MeFi - NPR connection? August 29, 2001 3:00 PM   Subscribe

On most days I listen to NPR. At least once a day I read about something on metafilter and moments/hours later there is an NPR story on it; Or the opposite - I listen to a story and then discover a thread covering the exact story, usually with added information and/or related links. I suppose this isn't very exciting. What I'm wondering is if anyone else has had this experience with metafilter converging with other traditional media so seamlessly?
posted by Jeremy to MetaFilter-Related at 3:00 PM (10 comments total)

Yes, all the time. It's frightening that I'm not missing much by reading MeFi all day.

It's also frightening that any theory of memes is basically proven right every day on the internet. I hate memes
posted by rschram at 3:48 PM on August 29, 2001

Yes, especially since most of the posts here are coming from Yahoo News lately. When everyone feeds from the same trough, all the slop is the same...knowhutimean?
posted by briank at 5:29 PM on August 29, 2001

I think it speaks well of both MeFi and NPR. I usually come here to find things I won't find elsewhere, and tend to participate in the less mainstream discussions, but a great deal of convergence is bound to occur between MeFi and traditional media, especially the news organizations. Like briank, I think we could use less of the yahoo and ananova (for the love of all that is holy, why?) stuff. Often I've listened to "All Things Considered" on the way home from work and said to myself, "I should find a link to this story & post it." Usually, it's up by the time I get home. When it isn't, I end up not posting a link because I don't think that Matt intended for this to be a current events site, and my interest in the subject didn't come via the web. My one exception. Ripped From the Headlines, as they say.
posted by gimli at 5:51 PM on August 29, 2001

How does one pronounce meme/s? Is it like meem, or like in French?
posted by ParisParamus at 5:54 PM on August 29, 2001

Long "e," like in "gene," with which it is intended to be analogous.
posted by kindall at 6:01 PM on August 29, 2001

It's also frightening that any theory of memes is basically proven right every day on the internet. I hate memes

I bet you wouldn't hate the MemePusher's memes!
posted by anildash at 11:13 PM on August 29, 2001

How does one pronounce meme/s? Is it like meem, or like in French? I've always pronounced it as in French: mi-muh. As in phoneme, seme, mytheme, episteme, zoeme. Of course the root idea of the meme is mimetics. But mime (pron. the same in French) was taken. I move that we call it mimeme (pron. 1) mi-muh-muh, 2) mi-mi-muh, 3) mi-muh-mi-muh).

I like the MemePusher site, anil, but I can raise the same mild objections to evolution-by-analogy as I can for most biological-basis-of-behavior arguments. It was Voltaire's Pangloss who said everthing that is is for the best of all possible worlds. The concept of selection for reproduction works often in the same way.
posted by rschram at 9:36 AM on August 30, 2001

I've always pronounced it as in French: mi-muh. As in phoneme, seme, mytheme, episteme, zoeme.

Now just a cotton-pickin' second there, bud. You say you pronounce it "mi-muh" and then go on to say it's like "phoneme." There's only one problem there: "phoneme" is pronounced "FO-neem."
posted by kindall at 3:00 PM on August 30, 2001

Yep. And "episteme" is pronounced "eh-pis-te-may".
posted by rodii at 4:26 PM on August 30, 2001

But that's how I pronounce all of those words.
posted by rschram at 4:33 PM on August 30, 2001

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