13 posts tagged with merchandise.
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Pony Request: Buttons, the type you pin to things
I'd like a button or pin I can buy, where the profit goes to help fund metafilter, that has the metafilter logo on it, or whatever. Something about an inch in size that I can put on my backpack would be perfect. [more inside]
Would you like a Button?
Would you like a 1.25" button (pin) featuring the "There is No Cabal" design? This is not a rhetorical question. [more inside]
New merch: Seal of the Cabal
We're rolling out a new shirt design, featuring art from robocop is bleeding, who has taken his rad hand-carved block printing aesthetic to the eldritch glyphs and sigils of MetaFilter history to produce the Seal of the Cabal. (There is, of course, no cabal.) (But there is an alternate, smaller version of the design for folks who prefer how that sits on a shirt.) [more inside]
New merch: everyone needs a mug
Hey, rolling out a new piece of merch today: a big blue mug with the "MF" logo on one side and, on the other, "Note: everyone needs a mug". [more inside]
Let's talk about MeFi Merch!
Alright, I suggested last week amidst the brainstorming in the State of the Site post that we set aside a thread specifically for MetaFilter merchandising chatter. This! Is! That! Thread! So, let's talk merch ideas. I'll lay out our current thinking and some options inside. [more inside]
Get your MetaFilter sticker pack!
Wish you could put your favorite website on your favorite automobile? Need to apply an adhesive Ask MetaFilter label to your laptop? Just like buying stickers? Good news: We've got stickers for sale (as well as some remaining t-shirt stock) over on our TopatoCo page! [more inside]
The Great Mefi Merchandising Wishlist
Let's collect together in one place all the random suggestions from the past year for sayings people would like to see, types of merchandise they would like to see, et al. New suggestions also welcome. [more inside]
Would someone be willing to print and sell more Metafilter shirts?
Hey, could we have another run of shirts printed out? I'd like to buy one.
sorry i was made these purchase because a error...
shop.metafilter.com seems to be broken. There's only one option, and it's not available for sale. [more inside]
Standard nerds!
Attention lovers of the IT Crowd! [more inside]
I am a fat Special Snowflake
Will there be more MetaFilter t-shirts available? Specifically, t-shirts in men's lard-ass sizes?
Pretty_Generic's comment now available on merchandise
Just in case anyone hadn't noticed, this thread led to this comment, which led, perhaps inevitably, to this store. Buy your shirts, mugs and stickers now, to support Pretty_Generic's best Infocom/Nixon crossover gag ever.
I would like a MetaFilter thong please...