11 posts tagged with weblog and community.
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A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users
User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
Looking for articles on processes in community blogs
i'm looking for articles/opinions summarising (self-)regulatory processes of community weblogs such as MeFi, as orientation for the latest bouts of antville soul-searching.
community poem weblog
Fun idea? Or... not so much? Inspired by Fuzzy Monster, here, I was thinking of a metapoem blogthing wherein anyone who wanted to participate could post a poem from any particular day, made up of three or four lines created from post "headlines" (first few words — the ones that typically constitute the initial link) from that particular day. If it seems like a fun idea, I have some questions inside...
Viewropa community weblog on IRC
European (and EuroLovin') MeFites: IRC (irc.turlyming.com:6667, channel #euro) chat tonight at 9:30 GMT about "Vewropa" new community Euroblog in the making. If you haven't seen it yet, the AskMe question that kicked it off is here. The Wiki that will get you up to date is here. Have a look around, and show up tonight to share your opinions.
French MetaFilter
Nous sommes tous en cela ensemble: Aeiou, 'the blog of flu,' is a new French community blog based on the 'celebrated Metafilter.' They also give you Aeiou in bad english, through le poisson. (via boingboing via ecuaderno via pointblog via chryde).
Anil on weblogs and the web
Although Anil's post is mostly rah-rah for metafilter, he makes some great points about weblogs and the web in general. Maybe this is the people's medium afterall.
web community admin for prez!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but world leaders could take a lesson from the firm yet benevolent way in which Andrew admins his web community. And I'll save you the trouble, the "tractors are sexy" link is here.
yet another weblog article
a place for whoever happens to stop by to post their thoughts ...
i was thinking of a team type weblog ... not really a metafilter type thing ... and not quite just a discussion board. but more like a place for whoever happens to stop by to post their thoughts ... (more>)
Why Do Designers Not Use Custom 404 Pages?
Okay this isn't really about the weblog format, but more about these sites in general. I am really curious to know as to why most of the web-designers here do not use customized 404 messages? So far I have only seen Glassdog.com, & 37signals.com use their own 404s, saturn.org used to have a custom 404, but it no longer does.
The reason I ask is because in general most webloggers are great web-designers, and I would've figured that they would all be using it. And I think it would be really interesting to see what everyones 404 would look like.
The reason I ask is because in general most webloggers are great web-designers, and I would've figured that they would all be using it. And I think it would be really interesting to see what everyones 404 would look like.
weblog community formation discussion
has a good discussion of weblog community formation and cross-weblog interaction. There's a good discussion going about the piece, and I asked the author how I should deal with the problems he mentions that MetaFilter my eventually face, and he offers several possible solutions.