4 posts tagged with writing and books.
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🔊 📚 🔊 MetaFilter Events: Week 2 🔊 📚 🔊

Week 2 of Metafilter Events is here! Following Week 1, we’re back with more as we kick off a week about books, fiction and the humanities. (NaNoWriMo participants - this week is calling your name ✨ ) [more inside]
posted by aielen on Nov 28, 2022 - 12 comments

thesmallmachine won a Lammy!

thesmallmachine has just won the 2019 LGBTQ SF/F/Horror Lambda Literary Award for his amazing book, The Breath of the Sun. Congratulations!
posted by kyrademon on Jun 4, 2019 - 39 comments

yay MeFite books!

Congratulations!! to our very own, very gifted mothershock on the publication of her memoir: The Beginning of Everything: The Year I Lost My Mind and Found Myself. She has a good interview up at The Rumpus about the book, which covers her process of healing and reinvention after a neurological injury. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 3, 2018 - 19 comments

Just a note of thanks, really

Hey hey. After a year and a half in gestation, I'm in the process of wrapping up a manuscript for delivery to my publisher this week. And so now I'm finally getting to what is, by far, my favorite aspect of working on a book, which is writing the Acknowledgments. And you're in them! [more inside]
posted by adamgreenfield on Aug 15, 2016 - 40 comments

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