Is there a desktop app that will do what Blogger does? February 2, 2001 8:15 AM   Subscribe

OK, suppose I wanted to create a blog on a LAN, so it would not be available to the outside world. Is there a desktop app that will do what Blogger does? Thoughts?
posted by jpoulos to General Weblog-Related at 8:15 AM (4 comments total)

I think Dave Winer is releasing a blogger-like application that runs on a desktop and ftp's files anywhere you want.

You can also use greymatter to create a blog on a unix server, just install it behind the firewall.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 11:11 AM on February 2, 2001

But you could use Blogger, as long as you have an Internet connection and Blogger could FTP through your firewall. When you publish via Blogger, it transfers the files through the firewall and plops them onto your intranet (which I assume is unavailable to folks without a password or residing outside a firewall), available for everyone on the LAN to see.

Of course, FTP isn't the most secure thing in the world...anyone packet sniffing could read your posts. Blogger Pro has SCP support, but I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for Blogger Pro any time soon.
posted by jkottke at 11:54 AM on February 2, 2001

Or you can try this Greymatter link.
posted by hijinx at 12:49 PM on February 2, 2001

Of course, FTP isn't the most secure thing in the world...

...and generally blocked by most firewalls.
posted by lagado at 3:20 AM on February 3, 2001

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