108 posts tagged with contest.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 108. Subscribe:
Go forth and post!
In a recent MeTa thread, Wobbuffet proposed a bingo type game for the site, to encourage folks to make new posts. This sounds like a good idea for December, so come on inside and help us figure out details before we launch this idea. [more inside]
👻🎃 Halloween Gala Thread 🎃👻
I know some of you already dressed up and went to your parties last weekend. And some of you have parties this weekend. And tonight (in the US) it trick-or-treat free-for-all. How have you decorated? What are you wearing? [more inside]
Help Pick the Winning Door
At the childcare center I work at, we are having a Christmas door decorating contest. Please help pick a winner.
The pictures and a link to the ballot are here. There are no prizes, just bragging rights until next year.
Final Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest
It's been Fun, it's been Fabulous, it's been Fascinating, and, of course it's been Fantastic, but now it's also Final: the Best Post as formally voted by the Fellows of the Metafilter Academy follows ... [more inside]
Week 4 Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest
Happy lunar new year 🌙🐀everyone! Be guided by moonbeams and stardust inside to find your fantastic fourth week results of the January readers' choice contest, with final tallies for overall winners coming next week. ✨✨✨ [more inside]
Week 3 Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest
The penultimate week of your excellent January readers' choice contest has come to an end, so hold on to your fundament for wonderments most luculent and eloquent, because, friends, we have results... [more inside]
Week 2 Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest
Welcome to your week two results of Mefites' choice awards for best post as voted by members — we have such wonders to show you! Please step behind the velvet curtain to view the goods ... [more inside]
🥇 Week 1 Results of the January 2020 Best Post Contest
Thank you most excellent posters and voters for a lovely start to the January Best Post Contest! The first week was a tad short on days but nevertheless full of fantastic posts. Step inside to view Week 1 winners, and remember to keep voting with the Fantastic Flag all month. [more inside]
Best Post Contest for January 2020! 🎉
Ahoy, Mefites! As we approach the mystical year of 2020, it would be wise to remember the words of Pythagoras, who once said "There is geometry in the humming of the comments, there is music in the spacing of the posts," and encouraged his acolytes to engage in heroic feats of typing and linking every year — a holiday tradition Metafilter follows to this day! [more inside]
MeFi GoT Deadpool
How about a MetaFilter Game of Thrones Deadpool? Name ten characters in the order you feel most confident of their death. So, if you put Character A as #1 and he dies, you get 10 points. If you put Character B as #10 and she dies, you get one point.
Best Post Contest FINALE: winner, category winners, 1st & 2nd timers
The posts were bested! This month's contest has had some really great posts, including a ton of single-linkers, obscure subjects, the weird and the wonderful. In here we announce the overall winner, the first- and second-time posters, and Mefites announce their category winners. If you have a underappreciated post you'd like to highlight, feel free to bring it in here too -- there's chips and dip and sparkling beverages for everyone! [more inside]
Best Post Contest, Week 4 Winners!
Best Post Contest is wrapping up. Step in here for the Week 4 round-up and a big whack of great posts you may have missed! (Overall monthly round-up coming tomorrow.) [more inside]
Best Post Contest, Week 3 Winners!
The posts are hot and the votes are cool, or something! Come inside for the Week 3 Winners! And remember to keep voting with the Fantastic Flag for the final week. [more inside]
Best Post Contest, Week 2 Winners
The Best Post Contest is still going strong! Keep voting with the Fantastic Flag, keep posting those outstanding posts. Here are the Week 2 winners, again somewhat late - but step inside for a boatload of great stuff you might have missed the first time around, including a lot of bite-size single-link posts, nom nom nom. [more inside]
Best Post Contest Week 1 winners (a little late)!
Thanks to all you awesome posters, the January Best Post Contest first week was fab! Come in here for Week 1 winners, and remember to keep voting with the Fantastic Flag all month -- vote for as many posts as you want, early and often. [more inside]
Pest Bost Contest for January 2019!
Happy New Year! We've swapped months for the annual contest; out with December and in with January. So now it's time for the Mefite's Choice Best Post Contest! As always, Vote by flagging posts with the Fantastic Flag -- all month long, as many as you want. We'll have winners every week. Mefites can offer individual awards in categories of their choosing too. [more inside]
Best Title Title
I wasn't around when the Great Title Wars were fought, but I would have sided with The Man. I enjoy coming up with titles that are cheeky and somewhat obscure.
I therefore propose a Best Title contest in May. I'll choose the winner by a proprietary method. The prize is fifty calling cards from MOO with your job title of choice and, optionally, a graphic on the reverse (I'm fond of The Wave Of The Future).
Others are welcome to sponsor sub-Title contests such as Most Obscure Allusion, BestWorst Pun, etc. Let the entitling begin (or continue, as it were, it being the 8th and all).
It was a great month for posts to finish out 2017! Read inside for the month-long winners, final-week winners, category winners, and more! [more inside]
DECEMBER BEST POST CONTEST! Dec 24 awards, observed!
Click within to discover the full glory of the third week of the December Best Post Contest, including best posts of the week, all our first- and second-time posters for the week, and a recap of categories for the month-long contest! This week actually closed on Dec 24, but what with the holidays today is December 24 Observed. [more inside]
Click within to discover the awesomeness of the fantastic second week of the December Best Post Contest, including best posts of the week, all our first- and second-time posters for the week, and a recap of categories for the month-long contest! [more inside]
Click within to discover the full glory of the first week of the December Best Post Contest, including best posts of the week, all our first- and second-time posters for the week, and a recap of categories for the month-long contest! [more inside]
The December Best Post Contest is a GO. Vote with fantastic flags! Rules and categories inside! [more inside]
December is for giving good FPP
It's that time of year again and it brings out the best in us.
Are we having a December best post bonanza as previously?
With all the crap out there in the real world I think we deserve it. [more inside]
July Best Post Contest! FINAL AWARDS
It was a great month for posts! Read inside for the month-long winners, final-week winners, and more. [more inside]
July Best Post Contest! Midmonth Awards
Herein, find weekly awards and recognitions! See categories here.
July Best Post Contest! CATEGORIES
The July Best Post Contest is ON. Vote with fantastic flags! Rules and categories inside! [more inside]
July Best Post Contest!
In July, we'll be having a best post contest! This will be the first one since I came on staff and I've been hassling the other mods for months, so they finally gave in. Read on for categories and start preparing your posts now! [more inside]
2016 Election Prediction Contest results
Back in January, on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, I set up an election prediction contest for you fine folks, and got 74 ballots in response. Nearly ten months (and ten million comments) later, the results are in: congratulations to Cash4Lead, for his remarkably far-sighted prediction of the winners of Iowa, New Hampshire, Super Tuesday, the nominations, the House majority, and even Clinton's VP pick! A $50 donation to the charity of your choice is yours. Oodles more analysis of the collective wisdom inside [more inside]
MetaFilter 2016 Election Prediction Demolition Derby
It's been an unbelievably unpredictable primary season this year, and the Iowa caucuses are less than 30 hours away. So why not get ahead of the curve with a TRUMP-SIZED election prediction contest? I'm thinking Iowa (Dem/GOP), New Hampshire (Dem/GOP), Super Tuesday (Dem/GOP), final nominee (Dem/GOP), and general election winner, with ties broken by House/Senate control, Veepstakes speculation, and as much analysis/rationalization/weeping as you feel appropriate. Prize: One (1) $50 ($fifty) donation to the charity of your choice (split equally if necessary), and eternal bragging rights over the ruins of the punditocracy. Deadline is 8:00 PM Eastern time Monday, when the caucuses start. (Feel free to enter after Iowa or New Hampshire vote, but be advised that your prediction for those states will not count!) See inside for entry form. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice best post contest, Week 4 and Community Prizes
The fourth and final week of the Mefites' Choice contest is closed, and here are the results to warm your first week of 2016. Prize-givers, announce your chosen posts in here too. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice best post contest, Week 3 roundup
Week Three of our Mefites' Choice contest saw more fabulous posts and more voters making their voices heard. Come on in to check out the terrific links you may have missed, and hitch up your posting/voting/prize-offering pants for the final week. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice best post contest, Week 2 roundup
Our month of democratic prizery continues! Remember to vote early and often, using the fantastic flag. Step right up to see a procession of the week's best posts, borne past your hungering eyes on sumptuous golden cushions. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice best post contest, Week 1 roundup
Vote with Fantastic flag, all thru December,
plus various prizes offered by members.
Now we've had one week of posts,
which did Mefites like the mosts? [more inside]
plus various prizes offered by members.
Now we've had one week of posts,
which did Mefites like the mosts? [more inside]
2015 Mefites' Choice best post contest
The last few years we've run a Mefites' Choice December best post contest: everybody votes for posts via the Fantastic flag, one overall winner per week, and also community members can offer their own prizes for whatever kind of posts they most want to see. Let's do it again! [more inside]
Seeking annual sandwich listing
I'm trying to round up a link I'm pretty sure I saw here. It was a list of sandwich recipes, one per year, going back at least several decades if not more (and inadvertently illustrating some now-obsolete food trends — e.g. english-muffin-based sandwiches were A Thing in the 70s or 80s). My recollection is that the sandwiches on the list were winners of a national contest that was held annually for some time. Googling is finding lots of clickbait-y IF YOUR STATE WAS A SANDWICH WHAT SANDWICH WOULD IT BE? / SEVENTY-TWELVE HIPSTER SANDWICHES YOU MUST EAT BEFORE YOU DIE lists, but not the retro contest-winning sandwich listing I remember. Am I crazy or did this thing really exist?
100: The Big 100
The big end of the year, end of the double-digits podcast episode was recorded yesterday and runs 1h51m as we chat about all our favorite posts from the previous month, highlight some winners from the mefites choice contest, and reminisce about the holidays. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2014 winners, Week Three
It's week three of the December Best Post contest (reminder: please vote for the posts you like most via the fantastic flag, and if you are so inclined, sign up on the Wiki to contribute a prize!) and I've got the winners for the week. The top post for the week is Rhaomi's comprehensive salute to Stephen Colbert. For the prize, Rhaomi can pick out anything from the Mefi Mall up to $25 from me. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2014 winners, Week Two
It's week two of the December Best Post contest (reminder: please vote for the posts you like mostest via the fantastic flag*, and if you are so inclined, sign up on the Wiki to contribute a prize!) and I'd like to reveal the winners for this week. Coming in at #1 is the exhaustive history of everthing you ever wanted to know about long distance trucking post made by cwest. For his efforts, he gets a transforming flat vase from Eyebrows McGee and I'll personally buy one shirt of the poster's choice from Cotton Bureau. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2014 winners, Week One
It's that special time of year again (reminder: please vote for the posts you like mostest via the favorites button, and if you are so inclined, sign up on the Wiki to contribute a prize!), and the first week of the Mefite's Choice 2014 best posts extravaganza has come to pass, revealing to us that, with or without salad, Metafilter members love a good chuckle, as demonstrated by storybored's #1 winning post "JokeFilter" (What's the one joke you always tell when someone says "Tell me a joke."). In thanks for the all the hilarity, storybored wins anything from the Mefi Mall from me, up to $25*. [more inside]
The 99th(!!!) podcast was recorded earlier today and runs about 1h45m as we cover November on MeFi, Thanksgiving fun, and other upcoming events. [more inside]
December post contest?
Is there any interest in having another December posting contest (awesome example 1, awesome example 2)? It doesn't need huge prizes, and the community driven prize pool was really cool last time. Also, we're all understanding of the more limited staffing resources for something like this, so perhaps it would create more work than it's worth. But if there are the resources and the interest, I do think it's always been a great community building event and would like to throw it out there for consideration. This place rocks, and December is an awesome time to remind ourselves of what we do best as we wrap up the year. It's like icing on the holiday cake.
Just in time for the weekend, the Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest has drawn to a close! We have three great entries, so venture inside and see what MetaFilter hath wrought! [more inside]
Can I have a subtitle contest?
I wonder if it's okay to have a contest where I ask people to suggest possible subtitles for a book I'm writing. I would give the winner a prize, like send them some food from a mail-order place or something (haven't thought that part through yet because first I want to know if this is a verboten thing to do or not).
If it's okay, would I post this contest on Projects? or where?
I didn't contact staff because I thought this would maybe not be a hardwired policy question.
Thank you for feedback.
It is the end of February and the Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest is coming to a close! [more inside]
Contents Under (not enough) Pressure
GNFTI, you complete MONSTER. How could you. I trusted you. [more inside]
>have fun
It is February first, which means the Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest has begun! [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Final Week
Thanks for your patience as we do all the complicated calculations to determine the week's three winners as well as the month's twenty-one(ish) overall category winners. [more inside]
>read meta
In exactly one month, the Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest will begin! [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Week Three
It's week three of our MeFites Choice contest, where we showcase the best posts according to you, the reader, via the use of fantastic flagged posts. [more inside]
Mefites' Choice 2013 winners, Week Two
Another week of Mefites' Choice Awards, another bunch of fantastic posts flagged by mefites as, uh, fantastic? Phrasing's a bit clumsy, let's take take that again from the top and see if—what do you mean we're live? We're, ah—yes! Welcome to week two, come inside! [more inside]