2 posts tagged with customization by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Freedom! We're better than Myspace!

I added a new feature: Custom CSS for profile pages. You simply create a .css file on your own server, write whatever CSS you want, and it will load after all the mefi CSS when anyone views your user page. Here's mine (which loads this). Just plop in the URL of your custom CSS file on your server in your user prefs. Be sure to post here when you've got something cool to show. Let the ugliness/coolness begin!
posted by mathowie on Apr 14, 2007 - 182 comments

Hands of Manos' profile page is pretty freaking amazing

While, it'd be nice if you could still see his comments, links, and previous posts, Hands of Manos' profile page is pretty freaking amazing, especially considering the limitations of the space.
posted by mathowie on Feb 9, 2005 - 45 comments

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