2 posts tagged with fantastic by gleuschk.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Don't need no fantastic flag

Suggestion: get rid of the 'fantastic post/comment' flag, and replace it wholeheartedly by the favoriting engine. In particular, recode the fantastic questions and answers page to pull the most favorited Qs and As, rather than the most flagged. For a brief interval there, that page was the best way to see the best of AskMeFi, but its usefulness is fading as people move to faving things rather than flagging them. Also, it would be super-ultra-mega-cool to have an analog of that page for the blue.
posted by gleuschk on Aug 27, 2006 - 18 comments

Could we have the threads/comments we've flagged as "fantastic" somehow noted on our profile pages?

Could we have the threads/comments we've flagged as "fantastic" somehow noted on our profile pages?
posted by gleuschk on Nov 29, 2005 - 14 comments

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