15 posts tagged with doubles and doubleposts.
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Undeleted double post.
Knowledge building over time.
An interesting aspect of the "filtration" on MetaFilter is chronological; and this aspect I think is often ignored, overlooked, or deprecated. [moronic inside]
Statute of limitation on double posts?
A repost this may be, but it's highly worthy and should stay on the front page, because the chap has made more 'critters' since I last saw the site, and I very much appreciate being reminded of it, and for flip's sake, it was last posted in 2002.
[more inside]
[more inside]
How can I avoid making double posts?
Drat! Foiled again! If anyone needs a pony that helps prevent doubleposts, it's me. I search (google) and search (MeFi), come up empty, post, and soon discover that I've been had. We've talked about such a pony that uses a keyword, category, or subject engine... how's it coming?
Quick and lazy newsfilter posts.
Doubleposting Policy
So I'm guessing that we've adopted a new unwritten policy on doubleposts?
[example, example, example]
[example, example, example]
What happened to my Black Friday post?
I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
What's the MeFi duplicate FPP record?
Triple? Quad? What's the MeFi duplicate FPP record?
Is there a statute of limitation on double posts?
Seeing this thread regarding the hoary old chestnut (you know, back in 2000) of Steve Albini vs. The Music Biz and Courtney Love ripping him off begs the question:
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
Is there a statute of limitations on double-posts?
Since TiggleTaggleTiger is a new user (May 2001), should he get cut slack? What if a newbie - new to the Web, new to MeFi - posts this link to a great site he found called fray.com? What's the correct procedure here?
Request: link to deleted double threads in the main one.
I'd like to request that when a post is removed because it is a double-post, can it simply be removed from the index page and a link to it inserted into the comments for the post that is retained? Is this possible?
What happened to this post?
does anyone know what happened to the oct 23 thread about kimble's megacar? was it removed?
Politeness and double posts.
This thread contains at least two (that I could find) examples of how to point out a double post in a polite and casual manner. But lately, this seems to be the exception rather than the rule. I'm wondering why some threads prompt some fairlystrong language in MeTa and outcry in the threads, and others are allowed to continue.
Searching Before Posting
Haven't been here long, but I've noticed double posts occur on nearly every thread, usually followed by a "shit ... I double posted" post %}
How difficult would it be to add a quick search through the previous posts in a thread such that if the same post had already been made it wouldn't post it again?
Or would that just crunch the overtaxed server too much?
How difficult would it be to add a quick search through the previous posts in a thread such that if the same post had already been made it wouldn't post it again?
Or would that just crunch the overtaxed server too much?
Etiquette of double post notifications.
Let it be resolved that from this point forward, all double post notifications must be handled like you are stoned. Do I hear a second?
Double your fun
it seems an awful lot of us regulars click-through to double posts, just to see how they will be handled. it's interesting, because a double post creates a whole new dynamic. we don't want thread-related discussion going on over there, but we apparently enjoy and even participate in the double post related discussion. do we need a name for this phenomenon, or at least a sniglet? other thoughts?