13 posts tagged with Post and comment.
Displaying 1 through 13 of 13. Subscribe:

I could still have time to delete this

A formal proposal for allowing users to anonymize or delete their own posts and comments as part of the new site. [more inside]
posted by thecaddy on Jan 24, 2025 - 76 comments

Most eponysterical post or comment

After seeing this post appear just now, are there other good recent examples of eponysterical posts or comments? The definition in the Mefi Wiki and Urban Dictionary, a 2007 Meta on the origin of the term which is a fun read, a 2005 Meta on such posts and comments and the old list compiled by scarabic.

posted by Wordshore on Aug 27, 2019 - 31 comments

What are your Metafilter white whales?

You know that one comment you read once, maybe about the kindergarten teacher who speciously reassures you, "I always put on a condom before I teach?" Maybe the all-time perfect Ask Me flowchart for reconciling your career decisions with your sexual kinks? [more inside]
posted by grobstein on Mar 22, 2013 - 73 comments

The Joy of FPPing

To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 7, 2012 - 118 comments

Linking as approval?

Is linking to a site endorsement of a site? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Dec 4, 2012 - 94 comments

One pill makes you larger... and one pill makes you smaller.

The text was small for a reason. Font size can be important in meaning and expression. [more inside]
posted by nickrussell on Jun 21, 2012 - 370 comments

Typos shall not stand!

Pony request: In an effort to save people from their own mistakes how about an extremely minimal editing ability for comments? [more inside]
posted by RolandOfEld on Nov 30, 2011 - 54 comments

Bringing out the dead

My first pony. [more inside]
posted by Trurl on Sep 1, 2011 - 42 comments

How to search favorites for posts/comments by a certain user

Is there a way to search my favorites for comments I have favorited by a specific user? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Apr 27, 2011 - 47 comments

JRun Error of 2009?

Problems Posting a Comment. [more inside]
posted by rollbiz on Dec 12, 2009 - 5 comments

Search Through User's Activity?

Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
posted by MikeHarris on Dec 4, 2009 - 14 comments

Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme

It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
posted by baphomet on Jun 26, 2005 - 47 comments

can we find double posts in comments?

New member; first post; searched and searched; usual story. Then this comment, by furiousthought, pointing to the fact that my link had already been posted in a thread (albeit, in my defense, long before I joined and cryptically referenced). So I wonder whether the automatic URL search facility which exists when you preview a front page post could possibly be extended to include URLS mentioned in comments? At the very least, we could thank the first users to link to it. Nobody has the time to read all the threads or click on all the links in comments and searches, whether MetaFilter or Google, often fail to point to cryptically described links.

Forgive me if this is impossible to achieve, stupid or has been asked before, of course!
posted by Carlos Quevedo on Oct 27, 2002 - 15 comments

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