnels money back to the best community on earth? [more inside]
194: Wait, are we going to be on camera?
Hey hey it's the podcast again. Loup and I talk about the Ask the Mods Anything questions and reveal the winners of the Halloween Costume Contest. Thank you not_on_display for the mixing. [more inside]
Let’s cook, talk, have fun, and push MeFi forward
Welcome to another week of the MetaFilter 2024 Fundraiser!
Our community is mostly run by member contributions like yours and, as always, you can help the community by contributing directly to the site, via Paypal, Credit card or through our GoFundMe Campaign. But, seriously, we also want to have fun, don’t we? To kick things off, we’d love to help us build our own Community Cookbook and prepare questions for the Ask Mods Anything Podcast… oh, and did you forget about the Pet Tax Wall? There’s still time… [more inside]
“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”
From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
193: What was previously my discretionary time
cortex has a new job and was hard to track down and we had a few months of missing each other. We found some time on August 14th and tried to play catch-up. Runs about 97 minutes. [more inside]
192: The week between last week and this week
A nerdy debate about the relative term "this week" and "last week" and that mystery week in between them. We got together on March 4th and tried not to talk about the weather too much. Runs about 105 minutes. [more inside]
Best of the Web anniversaries and transcripts
1. The first podcast episode was posted on February 16, 2007! Happy 16th anniversary / birthday to the podcast!
2. I just finished running the last / first episode through otter.ai for an automated transcript, so *every* episode now has a transcript! So. Many. Transcripts.
3. I joined two days after that first episode!
Just, you know. Woot!
191: Thoroughly insinuated into the normalcy of our life
More or less on time! New theme song! We talk about heating up water and heating up ourselves. cortex read a lot of MetaFilter this month, Jessamyn's still reading old FanFare threads. Runs about 82 minutes. [more inside]
190: New Year, New Me... Fi
Back on track this year. We resolve to get these out on time. More or less. Maybe. Cortex and I talked on January 3rd about our usual nonsense for a tight 87 minutes. Thanks for listening. [more inside]
189: Snowperson Trauma
Cortex and I decided to make up for lost time after the delayed previous episode by knocking out another one quick-like, and here it is! Catching up on what we can of the last couple of months of MeFi, and also ranting and philosophizing a little bit about recent seismic changes in the social media sphere and also about design skeuomorphism and the semiotics of interfaces? That last bit is probably overselling it a little? Anyway, runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
188: Big Stride Moonshot
Some difficulties hitting escape velocity with this one. We recorded it in October 5th and, well, here it is now. [more inside]
187: Man, It's A Hot One
Belated podcast for August, American summer is just like that. No idea what we talked about, but I know we had a good time. [more inside]
186: Am I Being A User Right Now
It's episode 186 of the MeFi podcast, with Jessamyn and I...and loup! Who joined us to talk a bit about their experiences with internet past and present and their last couple of years as they've been working here. The three of us have a long and winding conversation about community management, internet ethics, MeFi in particular, the recent transition process, etc. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
185a: V Rising and Severance
Random podcast bonus content! Jessamyn and I decided to do a mid-month episode to just chat about a couple media things we liked. Is it a FanFare podcast? I dunno! Will we keep doing it? I dunno! But it was fun and so here it is. We talk about V Rising, a survive-o-craft vampire game I have been very much enjoying, and about Severance, a TV show that we have both enjoyed tremendously. Runs just about an hour. [more inside]
185: A very wearing my bathrobe all day day
It's episode 185 of the MeFi Monthly Podcast, with Jessamyn and I talking for a good chunk up front about the whole process over the last couple months of figuring out transferring ownership of the site from me to her. We also talk about, like, good stuff from the site for most of it. [more inside]
184: Sentences are music
I didn't edit or write this month's podcast (other than this little bit)! Thanks so much to eotvos for all his work on this; note his note at the end of the podcast about other possible contributions as well! In any case, Jessamyn and I talk about MetaFilter as we are wont to do; it runs the usual 90-ish minutes. [more inside]
183: Severance, not Succession
It was a very busy turn of the month so we're wandering in pretty late with this episode. I talk a little bit about my recent decision to transition away from running MetaFilter (but we'll, inter alia, keep podcasting); Jessamyn and I talk about MeFi stuff as per usual; we establish that she started watching the wrong show and couldn't figure out why people liked it; and we chatter about at least three words we're not sure how to pronounce and establish, once more, that neither of us can read IPA. Runs our usual "about 90 minutes". [more inside]
182: too many trees, not enough goats
Psst, hey kid, wanna buy a podcast? [more inside]
181: Pivot Table the Calendar
I love podcasts, woo woo woo! I love podcasts, how 'bout you? Here's episode 181, with jessamyn and I contemplating the idea of a week and a month and talking about misc. MetaFilterian stuff. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
180: Is Sunset A Local Phenomenon?
I checked in with management and apparently we have to do a 2022 now even though we just finished wiht 2021. Jessamyn and I do our best to roll into the new year and talk about MetaFilter stuff and get in a philosophical discussion of the nature of the literal horizon qua solar objects. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
179: Calendrical Is Totally A Word
In our triumphant return to posting podcasts at the turn of the month, Jess and I talk about time management and reminders, complicated conversational dynamics, the assassination of JFK (but only very briefly), and a bunch of somewhat more MetaFilter-centric things. We time-managed our way up to about 93 minutes. Also I play a euphonium. [more inside]
178: Leisure Suit Larry's, Uh, Pixels
We got a rootin' tootin' podcast here. Darn tootin'. Can you both rootin'- and darn'- something that's tootin' in the same paragraph like this? I don't know. I really don't know. I might be going to podcast jail. Before that happens, though, here's me and jessamyn chattering about MetaFilter, the nature of daylight, representation vs. allusion in crappy old Sierra erotic comedy adventures, MetaFilter, the concept of (for some reason) No Nut November, "Meta", and who knows what else because we're both still getting used to the time change. It runs exactly, precisely, to the second 90 minutes. [more inside]
177: Good Soup
I accidentally wrote "make a podcast" on a colander instead of the calendar, so on the downside this episode is pretty late but on the upside it has been thoroughly rinsed. Is that anything? Can we do anything with that? Anyway, here's a podcast, it's about 90 minutes, and it involves me and Jessamyn getting off on at least a couple different tangents on the subject *of* getting off on tangents, so it's a very MetaFilter podcast indeed. [more inside]
176: Low-Key Podcast
Jessamyn and I managed to stumble our way into and through a podcast despite both having the needle pegged hard to E this afternoon, and here is recorded evidence of that fact, at about 75 minutes. [more inside]
175: Don't Throw The Banana Peel In The Toilet
It's only the first day of August, but the weather in Portland is such that it already feeling like plural dog days have elapsed. And yet, through it all, a podcast episode drags itself through the sun-baked streets to appear, sweating and winded, on your doorstep. Come along with Jessamyn and I as we...chatter about MetaFilter? Basically what we normally do. This one's about an hour and 45. [more inside]
174: Knobs and Dials
Jessamyn and I were both feeling excessively chatty today so this one clocks in at about one hour fifty five, with discussions about MeFi, Ask, etc. along with a bunch of wanderings and heat wave chatter. Also there is a spider and a bird, and Jessamyn saw a bear outside her window. Also I fixed my goddam GarageBand, so we have music tracks again. I missed those. [more inside]
173: No That's A Different Penguin
My dog ate my podcast synopsis. It's me, it's Jessamyn, it's a podcast recorded in the deep past of before the long weekend, it's about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Turn On Some Music
Turn the lights down low and switch the sparkly ones on, get out your best headphones or your Big Speakers, and get ready because the MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK BABY [more inside]
172: I'll Get There At Some Point
I'll be straight with you: this is an episode, of a podcast, and it's me and Jessamyn, and we talk about MetaFilter and stuff adjacent to MetaFilter. There's no sugar-coating it: this is 90 minutes of MeFi-adjacent chatter. [more inside]
171: Was I Weird
We've made it through the dark tunnel that is April 1 online and jessamyn and I are here with that good good MetaFilter chatter and a little bit of linguistics speculation. Runs about 85 minutes. [more inside]
Mefispotting: Longform Ep 432 with Jess Zimmerman (emotional labor)
This week's Longform podcast is with Jess Zimmerman. At 32:00, Zimmerman talks about her “Where’s My Cut?”: On Unpaid Emotional Labor piece on The Toast and the epic 2015 Metafilter thread that transpired. Zimmerman and the host, Evan Ratliff, both say nice things about Metafilter!
170: Through A Paper Towel Tube Darkly
number one victory royale / yeah podcast with Jess who's my pal / 90 minutes running time oh wow / just cleaned out my Chrome tabs now [more inside]
169: Soon May The Podcast Come
It's Febuary, Februr, uh, it's Ferbur—it's not January anymore and here's a new podcast episode. We're catching up since episode 168 a couple months ago because last month we did the live-stream gala instead! So jessamyn and I try and sum up a couple months of MetaFilter best we can. Runs about 85 minutes. [more inside]
Update on New Years Gala Planning
Getting our party boxes out of the attic - planning for the Mefi New Years Gala continues. Please send in your pet pics, call in with a joke or New Years resolutions/wishes, and join us inside for more on the planning for this January 2 event! [more inside]
168: Marquee Biz
Metafilter New Year's Gala
Hey, MetaFilter, we're having a party, and you're all invited! On Saturday, January 2, we're going to have a live gala via Zoom, celebrating Metafilter and our users, showcasing some of the amazing people and talents on the site, and debuting some NEW MERCH. Come inside to find out what we have planned and what we'd like from you! [more inside]
167: The Gang Records A Podcast
Back on something resembling a schedule, jessamyn and I chat about MetaFilter and also...other things? I am very punchy! This has been successfully posted! Have a great weekend! [more inside]
166: The Metafilter Monthly-ish Podcast
After an August break, jessamyn and I are back to talk about Metafilter, bad weather, libraries, Metafilter, blaseball, and Metafilter. [more inside]
Metafilter Podcast Guests
Has there been any consideration given to inviting Mefites to join in on the monthly podcasts? It would be fun to hear from many of our community members about anything ranging from their FPPs to their own experiences on Metafilter. I wanted to put this out to the community so that others here have an opportunity to give their input.
165: Take What We've Got
It's July, which is podcast season, or so the man at the podcast store told me. So jessamyn and I bought ourselves a podcast and took it out on the lake and, honestly, I don't know where I'm going with this. It's Friday, I'm pooped, we talk about MeFi stuff a bunch, it's about 90 minutes long, here you go. [more inside]
164: It's Been A Rough Week
Podcast time, and jessamyn and are I back talking about a bunch of stuff we liked from MetaFilter as usual, and talking a bit about the hard stuff surrounding George Floyd and Minneapolis, and also absolutely plotzing about having two new mods join the team! Welcome again, travelingthyme and loup. This episode is long even for us, about an hour and forty total. [more inside]
163: You must understand!
It was a time known as The Great Resetting, when, after a months of wandering in a week late or so with episodes, jessamyn and I finally managed to release a new episode smack dab on the 1st. It was spoken of in legend as...episode 163 of the MetaFilter podcast. [more inside]
162: Grip It And Rip It
Jessamyn and I do what we do best: manage to show up and record a podcast despite it all. We talk about (a) a bunch of COVID stuff and (b) a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with COVID and (c) the whole process of trying to navigate that balance. I drink most of a tall beer. Jessamyn is hopped up on decaf coffee. It's wild. Runs about 80 minutes. [more inside]
161: Change Your Ding-Dang Clocks
Podcast? Podcast! Me and jessamyn, podcasting. It's the podcast thing, with jessamyn and with me, and it's this! Here you go. Seventy-five minutes? Podcast. Hi. Hello. Don't forget to reset your clocks if that happens this weekend. Podcast. [more inside]
160: That Was A Bood Posscat
Like Frodo and Sam enduring the travails of Mordor, Jessamyn and I have managed somehow to surmount the difficulties of the world to produce a podcast episode this month. Instead of getting a finger bit off we just lost some of our usual running time, so this is a lembas-thin 56 minutes. Also just to be clear there is literally no discussion of Tolkeinian mythology in this episode, I'm just punchy on a Friday night and you're getting whatever comes out of the keyboard at this point. Elevensies. [more inside]
159: Enter The Talkredoers
Kicking off the year with a podcast that tried very hard not to happen, but by god me and jessamyn pulled it off after all, despite reschedules and weird recording problems that cost us a little bit of audio early on. Runs about 80 minutes and features some robot noises. [more inside]
158: Keep Them Scrollwheels Scrollin', Though The Browser's Slowin'
It's me! It's jessamyn! It's episode 158 of us podcasting about about the sort of MetaFiltery things we're wont to podcast about! It's about ninety minutes! [more inside]
157: That's The Title, Everyone Get Back To Work And Thank You
It's our Halloween episode, which is not particularly spooOOOOooOOoooky because I accidentally left it out on the counter overnight after we recorded it yesterday. But jessamyn and I catch up on the last month of MeFi stuff and you can't prove that there wasn't also a ghost on the call. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
Metafilter sighted on Worst Year Ever
Frequent MeFi favorite podcaster Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards, It Could Happen Here) recently kicked off a new podcast, Worst Year Ever, touching on the horrors of the upcoming US federal election. While opening Tuesday's episode on Biden, Evans' co-host Cody Johnston raised eyebrows about Jake Tapper's recent collaboration with MeFi unfavorite Scott Adams. To describe what sort of man Adams is, Evans cheerfully launched into a description of the 2011 incident in which Adams was caught using a sockpuppet to defend himself after the Blue responded poorly to one of his pieces. MeFi mentioned at 3:00. [more inside]
156: Wasting All My Time Time
Jessamyn! Me! Podcast! MetaFilter! Talking! [more inside]