27 posts tagged with askme and moderation.
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Closing Your Community Right: Jessamyn interviewed

A podcast where Jessamyn is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe about the experiences around an online community (mlkshk) closing down and what happens afterwards. There is much on moderating, membership, community issues and service shuttering procedures within, as well as discussion of death/the passing of people, how this impacts on online communities and how moderators and community members deal with it. The page contains many MetaFilter-related links and a link to the transcript.
posted by Wordshore on Mar 21, 2017 - 27 comments

I'm puzzled by an AskMe that I think is chatfilter.

I tag chatty questions and they almost always get deleted. Sometimes, though, I think a question is chatty but it doesn't. That's fine of course - I might just be wrong. [more inside]
posted by fritley on Sep 10, 2009 - 78 comments

Clarification on reasons to delete answers

Poster asks: Does dating through craigslist actually work? I answered simply, "No." My answer's been deleted. This is not the first time my on-topic answers have been deleted from threads and I find it pretty annoying. Further, someone else posted "Yup" and there answer is still there. WTF? [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Aug 29, 2008 - 90 comments

No snark here.

This post was flagged and the system worked as it usually does with cortex quite rightly deleting it. [more inside]
posted by Neiltupper on Jan 31, 2008 - 47 comments


"[I removed all the links to cat photos, put them in your profile if they're nevessary for this question]" [more inside]
posted by Saucy Intruder on Dec 14, 2007 - 86 comments


Strangely, my answer to this ridiculous question was favorited 17 times, then deleted. The answer was sincere, if not hyperbolic. Should I just email the admins directly next time I disagree with what I perceive to be out of control heavy-handed decimation? Thanks.
posted by four panels on Jul 31, 2007 - 240 comments

whatever, techsters

Was there really a good reason why every post in this AskMe thread was deleted? Looking at the question, it looked as though the poster was looking for A) good tech news sites and B) whether it would be worth it to start one. Not my fault it turned into a fight.
posted by parmanparman on Jul 5, 2007 - 70 comments

big response

Just curious why yet another Ask Metafilter answer was immediately deleted with no email explanation. Thanks.
posted by four panels on Jun 29, 2007 - 93 comments

Rollover questions? $5 per question? Pony?

God help me, but I'm starting a thread on getting additional AskMe questions. There are weeks that go by with no need to ask anything ... but then there are times when a second question would be a life-saver. Whatabout either (a) "rollover questions," a la Cingular's rollover minutes, say, up to a maximum of 2-3 in the bank at any time; or (b) a fee to ask a second question in one week? I can think of several times when I would have ponied up an additional $5 to ask, say, a work-related question where I knew AskMe's community would have the best answer.
posted by jbickers on Jun 27, 2007 - 127 comments

Moderation needed

Can admins take a look at this AskMeFi question? It's a genuine question about a biblical story but it's being hijacked by the atheist brigade.
posted by humblepigeon on Jun 13, 2007 - 79 comments

Cut short in its prime.

This AskMe has been inappropriately curtailed. The question is not a simple maths question, it is more complex as nuclear capacity is hydrocarbon dependent and the question is predicated on terminating hydrocarbon use. My post late in the thread raises this issue, and at least one (sensible) reply to it has been deleted.
posted by biffa on Jun 7, 2007 - 91 comments

Shooty McGunpants

Given the events of last week, it is really inappropriate to "moderate" comments to this question, which announces (vaguely and without details or motive) a course of action that could very well be dangerous to public health. While requesting that responses be limited to those from people who agree with you is always counterproductive, here it is just stupid, and the moderators should either delete the question or leave on-topic comments alone. That. Is. All.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Apr 24, 2007 - 308 comments

healthy dialogue

Often there are questions posted to Ask Metafilter that have a similar format. The poster will have a general health problem, and will also be fat. In 95% of the cases, losing weight is the first step to solving the problem. Yet, this answer is often immedietly removed. Is it really so terrible to point out the elephant in the room? And, more pointedly, are we doing others a diservice by not being frank?
posted by four panels on Apr 4, 2007 - 172 comments

This was definitely not chatfilter!

This was definitely not chatfilter! I am working on putting together a class about good and bad "radical" radio and want some listener opinion besides my own. Can we reinstate the question, please?
posted by parmanparman on Feb 9, 2007 - 16 comments

Were these posts deleted?

Did posts from the askmefi queue thing get deleted? I just noticed a post I was going to look back at later wasn't there, it was posted through the ask mefi queue thing posted to projects a few days ago.

Any hints?
posted by arimathea on Jan 11, 2007 - 10 comments

Again with the quick hook

Again with the quick hook on a chatfilter judgment call?
posted by frogan on Dec 14, 2006 - 50 comments

Deletion objection

Not really so hypothetical. I think the question should stand.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Oct 9, 2006 - 125 comments

Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.

Best reason for deleting a thread EVER.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Aug 30, 2006 - 137 comments

AskMe posts deleted, not discussed

Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
posted by evil holiday magic on Jul 21, 2006 - 46 comments

moderated? and yet remains?

This AskMe has been moderated? And yet remains?
posted by mzurer on Jul 3, 2006 - 23 comments

Rejecting Anonymous Questions

Are anonymous posters to AskMe notified if their question is rejected? (I did a search but didn't see the answer to this question.)
posted by tastybrains on Jun 28, 2006 - 7 comments

Comment deletion in the religion thread.

Why can't you love your fellow man and be selfless, without needing to believe in a giant invisible wizard in the sky? This statement was attacked, defended, reconnected with the topic at hand, and was further clarified and apologized for by its author. But as of a few minutes ago, it no longer exists. This, my friends, is Chewbacca, and Chewbacca does not make sense.
posted by Saucy Intruder on May 15, 2006 - 294 comments

Is the site over-moderated?

Good thread -- but be careful....it might get pulled.

When people are scared that AskMe threads they like might just be disappeared, perhaps it might be time to consider whether the site is being over-moderated?
posted by reklaw on May 4, 2006 - 92 comments

Chatfilter and consistency in moderation

I'm sure this invites a pile-on, but I thought this question in askme was thought provoking and was looking forward to discussion and comment, but it got deleted as "chatfilter." How much more worthy were this or this?
posted by Pressed Rat on Apr 4, 2006 - 46 comments

AskMe Snark

there seems to be a lot of pointless snarking occuring in ask.metafilter. One of the appeals of ask.mefi was the relatively calm and non-judgemental tone. Now it seems to be sliding into Usenet territory. Perhaps this is one of the inevitable stages of online communities.

So I am asking if "answer moderation" with the temporary vacationing of those who commit multiple, egregious offenses might reset things. It might not, but I can't think of any other solutions.

and yes, I have been part of the problem at times.
posted by craniac on Mar 16, 2006 - 56 comments

Heavy-handed moderation of one's own thread

Heavy-handed moderation of one's own thread is annoying.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Oct 6, 2005 - 99 comments

Spoiler alert!

Please edit this comment in the AskMe conspiracy-movie thread to remove the spoiler.
posted by nicwolff on Jun 25, 2005 - 109 comments

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