12 posts tagged with Scripts and greasemonkey.
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mefiscripts github repository
Mefites use a bunch of userscripts, stylesheets, and bookmarklets to customize the site, but we don't have a place to collaboratively maintain them. What if we had a shared Github organization where authors could contribute their scripts for community maintenance? I've put one up over at github.com/mefiscripts/mefiscripts, and if folks think it's a good idea I'd love to have you join. [more inside]
Parsing Metafilter comments
I'm submitting this as a feature request, but I'm not sure that's the right category. I have difficulty parsing the comments in a metafilter thread. It's the way it's laid out, with the comment followed by the poster's name and other information:
Is there any way I could change it?I'd rather see it parsed differently; prioritizing the name of the Mefite, followed by their post (in quotes, maybe?), then the remaining information. Something like this:
posted by Time To Sharpen Our Knives at 1:09 AM on October 22 [+] [!]
Time To Sharpen Our Knives posted:Through some browser extension/hack/magic, is this possible?
"I'd rather see it parsed differently."
1:10 AM on October 22 [+] [!]
Mefi Bookmark
Is there any sort of script or add-on that will allow me to bookmark my place in long threads, so I can go back to exactly where I was? I use Firefox and have Greasemonkey.
HowlsOfOutrage lives again, expands
Due to a couple of recent MetaFilter user requests to return it to working status, I have updated the popular (6K+ downloads on userscripts, more elsewhere) HowlsOfOutrage Greasemonkey script. The script displays a popup window of all users favoriting a particular MetaFilter post or comment on mouse hover over the favorites text. In addition, I've updated the Chrome extension, and added a new Safari extension. Testing was successful, but not exhaustive. All completely free as always, natch. [more inside]
What broke Mefiquote?
Greasemonkey hacks
Grease my monkey, guvnor: Greasemonkey scripts get talked about a lot in Metatalk comments, and they seem pretty useful. I would like to ask our more Greasemonkey-oriented friends to recommend the best ones and discuss their experience of installing and using them. [more inside]
Script that numbers comments?
Which Greasemonkey script shows comment numbers for each comment in a thread? [more inside]
Scrollin' scrollin' scrollin'...
The AskMe infinite scroll: how do I recreate it? [more inside]
Script that explains new favorites on old things
Is there a greasemonkey script that lets us see why old comments have been favorited? [more inside]
On MeFi, everyone knows you're dog.
Greasemonkey: here's a script that displays profile pics next to posts.
Cortex warned me some people will hate it and want to roast me alive. To those people, let me suggest a side dish of Potatoes au Gratin and a glass of Merlot. [more inside]
Stop me if you've heard this one before ...
Is the Mondo Meta Options Greasemonkey script making Recent Activity a slow load for anyone else? What else can be used to killfile? [more inside]
Greasemonkey script displays picture next to username
Ever wondered wonder what that user looks like? I've written a quick greasemonkey script that adds photos of users next to their usernames. Photos were gleaned from meetup pictures and there are currently about 75 photos in the database (Firefox only).
If you do not have Greasemonkey, you can install the script by clicking here. If you have Greasemonkey, right click here and hit "Install User Script".
I'd like to know what you guys think.
If you do not have Greasemonkey, you can install the script by clicking here. If you have Greasemonkey, right click here and hit "Install User Script".
I'd like to know what you guys think.