6 posts tagged with Mathowie and birthday.
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Happy 40th birthday, user #1 (Mathowie)

Happy 40th birthday, Matthew. But, what does one get as a 'significant birthday' present for he who separated the light from the darkness, and verily created the blue? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 10, 2012 - 162 comments

Happy Birthday User No. 1

Birthday greetings to the one who started it all. Happy Birthday Matt!
posted by girlhacker on Oct 10, 2009 - 166 comments


Why in the fucking fuck was my post in Ask deleted, assholes? [more inside]
posted by middleclasstool on Oct 10, 2008 - 136 comments

Happy Birthday, mathowie

Birthdays today: Thelonious Monk, David Lee Roth, mathowie.
posted by revgeorge on Oct 10, 2006 - 79 comments

Happy birthday, Matt!

As mentioned here, we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge your slow approach to age thirty. Happy birthday Matt, you whippersnapper, and thanks for keeping MF Co. on your to-do list.
posted by KevinSkomsvold on Oct 10, 2005 - 63 comments

Happy Birthday Mathowie!

Because it is already Friday in Japan, I can be one of the first to wish mathowie a Happy Birthday from Tokyo!!!

Matt, we all owe you so much for what you have done for us here at MetaFilter and I just wanted to wish you the best for this new year to come and thank you for everything you have done.

Again best birthday wishes from Tokyo - Gen
posted by gen on Oct 9, 2003 - 85 comments

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