6 posts tagged with secretquonsar and giftswap.
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MetaFilter Gift Swap Renaming
Back in August, I made a post about how we were going to tackle Secret Quonsar in 2020 -- and we wound up talking about the name of the swap itself, as well. If you participated in the swap this year, you should have received an email this morning with a link to a Google poll with some options. I wanted to make a MetaTalk as space to discuss pros/cons of various options. [more inside]
Secret quonsar 2011 roundup
It's Secret quonsar Roundup Time! We're trying to make sure everyone gets their gift this year. Please check your email and respond if you have an email from us. If you have any questions talk to us Meanwhile, we thought we'd share some fun statistics and next steps. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2011: Signups are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 24, and the send by date is Monday, December 5. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 22. Spending Limit: $15. Note: We are doing things a bit differently this year. [more inside]
Thank You Secret Quonsar!
I would like to thank my Secret Quonsar and invite others to as well and bask in the schmoopy. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2010: Signups Are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again, but this year we're doing it in two flavors: Anyone/Anywhere and [My Country Only]. The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 25, and the send by date is Tuesday, December 6. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on November 24. Spending Limit: $15. [more inside]
Secret Quonsar, year 2?