20 posts tagged with askme and askmefi.
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[RSS PSA] Reminder to update your MetaFilter RSS feeds

Last month, an apparent error in Feedburner caused several of MeFi's legacy RSS feeds to not update for up to a week (at least in my popular feed reader, Feedly). The problem has been fixed -- for now. But it's an important reminder that the Feedburner platform is increasingly unreliable -- if it were ever shut down by Google, the thousands of readers who rely on those feeds to keep up with the site may lose contact without even realizing it. The good news is that the site has a new set of self-hosted feeds that should remain active no matter what Google does. So, if you read the site using an RSS reader, please take a moment to update your reader to the new feeds -- and check the related posts on MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter for a list of posts you might have missed during the outage.
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 11, 2024 - 2 comments

Best Ask advice on surviving a breakup

I just had a shitty breakup, and I don't survive post break-ups well. But the Hive is full of wise loving people who give good advice, so please share all the good Ask threads and comments you've seen and loved. I know ya'll have good things stashed away in your favorites.
posted by Grandysaur on Jan 13, 2019 - 6 comments

Ask MeFi - follow up edition

I'm sure that I'm not alone in wondering how things work out in the case of particularly interesting Ask.MeFi posts. [more inside]
posted by Glomar response on Dec 10, 2018 - 89 comments

Free advice is seldom cheap

Cribcage hit the nail on the head with this recent comment: "people who have no idea what they're talking about but think posting answers on AskMe is 'fun' will now believe they have some factual basis for telling you in confident detail exactly what to do..." [more inside]
posted by Tanizaki on Jun 20, 2013 - 200 comments

Frederick Jaffe's son shows up to answer a question

The answers in my old question about a Planned Parenthood were all perfectly good, but I got the best answer and some new documents in a MeMail from now mefite Dave Jaffe, son of the memo author Frederick Jaffe. [more inside]
posted by michaelh on Apr 5, 2013 - 3 comments

Also, if someone knows an RSS reader with which to read the answers...

Did my AskMe query about advantageous reading in one's line of work set the record high ratio of question favorites to number of answers? More importantly, can anyone add to it? [more inside]
posted by michaelh on Mar 18, 2013 - 1 comment

How to delete your previous questions within AskMeFi

How to delete your previous questions within metafilter or AskMeFi? If you can't delete, why not and do they stay online forever?
posted by daveg02 on Dec 5, 2012 - 53 comments

ask.mefi questions about getting clients

There must already be Ask questions about how to increase business/get more clients as a freelancer, but I'm not hitting the right search terms or something. Can anyone point me? Thanks!
posted by SampleSize on Aug 22, 2012 - 3 comments

The Popular Tags cloud on ask.me just doesn't

Not Actually Extremely Problematic: The "popular tags" page on the green is a tag cloud, but none of the tags appear much larger than the others. [more inside]
posted by Tomorrowful on May 12, 2012 - 27 comments

Why are Popular Favorites scrambled?

I don't usually have time to read all of the questions on AskMeFi, so I rely on the Popular Favorites (24 hours) tab to screen the submitted questions for those found most interesting by other MeFites. The problem is that because of the way they are sorted I sometimes miss some.
Would it be possible to sort them chronologically by the time and date of submission, the most recent being at the top of the list? That way I could scroll down the list until I get to the question I remember from my last browsing session. What do others think? Thanks!
posted by Daddy-O on Apr 14, 2011 - 10 comments

Spies from the future

I think that there ought to be a caveat somewhere about AskMe questions, pseudonymity, privacy, and social network scraping tools. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Feb 17, 2011 - 62 comments

The Peanut Gallery

I was just wondering... How many of you guys browse askmefi primarily as a source of entertainment, rather than as a potential answerer? [more inside]
posted by tehloki on Nov 27, 2010 - 119 comments

Please Hope Me Not Fail at Life

I've been really enjoying "lifehack"-type AskMe posts lately - questions about how to change one's own habits to be better at day-to-day life situations and challenges (How do I become one of those people who makes everyone they talk to feel great? from Chrysalis is a good new one). What are some of your favorites? [more inside]
posted by l33tpolicywonk on Aug 15, 2010 - 33 comments

Who asks the most interesting questions?

InfoDump Analysis Request. Who asks the most interesting questions in AskMe? [more inside]
posted by marsha56 on Jul 28, 2010 - 41 comments

I've got some questions...

FeatureRequest: AskMeFi question queue? [more inside]
posted by deacon_blues on Apr 15, 2010 - 57 comments

Advice for a College Freshman

Can someone help me find the Ask MeFi post where someone asked for general advice for a college freshman? [more inside]
posted by biochemist on Jul 30, 2009 - 8 comments

Read before answering, please!

Do people's just not read through the questions on AskMefi before leaving answers? [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal on Sep 27, 2008 - 118 comments

How anonymous is an anonymous question on AskMe?

How anonymous is an anonymous question on AskMe?
posted by sjvilla79 on Mar 9, 2006 - 31 comments

Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions

"Criminal incompetence is probably not an impeachable offense, but something has to be done about Bush." Please keep your politics out of Ask Metafilter questions. (And another.) It tends to attract the wrong kind of answers.
posted by smackfu on Sep 2, 2005 - 25 comments

Best response?

Does this belong in the top 25 best responses in Askme?
posted by Keyser Soze on Jun 6, 2004 - 26 comments

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