1271 posts tagged with pony.
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Adding year of release to Fanfare front page posts

This has been asked before, in Nov 2022, when the site owner called it a "really good idea" and a then-current tech person said it seemed "uncontroversial and positive, so I'll put that on the pile of things to do." Is this still something the community thinks is worth doing? If so, any chance it could be implemented? It might increase engagement in an area of the site that could use it. I know I'd find it useful, anyway.
posted by mediareport on May 4, 2024 - 55 comments

Movie Review System on FanFare?

In the post on Rotten Tomatoes, someone mentioned Metacritic, which immediately made my inner reader voice add “(no relation)”. And it made me wonder - at this point, especially thanks to DirtyOldTown’s continuing fantastic posting of older movies, whether we could add a “liked it / it was ok / didn’t like it” button that people could click that would show as a metric under the post, like a favorites count. [more inside]
posted by Mchelly on Sep 8, 2023 - 52 comments

a paid for pony

I'd like to return, if possible, to the previously discussed pony request that the site find some way to label/tag/denote paywalled or subscriber locked articles (or sites which haven't bothered updating to GDPR regulations, but this is a small side pony as I'm aware it doesn't apply to everyone). Clicking a link in a post only to smack into a wall is getting increasingly tiresome (and happening with increasing frequency). [more inside]
posted by fight or flight on Apr 11, 2021 - 41 comments

Paywall Labelling

I would really like it if all post links that led to sites with a paywall were so marked with an icon or parenthetical like ($) or something. I don't care so much about comment links but if the link parser was automated then that could be a trivial addition thing. If the catalogue of pay sites was database driven it could be updated in real time. In any case, until there's an automated system, I would really appreciate manual/etiquette related efforts to make it clear which links do and do not go to the open web. Thanks for your consideration.
posted by seanmpuckett on Jun 5, 2020 - 45 comments

What if recent activity was limited to recent things?

While we're on the subject of ponies... What if recent activity showed, say, the last ten comments in the last 8 or 24 hours? [more inside]
posted by kaibutsu on Mar 24, 2020 - 17 comments

Let us entertain us?

I know there's a wiki of MeFi authors, and I know we already have MeFi Music... but I'm guessing that a lot of people here have podcasts or YouTube / Vimeo channels or books or albums or animation or artwork or other creative outlets. Any chance we can create a master directory (like the MeFi Mall) of these links for people who... might suddenly have a lot of unfilled time on their hands?
posted by Mchelly on Mar 23, 2020 - 9 comments

Mathematical constants, for example, the 72 character limit on post titl

While drafting this FPP, I had to omit words from the title of the article I was linking to in order to fit within the 72 character limit on FPP titles. I noticed today that someone else was bitten by the same "feature", leading to a misspelling of the author's name, until cortex stopped by to fix things manually. While I understand the desire to keep FPP titles concise, I feel like 72 is rather strict, and that we should discuss increasing it. [more inside]
posted by tonycpsu on Jan 30, 2020 - 51 comments

Can FanFare posts have a "where you can see this" field?

Often there are FanFare posts which don't mention where the movie or TV show can be watched - whether it's a streaming service, broadcast TV or only in theaters. A number of times, I've had to do web searches to find where I can watch something. Sometimes, a tag lists where to watch, but it's certainly not done consistently. Can a "Where to watch" field be added to the Show Information? [more inside]
posted by ShooBoo on Dec 1, 2019 - 24 comments

Small pony: ongoing word count on Mefi posts

Since the site suggests you move content from the question to extended explanation once it hits 100 words, would it be possible to add a widget that shows you how many words are in your question currently (like Twitter does for character count)? That would have the added benefit of being able to warn a user when they are reaching their word limit within the 'post' page rather than requiring a click through to the 'preview post' section.
posted by softlord on Nov 5, 2019 - 19 comments

Pony: Option to hide "Favorited by Others" on profile?

I am trying to cut social-media-style dopamine hits out of my life as much as I can, and I have noticed myself checking in more than I'd prefer on my "Favorited by Others" count, and clicking through to see what comments I've made that are getting lots of favorites. I'd rather not do this, but it's a longstanding habit at this point, and it's been surprisingly difficult to kick it. Would it be possible to add a preference to hide the count and link? [more inside]
posted by potrzebie on Jun 12, 2019 - 54 comments

Fanfare Pony Request. Ability to hide/mute shows ?

If the technical overhead is not too much, would it be possible to allow logged in users to mute/hide certain shows completely? [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Mar 25, 2019 - 21 comments

Pony request: books on watercooler and fanfare front page

So on the side bar of fanfare when you scroll down you have recently added movies and recently added tv shows but no recently added books, could books be added? Also- fanfare watercooler shows the most active discussions in TV, Movies, podcasts, classic tv and classic movies but no books? could that be added? If there's some sort of reason why not that's fair, but It would be nice to have an easier way of finding the latest book discussions.
posted by Homo neanderthalensis on Mar 14, 2019 - 8 comments

Strike that, reverse it?

Deleted posts can be flagged but not favorited. Shouldn't it be the other way around? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 15, 2019 - 18 comments

Determining "D'oh!" draft delay

Would it be possible to create draft FPPs before the end of the 24-hour delay? In other words, you would get the D'oh!/"you have already posted a link in the past 24 hours" page after hitting publish instead of when you click on New Post. I think the 24-hour delay is a good thing but it's intended to prevent people from posting not writing. Changing the order would allow people to check HTML formatting and link accuracy earlier in the writing process if they want to post on back-to-back days. Aside from changing the back end of the publishing process (which I know nothing about and may very well be insurmountable) would it add additional work or issues for the mods over time? Is this something that other people who post FPPs would like? [more inside]
posted by not_the_water on Jan 30, 2019 - 20 comments

Pony - link to active threads no longer on the first page

As a frequent reader and occasional commentator on the Brexit threads, it's always seemed odd to me that we have a sidebar dedicated to US politics threads - and who would be masochistic enough to want to read the megathread from three iterations ago?? - but we don't have this functionality for other similar, comment-heavy threads that run on beyond their time on the front page. Could we change the US politics sidebar to instead reflect all threads with a longer lifespan? [more inside]
posted by chappell, ambrose on Jan 17, 2019 - 14 comments

Fanfare Feedback

So I've been exploring FanFare (it's great!) and I have just a few ponies. [more inside]
posted by freethefeet on Jan 8, 2019 - 14 comments

An impatient pony: queuing FPPs?

I find that a lot of why I don't post as many FPPs as I used to is that I prefer to post them in the earlyish morning, although I might write them at other times, and in the afternoon I wind up going "well, I'll just submit it tomorrow." I also tend to get into spates of writing FPPs, and when I've just submitted one is (bar none) the time most likely for me to get excited and want to write another one. I would love the ability to be able to submit my FPP of the day before the 24-hour delay is up, so that it will be posted either at a time of my choosing or else when the 24-hour delay has ended. I think this would be something that would make posting FPPs easier, at least for me. Thoughts?
posted by sciatrix on Dec 13, 2018 - 9 comments

Jumping Pony on Mobile

The jump-down anchor visible on posts on mobile takes you all the way down to the tags. I imagine most people use it like I do: to get to the comment box and/or last comment more quickly. Could this be adjusted to remove the need to scroll up each time? [more inside]
posted by cichlid ceilidh on Oct 31, 2018 - 25 comments

Pony Request: Buttons, the type you pin to things

I'd like a button or pin I can buy, where the profit goes to help fund metafilter, that has the metafilter logo on it, or whatever. Something about an inch in size that I can put on my backpack would be perfect. [more inside]
posted by gryftir on Oct 22, 2018 - 20 comments

Extended new comment Show Pony

Currently for a limited period of time if a new comment(s) are posted to a thread you have open one gets a notification "Foo new comments, show". My understanding is this feature is time limited because it loads the server by regularly checking for new comments since the last displayed (hence the reason one sometimes sees the notice "0 new comments, show"). After the limited time period one gets the message "No recent updates. Reload to check for new comments". Here's the pony request: Would it be possible to have a link in the last statement that manually runs the new comment check code and then displays an appropriate message if new comments are found? [more inside]
posted by Mitheral on Jul 11, 2018 - 6 comments

Podcast on the to-go menu

Pony request: When I'm reading MetaFilter at my desktop, the menu options at the top of the page include the podcast. But when I'm reading on my iPhone, the podcast isn't on the menu. Can we add it, please?
posted by nickmark on Jul 2, 2018 - 3 comments

Timestamps for search (pony?)

Unless I'm missing something, there is currently no way to see how old a search result is on the site other than clicking on the post in question to see when it was made. Are search results ordered in chronological order, or relevancy? [more inside]
posted by lesser weasel on Jun 12, 2018 - 5 comments

A tag-searhc Pony

Sometimes people misspell their tags on posts. An example: this old post of mine which I tagged with bobbygentry instead of bobbiegentry. (I’ve since fixed this.) Right now, when you search by tag you get back a list of matching tags and tags that contain your search as a substring. I think it would be helpful if we also returned a list of results that have similar spellings in case the post you’re trying to find has a tag typo.
posted by Going To Maine on Apr 21, 2018 - 47 comments

Bringing back gopher was just the start.

Tired of increasingly bloated, over-designed web interfaces? Looking for a way to enjoy your content without all the dozens of JavaScript trackers and endless needless geegaws? Give the new MetaFilter Reader interface a shot! Clean, classic design; mobile friendly; it even comes with its own games! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 31, 2018 - 136 comments

There's a Fanfare Talk?

Alright. So I saw FanFare Talk for the first time today. There seems to be a good reason for FanFare Talk, but seriously - it was a hunt to accidentally stumble upon a post from it, and then another hunt to go back and find that there were other FanFare Talk posts... [more inside]
posted by Nanukthedog on Jan 28, 2018 - 47 comments

Hover Pony?

Can either the titles of political posts include a marker that they are political or have the hovertext or some other indicator in the Contact Activity feed say it is political (#potus45) to save me a click and instant click away? [more inside]
posted by jillithd on Jan 5, 2018 - 6 comments

Any chance of marking Twitter links like Youtube ones?

I'm wondering if there's any interest in marking links to Twitter in the same way that we already mark links to Youtube, so that people who want to avoid them can do so more easily. [more inside]
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The on Sep 8, 2017 - 51 comments

FanFare Needs a Pony

FanFare turns three years old this month and needs pretty pictures as a present. [more inside]
posted by gusottertrout on Apr 12, 2017 - 48 comments

Small italicized pony request

I can't believe I'm harassing y'all for this, it really is an itty bitty pony. That said I just realized in my Recent Activity when answering a question from an anonymous poster that the anonymous wasn't italicized like it is everywhere else -- ie on the askme home page, question page. (Also this is desktop only as the the username doesn't appear on mobile.) Anonymous was also capitalized, where it's not in the rest of the site. Any specific reason why it's different on the Recent Activity page? And if not... pretty please can I get it to look the same across the site? I don't even know why this bothered me enough to ask, but here it is. Thanks awesome metafilter team, as always you guys are amazing!
posted by cgg on Mar 26, 2017 - 23 comments

Are we counting favorites the right way?

On our user pages, the two numbers tracked for favorites count different things. The first one is a count of how many individual comments I have favorited. The second number is a count of how many times everyone has favorited a comment of mine. The description of that second number, "Favorited by others," is sort of misleading, I think, because it doesn't count individual comments the way the first number does. [more inside]
posted by emelenjr on Oct 5, 2016 - 37 comments

Any chance of resurrecting this favorites pony request?

After a long day of reading the site on mobile while waiting for stuff, the request here to add a "Favorite this post" link to the "Who favorited this post" page (the one that comes up when you click the link with the number of people who favorited the post) made a lot of sense to me. [more inside]
posted by limeonaire on Sep 15, 2016 - 42 comments

Fanfare Pony / Feature Addition request

I know that Fanfare currently supports TV Shows, Books, Movies, and Podcasts, but is there any chance - or indeed any demand - for it to also support regular Youtube Webseries / Channels? [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on May 23, 2016 - 16 comments

Pony Request: MyTalk

Would it be possible to get the ability to filter MetaTalk posts by tags and create "My Talk"? [more inside]
posted by Rob Rockets on Apr 25, 2016 - 15 comments

[Add to activity]

Can we have an "add to activity" button on the front pages like we do for favorites? If so, what should it look like? Discuss.
posted by anonymous on Mar 31, 2016 - 20 comments

Automatic double post checking with Javascript?

Would it be possible to add a feature to the new post form that checks for URLs while the user is writing the post, and instantly notifies the user that the post is potentially a double without having to hit Preview? It can be a bummer when you've written a long FPP and then discover it's a double on preview. Site search/domain-specific Google search is kind of unreliable for this in my experience. Or, could we have access to the URL-checking system with a user input field somewhere else in the site?
posted by overeducated_alligator on Mar 22, 2016 - 34 comments

More color for Classic ponies

It's been about a year and a half since the Modern theme became available, which brought with it new colors for Fanfare, IRL, and Jobs, which were and are white in Classic. There were a few requests for getting the colors added to Classic, but it never happened. Maybe now is the time? [more inside]
posted by vibratory manner of working on Feb 26, 2016 - 83 comments

Pony Request: Edited Flag

I am still seeing quite a few comments which are significantly edited for content using the edit feature. Things like tripling the length of the comment by adding two full sentences to it. Not minor edits where one or two words are changed, much less simply typos. The "Other" flag seems a little too generic but that's what I end up using when I flag them. A "Edited for Content" flag would be appreciated if possible? [more inside]
posted by Justinian on Feb 20, 2016 - 155 comments

A way to request FPPs?

I know that the site is not supposed to be newsfilter, and that the answer to “I wish someone would post on X” is often “post it yourself, hooray”. But there are often topics or stories where I find myself thinking, “man, I wish someone on Metafilter who actually knows something about this field would write up a post about this thing to help me understand it better.” Alternatively, if someone wanted to work on a post but also wanted some help from someone who understands the field/industry/current media landscape around a subject, it would be nice to put out some kind of call/request to see if any of those subject area experts would be up for looking at a draft and offering feedback. [more inside]
posted by a fiendish thingy on Feb 2, 2016 - 51 comments

Metafilter Chat Feature Request

Would it be possible to have a link to the profile pages of the members in the chat room? Perhaps as an additional choice when you right-click their name from the list on the righthand sidebar? (alongside "ignore" and "private chat") [more inside]
posted by chambers on Nov 24, 2015 - 9 comments

Time for some thrilling heroics

Would it be possible to auto-add new Fanfare posts for specific shows to our "Recent Activity" page? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 17, 2015 - 18 comments

A pony of many genders

Would it be possible to put a place for preferred pronouns in the profile? [more inside]
posted by Too-Ticky on Aug 1, 2015 - 69 comments

FanFare MeMails on the Pony Express

Could we please give users the option to get two kinds of fanfare-related memails?
  1. An alert when someone starts a thread for an episode of a podcast/show that you're following on MyFanfare. (This is perhaps redundant, but I can't be the only one who doesn't think to wander over to MyFanfare that much…)
  2. A digest listing all of the new shows, podcasts (not individual episodes) and movies added to FanFare in the last week. I can't even think of all the media on which I'd be interesting in seeing the community's perspective, and this would be a good way to discover that other folks want to have those conversations as well.

posted by Going To Maine on May 9, 2015 - 18 comments

I would ride this pony into a sunset and a title card that says The End.

On FanFare, would it be possible to have the option to subscribe to a film club like you can subscribe to a tv show? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Apr 23, 2015 - 12 comments

Comics (& other serialized content) on Fanfare

On Fanfare Talk, some mefites have expressed interest in discussing comic books on Fanfare; the necessary metadata could come from comixology or comicbookdb. What do other folks think about this idea? And are there other serialized media (ideally with metadata sources) that might be good to add?
posted by Going To Maine on Mar 14, 2015 - 34 comments


Is there a way to see the tags on a post when using the mobile platform? If not, can this be added? Thanks awesome people!
posted by bq on Mar 1, 2015 - 38 comments

Recent Activity Comment Length Po[...]

Sometimes comments in recent activity get truncated with a "[...]" when they run too long. Could we allow MeFites to customize this aggressiveness? For instance, I've currently got a thread at the top of Recent Activity that contains a number of comments such as this one (9,414 characters over five paragraphs) and this one (11,121 characters over six paragraphs). These walls of text make it difficult to navigate. If I could choose the point at which comments are truncated (say, two paragraphs or 1,000 characters, whichever comes second) I -and maybe others?- would be a happy camper. Is this a cool and reasonable idea?
posted by Going To Maine on Jan 29, 2015 - 73 comments

Pony Request: Bring (new comments) functionality to Recent Activity

One of Metafilter's most convenient features is how posts shown on the sub-site pages note that there are (x comments)(y new). It's great to hit the (y new) link and bounce directly to fresh content identified just for you based on your past history with that thread. Adding this functionality to Recent Activities would improve that page's usefulness under many common scenarios. [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Nov 1, 2014 - 8 comments

Fanfare pony request: Ability to not specify an episode

Inspired by this post, I've got a feature request for Fanfare: In the "Episode #" drop-down, add "N/A" as an option. This signals that the post is for the entire season. I think there are a lot of shows that would benefit from single-post discussions (The Fall was previously mentioned, I think) rather than one thread per episode.
posted by jbickers on Sep 24, 2014 - 33 comments

Let's fill the stable: My Fanfare

I would like to (without using RSS, and without making bookmarks) be able to go to one page on Fanfare and see all of the threads posted about only the series that I care about. [more inside]
posted by sparklemotion on Sep 12, 2014 - 10 comments

Podcast Post Pony Petition

MetaTalk has a comment period of 30 days by default. In most MeTa contexts, this is good, and makes total sense. But for the podcast, this makes less sense—especially since people might be coming to listen to a podcast well after it has been recorded. Could the podcast pages be stripped of their commenting time limit? This would be more in line with MeFi Music and FanFare, which seem to be the closest analogues elsewhere on the site. Is that something other users would find to be welcome? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Aug 1, 2014 - 29 comments

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