37 posts tagged with Mathowie and media.
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The Blogfather

On the eve of MetaFilter's twelfth birthday, the Willamette Week sits down with Matt Haughey to talk about his roots at the dawn of the blogging age, the value of lifestyle work vs. captaining industry, and the future of community blogs in an online landscape increasingly dominated by Twitter, Facebook, and mobile browsing.
posted by Rhaomi on Jul 13, 2011 - 102 comments

mathowie on the vote!

mathowie's opinion on the nerd vote has been posted over at boingboing.fyi.
posted by dr. moot on Oct 24, 2008 - 94 comments

Kinder, gentler blogs?

While reading the paper this morning I found this article featuring MeFite #1 decrying the culture of snark. (This is not actually the newspaper I read it in, but it is the only registration-free online version I saw.)
posted by TedW on Oct 19, 2008 - 96 comments


Matt and PB's Fuelly on Lifehacker [more inside]
posted by pearlybob on Aug 8, 2008 - 45 comments

A Dude's Perspective

A Dude's Perspective... impressive taste in bike related objects!
posted by R. Mutt on May 30, 2008 - 39 comments

Mathowie for the win

He also kicks! [more inside]
posted by klangklangston on Apr 21, 2008 - 49 comments

I read the news today, oh boy

The founder explains why he allows great freedom to the members. HerfDerfGuardianReader
posted by Sparx on Feb 28, 2008 - 39 comments

Matt to be interview on Pirate Cat Radio

Dear Leader will be a guest on my radio show, Baghdad by the Bay, Saturday the 15th at 4pm PST, on Pirate Cat Radio. [more inside]
posted by MiltonRandKalman on Dec 11, 2007 - 24 comments

No. 18 Matthew Haughey

NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers (whoever NxE is). Anyway, Matt made no. 18. [more inside]
posted by caddis on Sep 21, 2007 - 76 comments

mathowie on babies -- what else could MeTa be for?

Fresh Haughey sighting in the wild: confirmed. Dispatch all units.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 12, 2007 - 30 comments

Fearless Leader Watch Filter: Mathowie presentation on online communities

Thought some folks might like to see a presentation Matthew posted up on the most excellent slideshare site about building online communities. Fantastic selection of photos in the presentation...nicely done. (No, I'm not a crazy stalker person - I was checking slideshare out for some dull compsci reading, and Mathowie's head popped up this was a featured presentation. Enjoy!
posted by rmm on May 22, 2007 - 44 comments

Mathowie now a member of the "Gray Lady"?

It seems our fearless leader has a little New York Times thing going on in tommorow's paper. Unless there's another Matthew Haughey who writes tech stuff.
posted by jourman2 on Feb 14, 2007 - 22 comments

MacSaber makes Gizmodo's Top 5 Hacker Vids

MacSaber makes Gizomodo's Top 5 Hacker (?) Vids.
posted by juv3nal on Dec 28, 2006 - 17 comments

Deep down, the internet is about people

Deep down, the internet is about people. Sure it's an interconnected set of computers following simple machine instructions, but the driving force behind it all is people connecting with other people. The human network is good way to describe what the internet has become. It is ingrained in our everyday lives. We email coworkers, friends, and loved ones. Our lives are captured by digital cameras and shared online. We read blogs for their personalities and unique take on the world. Even dry data like bank balances and weather forecasts have become ways to accentuate and improve your daily life.
- Matt Haughey
posted by caddis on Oct 14, 2006 - 88 comments

Matthew Haughey on the development of Metafilter

Usability: The Site Speaks For Itself has an interesting chapter by Matthew Haughey on the development of Metafilter.
posted by booksprite on May 20, 2006 - 13 comments

MediaShift interviews mathowie

'I did my best to make the place as welcoming as possible, and eventually a few hundred people showed up and we had something good,' Haughey told me via email. 'Since then, I think the strong sense of community — the sense of belonging and getting something out of the participation is what drives people to contribute. There are no points or karma or awards, but I think members enjoy sharing interesting links and comments with each other and seeing their name mentioned on the site.'
Scary picture, too
posted by y2karl on Apr 8, 2006 - 59 comments

Mathowie guest editor on LifeHacker

mathowie has finally left us and moved on to greener pastures.
posted by eyeballkid on Mar 13, 2006 - 37 comments

"Blogger Matt Haughey" gets a mention

"Blogger Matt Haughey" gets a mention in the NY Times Magazine {reg req} for his My Childhood, seen by Google Maps project.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Dec 11, 2005 - 15 comments

#1 in the NYT

#1 reviews a browser and a picture frame in today's New York Times.
posted by killdevil on Dec 8, 2005 - 27 comments

Mathowie in the Post

Our own Mr. Haughey quoted in the Washington Post.
posted by blue_beetle on Sep 22, 2005 - 24 comments

Mathowie in New York Times

Matthew Haughey, technology journalist (NYT, registration req.)
posted by planetkyoto on Aug 25, 2005 - 38 comments

Rebecca Blood interviews #1

Part one of Rebecca Blood's interview with Matt Haughey, the first subject of her new "Bloggers on Blogging" series; part two is to be posted Friday. Both Matt and Rebecca were listed among the AlwaysOn/Technorati Open Media 100 list.
posted by me3dia on Jun 22, 2005 - 44 comments

MetaFilter Quoted in the Press re: BBC "Office"

This New York Observer article uses a Metafilter thread as its sole source of "Internet" reaction to the new American version of the BBC program "The Office." Our dear mathowie is among those quoted.
posted by lackutrol on Feb 12, 2005 - 25 comments

mathowie on MarketPlace

Just heard a segment on MarketPlace that featured Matt Haughey and the future of TiVo. Rock on.
posted by BlueTrain on Nov 17, 2004 - 15 comments

Matt's comments in BusinessWeek

Oops. We all make mistakes...
posted by jaronson on Oct 19, 2004 - 21 comments

TiVo industry observer mathowie

So I'm putting around in my car about a half hour ago, listening to KYW newsradio in Philly, and a "Washington bureau" correspondent starts talking about how Tivo users can now share their shows. Cool, I'm thinking, some pretty mainstream exposure for TiVo. Then the reporter cuts to "industry observer mathowie"...
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Aug 5, 2004 - 38 comments

Or is he?

Ed Helms is not Matt Haughey.
posted by the fire you left me on Aug 2, 2004 - 49 comments

"...Matt Haughey, editor of the popular blog MetaFilter."

From the article linked today in the sideblog on the Blue:
"...Matt Haughey, editor of the popular blog MetaFilter."

Editor? Then why haven't you ever fixed my typos?!?
Weird, Wired.
posted by wendell on Apr 7, 2004 - 38 comments

Its a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt world

Finally got around to reading L.A.'s alt-paper L.A. Weekly's content-heavy "Year End Lists Issue", and was shocked at what I saw on Page 12: (fourth list down here).
That explains why Mr. Howie didn't make it to the L.A. MeetUp: He was with Drudge, Welch, Damon and Groening plotting to take over the universe...
posted by wendell on Feb 24, 2004 - 15 comments

Matt Haughey: Under the Iron

New from the "I bet Matt will kill me for posting this here" department....
Matt Haughey: Under the Iron
A great, interesting, informative 'interview' with Our Fearless Leader.
posted by anastasiav on Jan 19, 2004 - 21 comments

Matt gets a mention from the Register

Matt gets a mention from the Guardian (along with somebody named Kottke...whoever that is).
posted by mr_crash_davis on Sep 30, 2003 - 20 comments

interview of a nice young man we know

interview of a nice young man we know: "In many ways, I'm on the web today trying to capture that feeling of amazement seven years ago."
posted by epersonae on May 31, 2002 - 15 comments

Are Internet celebrities the next big thing

Matt & MeFi (via Shift.com's list) named in SacBee article Are Internet celebrities the next big thing or simply one-hit wonders?
posted by gen on Apr 24, 2002 - 41 comments

Top Web Personalities

Matt Haughey : Lucky 7 on Shift's "Top 25 Web Personalities". Via Fark. We're not worthy!
posted by Perigee on Feb 6, 2002 - 4 comments

Mathowie on The Morning News

The Morning News is hosting a round table discussion on writing on the web, with mathowie among the contributors. Check it out.
posted by moz on Dec 4, 2001 - 12 comments

Matt interviewed by Derek Powazek.

For Newbies(and the odd Oldie too): Here's some good and timely advice from Derek Powasek's Conversation with Matt Haughey, back when MetaFilter only had 2000+ members. It's probably been posted before, but will be new to many of us late-comers.. In fact, it should be read along with the guidelines, IMO(it certainly chastised me...). A good chaser is a link from the About page here at MeFi, where you get Powazek discussing Metafilter.
Food for thought, to say the least: how important are original and innovative links? Very.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 28, 2001 - 10 comments

Matt's in the news

Rock-star Matt Haughey is in the news again (with gratuitous photo). This time, in a New York Times article on the Amazon honor system (penned by Ironminds' Andy Wang).
posted by andrewraff on Jun 13, 2001 - 31 comments

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