5 posts tagged with Threads and pony.
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Intra-filter trackbacks

For the big pile of stuff: How about a wikipedia-style "Mefi posts that link to this post" box on the side of each thread (that has been linked back to)? So when someone links back to a post, that old post now links forward to the new thread. Especially useful if you search and find an older thread, and would like also to read the subsequent threads which say "previously discussed on MetaFilter..." Ideally, it would pick up on comments as well as posts that link to a specific thread (not to a specific comment in the thread, though).
posted by Eideteker on Jul 3, 2006 - 16 comments

Is there a plan for a thread tracking feature?

It struck me that it would be useful to mark interesting threads for tracking so I checked the MetaTalk archives and found that the idea had been raised originally back in the mists of time and then followed up much more recently. And yet I still don't know if it's been forgotten, abandoned or taken on board as an urgent priority. Would a "Features in Progress" page help? Or be a nagging schedule?
posted by MUD on Jul 8, 2002 - 2 comments

Reducing the load time for long threads.

For exceptionally long threads, would it be more CPU-friendly to stop rendering new pages every time someone clicked into the page after a certain point? Say, arbitrarily, 100 posts?
posted by Hildago on Mar 14, 2002 - 7 comments

Notification of new threads and comments.

Would it be possible to add a "There have been X new threads and Y new comments on MetaTalk since your last visit" to the MetaFilter page?
posted by skwm on Sep 30, 2001 - 5 comments

Sub-Threads for Tangents

Would it be good, bad, or otherwise to have the ability to create a “sub-thread” for a comment purposefully going off on a tangent? Personally, I think it could be useful, but it could easily become overused. I can’t think of a satisfactory way to prevent someone from making every single comment into a sub-thread for no good reason. The best idea I could come up with (and I’m not saying it’s even a good idea) is to limit sub-threads to once per topic (per user). Of course, it’s a possibility that more than one tangent might originate under a single thread but, in that case, the result (not being able to post a sub-thread for a tangent) is equivalent to what we have now (i.e., no sub-threads). Also, someone else might post a sub-thread for the tangent. Can anyone think of any better solutions, or is this a lame idea in the first place?

Also, although it may be handy, I don’t think MeFi would benefit from sub-threads to sub-threads (i.e., a sub-thread inside another sub-thread). At least not at this time.

Also also, if you do end up implementing this, it might be kinda cool to have a link to a topic’s sub-threads on MeFi’s main page (under the topic, e.g.). This could become a problem if a topic has a ton of sub-threads, but I don’t think it’s likely to become a serious problem. It might happen, but I doubt it would happen very often.

Also also also, the button on Post a Thread to MetaTalk reads Preview the Link. I noticed this just a second ago, and it doesn’t really bother me, but (perhaps) just Preview would be more appropriate.
posted by gleemax on Mar 3, 2001 - 0 comments

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