6 posts tagged with Length and posts.
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pony that automatically shoves extremely long FPPs into a queue
Could we have a pony that automatically shoves extremely long FPPs into a queue for administrative approval?
new posters big posts
ericbop, RockCorpse, you guys are both new but three paragraphs (389 words) / five paragraphs is a little large for a post.
Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?
Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?
Is there any chance of getting a 'maximum length of a front-page post' limit implemented? Or at least have a suggestion to the poster that their post is a little long?
Is there any chance of getting a 'maximum length of a front-page post' limit implemented? Or at least have a suggestion to the poster that their post is a little long?
I absolutely adore long front page posts
For the record, I absolutely adore long front page posts that are three paragraphs long with more links than I'm ever gonna get around to clicking on. I just wanted to say that before some MeFi cop came in here reading the riot act. =) I cite this as an example of when it's okay to do that. Who's with me?
Hey, what's going here?
Hey, what's going here? I read a very long fpp, with a comment inside saying it was too long. Now the comment has been axed, the post stays and two more very long fpps are there....
is something amiss?
is something amiss?
Is it time for a word limit for posts to the home page?
How long is too long? Is it time for a word limit for posts to the home page?