[RSS PSA] Reminder to update your MetaFilter RSS feeds March 11, 2024 9:59 AM   Subscribe

Last month, an apparent error in Feedburner caused several of MeFi's legacy RSS feeds to not update for up to a week (at least in my popular feed reader, Feedly). The problem has been fixed -- for now. But it's an important reminder that the Feedburner platform is increasingly unreliable -- if it were ever shut down by Google, the thousands of readers who rely on those feeds to keep up with the site may lose contact without even realizing it. The good news is that the site has a new set of self-hosted feeds that should remain active no matter what Google does. So, if you read the site using an RSS reader, please take a moment to update your reader to the new feeds -- and check the related posts on MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter for a list of posts you might have missed during the outage.
posted by Rhaomi to MetaFilter-Related at 9:59 AM (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Looks like the new self-hosted rss feeds (but not the legacy feedburner ones) may have stopped updating sometime in the last 10 or so hours. (I checked the MeTa, Ask, and BestOf feeds, all via Feedly.)
posted by nobody at 11:29 AM on March 18, 2024

I sent this to the contact form, too, and it looks like it's been sorted out now (or at least the two feeds I subscribe to started updating again).
posted by nobody at 2:08 PM on March 18, 2024

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