9 posts tagged with Followup and policy.
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Hubcap Diamond Star Halo

Notes on the 30th anniversary of the death of Marc Bolan.... [more inside]
posted by kimota on Sep 16, 2007 - 13 comments

Gonzo Scooter Journalism

would it be too newsfilter / doublepost to link the closing arguments in the scooter libby trial? the previous post three weeks ago was pretty generic, and the commenters in the thread are right that it was almost impossible to follow what was going on (and i say this as a law student who's fascinated by these things). today, however, was some grand drama, with the defense breaking down into tears, and Fitzgerald going after not just Scooter but Elmer Fudd himself with both barrels. this is stuff that's actually accessible to the general public, but i hate crowding the blue. (grey, i got no problem with, apparently...) thoughts?
posted by spiderwire on Feb 20, 2007 - 30 comments

your askme update is not a new askme thread

This Askmi is really a followup to this
posted by lester's sock puppet on Oct 16, 2006 - 17 comments

What DO we do about follow-ups?

When does a FPP deserve a follow up thread and where should one post it? (more inside)
posted by Joey Michaels on Oct 12, 2005 - 7 comments

Is it ok to post followups in threads?

Honest, innocent question: Is this o.k.?
posted by mudpuppie on Feb 8, 2005 - 13 comments

Where to put Askme Followups

Matt, should we use MetaTalk to follow-up our AskMe questions? Or should we use AskMe? Or neither?
posted by Pretty_Generic on Feb 3, 2005 - 19 comments

Followup material goes where now?

Is MetaTalk a good place to point out that the verdict described in this thread was just overturned?

I often find follow-up material like this long after the original thread is gone. It doesn't seem worth a whole new FPP, but I do think that people who read the original post would want to know. FollowupFilterSidebar?
posted by alms on May 4, 2004 - 14 comments

adding new information (inspired by WalMart shopper story)

The story of the trampled Wal-Mart shopper was a a FPP post a few days ago. It turns out it might have been contrived. As I read the latest story, I felt that somehow the record had to be set straight on mf with this new information (I am an idealist, I suppose). But, at the same time, it certainly did not seem to be worthy of a new FPP. How does MF- as a community- handle retractions or new (conflicting) information without gumming up the front page with mediocre posts? Or is it not even worth worrying about?
posted by limitedpie on Dec 5, 2003 - 28 comments

This is definitely now how we do an update

Something really got your knickers in a knot? Well, then, don't just put it on the front page once. Wait one day and post an update. Note that in this case, the update's new information is a week old and was already posted in the original thread.
posted by anapestic on Oct 12, 2002 - 2 comments

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