11 posts tagged with secretquonsar and quonsmas.
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Secret Quonsar 2019 THANK YOU!

Thrilled and honored to be the first to post a THANK YOU to -- I don't know who specifically, but the kind and generous soul who honored my request to be sent "anything made of dark chocolate that comes from their corner of the universe." I am now the very, very happy recipient of 6 glorious bars of superior dark chocolate from Toronto. I shall savor every bite. [more inside]
posted by pjsky on Nov 15, 2019 - 427 comments

secret quonsar 2019: sign-up thread

It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Monday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Monday, December 2*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
posted by curious nu on Nov 2, 2019 - 145 comments

secret quonsar 2018: Let the Niceness begin!

It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Sunday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Saturday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Friday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 31, 2018 - 210 comments

secret quonsar 2018: Let's Plan!

Friends! It is October and it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 17, 2018 - 97 comments

Secret Quonsar thank you thread (2017)

This is the official Secret Quonsar thank you thread.
posted by epj on Nov 16, 2017 - 635 comments

secret quonsar 2017: Signups are Open!

It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Saturday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Friday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, November 9. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 31, 2017 - 277 comments

secret quonsar 2017: The Planning Thread

Oh look! It's October and it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 11, 2017 - 61 comments

2016 Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread!

I can't believe I'm starting this thread. I can't believe that I came home tonight to the most gloriously Metafiltery of Secret Quonsar gifts! [more inside]
posted by apartment dweller on Nov 14, 2016 - 713 comments

Surprise! Thanks, Secret Quonsar!

A mysterious box arrived in the mail today... [more inside]
posted by ApathyGirl on Nov 27, 2013 - 699 comments

Sometimes the universe is just creepy.

As the previous Secret Quonsar threads have been closed, I thought I'd share the weird coincidence our giftenating hath wrought. (Anyone else have odd MetaFilter connections to share?) [more inside]
posted by Madamina on Feb 22, 2013 - 42 comments

Quonser-Quonsee Relations

A tiny Quonsmas pony for all! Could we get some sort of "Quonsed" option for the relationships list when we're adding contacts? [more inside]
posted by Fui Non Sum on Dec 23, 2012 - 10 comments

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