5 posts tagged with voicemail and callin.
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Let's Do A New Year Call-In Show

Just like in 2016 and 2017, let's do an end of year call in podcast! Just call the MeFi voicemail line (505) 663-6334 and leave a New Year message, or a holiday greeting, or a just hey hi howareya message in the next couple days, and I'll cobble them together for a podcast ep in early January. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 31, 2018 - 33 comments

Call in show: tell us a joke!

As suggested recently in another post: we're doing an community-participation call-in show for the April podcast, and we want to hear your favorite jokes! Call our voicemail box at (505) 663-6334 and rattle something off for us, and I'll edit it all together. (Or you can email me an audio recording! Or you can send us the text of a joke you like if you'd rather a moderator record it!) I'd like to get this edited before the 1st, so calling/writing/sending sooner is better than later. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 14, 2018 - 43 comments

Another end of year call-in show!

Hey all you wonderful MetaFilter folks! Last year I asked y'all to call in on our Google Voice mailbox and leave a message, and a bunch of you did, and it made a really nice podcast. So we're gonna do it again!

Call (505) 663-6334. That's (505) 663-MEFI. Just say who you are and share a quick thought—maybe a good thing from this weird year, or something you're looking forward to next year, or something you liked or appreciated on MetaFilter in 2017. Or a (short) poem, or a (short) song, or a (short, is this theme becoming clear) joke! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 15, 2017 - 34 comments

call-in show: Ask A Moderator

For the next podcast episode, I think it'd be fun to do another call-in show. This time: Ask A Moderator! Drop us a voicemail at (505) 663-6334, that's (505) 663-MEFI, with a question about MetaFilter, moderation, being a mod, or whatever, and we'll try and give you an answer! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 23, 2017 - 51 comments

Something nice at the end of 2016: you!

It's a call-in show! I'm gonna run voicemails from MeFites as part of the next podcast, so give us a call at (505) 663-6334. That's (505) 663-MEFI. Just say who you are and share a quick thought—maybe one good thing from 2016, or something you're looking forward to in 2017, or something you liked on MeFi, or even a New Years resolution if that's your sorta thing. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 30, 2016 - 108 comments

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