NYC meetup this Friday in honor of Cold Chef May 2003 May 23, 2006 10:18 AM   Subscribe

Reminder: NYC meetup this Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Revival in honor of ColdChef's visit to our fair city (previously discussed here).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero to MetaFilter Gatherings at 10:18 AM (84 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I went to the 5/26/05 NYC meetup, it's cool that NY meetups have anniversaries, too
posted by matteo at 10:35 AM on May 23, 2006

Has it been 35 seconds already? Right on schedule
posted by splatta at 10:51 AM on May 23, 2006

Now watch, ColdChef comes to town and New York gets its first-ever Category 5 hurricane.
I keed! I keed! I totally insentively keed!
posted by wendell at 11:12 AM on May 23, 2006

woo. thepinksuperhero says i should attend so i will.
posted by Stynxno at 11:29 AM on May 23, 2006 [3 favorites]

Is anyone going to be getting there earlier? I have a dinner date at around that time, but I'd sure like to see some of y'all.
posted by gaspode at 11:50 AM on May 23, 2006

A dinner date? You're already married, you don't have to romance that guy anymore! Forget him and come hang out with us!

I keed, I keed!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:16 PM on May 23, 2006 [1 favorite]

Arg, you guys always have shitty timing (I haven't been to a "primary" NYC MeFi meetup for at least 6 months!). I'm heading back up to MA for a nice long Memorial Day 6:40 PM Friday.

Hope y'all have fun :)
posted by cyrusdogstar at 12:26 PM on May 23, 2006

That meetup date and time look very promising.
posted by Captaintripps at 12:49 PM on May 23, 2006

TPS: what makes you think it's with my husband? ;)

I'll swing by for a drink at the start anyways.
posted by gaspode at 12:50 PM on May 23, 2006

swing by eh?
posted by splatta at 1:28 PM on May 23, 2006

I can come! Hooray!
posted by dame at 1:37 PM on May 23, 2006

Hurray that gaspode will stop by!
Hurray that dame can come!
Hurray that captraintripps can come (but, uh, don't bring your roommate)!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:25 PM on May 23, 2006 [1 favorite]

I'll try to stop by. Y'all intimidate me, though.
posted by piratebowling at 2:57 PM on May 23, 2006

i'll be there, and i have snacks from Tokyo : >

(and i can't believe it's a year, matteo)
posted by amberglow at 3:16 PM on May 23, 2006

I don't think he'd be interested in coming anyway. :)
posted by Captaintripps at 3:18 PM on May 23, 2006

What's wrong with his roomate?
posted by splatta at 3:27 PM on May 23, 2006

Well here's to hoping, captaintripps. He was a lovely fellow at that meetup, until he decided to start randomly insulting and picking fights with people (=explaination for splatta).

posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:02 PM on May 23, 2006 [1 favorite]

It's conceivable that I will be able to stop by for a short time.
posted by bingo at 4:34 PM on May 23, 2006

I'll be there, I think. I'm going to do my best to be there.
posted by riffola at 5:02 PM on May 23, 2006

Thanks for the reminder, Pinky Tuscadero. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you.
posted by ColdChef at 8:05 PM on May 23, 2006

posted by matteo at 8:52 PM on May 23, 2006

Some. Less than half. You know who you are.
posted by ColdChef at 8:59 PM on May 23, 2006

Yes, we do.
posted by witchstone at 6:21 AM on May 24, 2006 [1 favorite]

You'll be glad you met me even if you don't know it now. Trust me.
posted by dame at 6:26 AM on May 24, 2006

Hey wow super cool. I will totally be there, look forward to meeting everybody, wow shit I am in the center of the universe, NYC, and going to a MetaFilter meetup! Dreams can come true!!!

I think I just came in my pants.
posted by Meatbomb at 7:17 AM on May 24, 2006

splatta: He called icosahedral a dork and said his hair was from 1994. Wackiness ensued.
posted by Captaintripps at 7:33 AM on May 24, 2006

It was wackiness, alright. It was like a scene out of "When Drunk Nerds Go Crazy".
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:45 AM on May 24, 2006 [1 favorite]

It could make a fairly good Seventeen Magazine booklet:
Knowing Your Geek Body
posted by Captaintripps at 8:26 AM on May 24, 2006

I'll be there and I'll fight anyone who tries to bring the bad vibes. Please send me flowers in the hospital.
posted by nomad at 9:35 AM on May 24, 2006

You'll be glad you met me even if you don't know it now. Trust me.
posted by dame at 8:26 AM CST on May 24

Oh, I have no doubt.
posted by ColdChef at 1:08 PM on May 24, 2006

nomad is coming! Now we have all the models we need for Knowing Your Geek Body!

posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 3:38 PM on May 24, 2006 [1 favorite]

Ha ha, ColdChef, I so knew what that link was going to be before I clicked on it! That was from my first meetup, back when I was a single digit comment person.
posted by StickyCarpet at 8:31 PM on May 24, 2006

Oh snap, you just filed a TPS report on me!
posted by nomad at 8:52 PM on May 24, 2006

About how much time per week do you spend on those TPS reports?
posted by bingo at 9:54 PM on May 24, 2006

So are we meeting at revival, 129 E. 15th St.?
posted by bingo at 11:27 PM on May 24, 2006

posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:57 AM on May 25, 2006 [1 favorite]

I guessed what the link was too, but then I had to click to make sure. Can your work get mad at you for looking at your own tush?
posted by dame at 7:02 AM on May 25, 2006

Only if it's got that much pow! pow!

Better erase you cache

(oh yea, I'll be there too)
posted by splatta at 4:25 PM on May 25, 2006

dame, I think it depends on whether you get turned on looking at your own tush.

In your case, I'm guessing the answer is yes.

posted by bingo at 8:33 PM on May 25, 2006

Was that supposed to be an insult, bingo? Because I'm pretty sure we're all clear on the fact that my narcissism knows no bounds.
posted by dame at 7:06 AM on May 26, 2006

Let's make Meatbomb an honorary guest of honor, too, he came all the way from Kyrgyzstan. He's been living in that wacky cold-water-only building that we had a meetup in some time back.
posted by StickyCarpet at 7:11 AM on May 26, 2006

Does being a guest of honor have special free drink privileges? If so, I second the motion that I be made an honorary guest.
posted by Meatbomb at 8:06 AM on May 26, 2006

I believe I'll be arriving late tonight (~9 p.m). Nobody have fun until I get there.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:31 AM on May 26, 2006 [1 favorite]

Shit, i wanna be an honorary guest, too! Actually, I'll play host seeing as I live on the same street as Revival. And you all have to buy me a drink as thanks :)

yaaaay Afroblanco and dame! coolness abounds!
posted by gaspode at 8:32 AM on May 26, 2006

Or I might be right on time. Early even. Having the day off from work is giving me a surplus of time I'm not sure how to handle.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:35 AM on May 26, 2006 [1 favorite]

Coincidentally, I'm receiving an honorary degree from Revival, so I will be accepting free drinks as well.
posted by witchstone at 8:36 AM on May 26, 2006

Honorary guests receive honorary drinks, suitable for framing.
posted by StickyCarpet at 8:39 AM on May 26, 2006

dame: Not at all; that would mean I had a problem with narcissism myself. Perish the thought.
posted by bingo at 9:26 AM on May 26, 2006

w'alright...I'll bring my karaoke machine...
posted by hellbient at 10:09 AM on May 26, 2006

hellbient: was that directed at dame?
posted by StickyCarpet at 10:11 AM on May 26, 2006

Excellent, hellbient. Kafkaesque has requested that I sing "To All the Girls I've Loved Before" to Cold Chef and I'd like to comply.
posted by witchstone at 11:08 AM on May 26, 2006

no stickycarpet, it was for and your beautiful singing voice...
i have that one witchstone! Duet? (I'm Willy though.)
posted by hellbient at 11:32 AM on May 26, 2006

now i'm leaving tonight for AC instead of tomorrow morning---i'm gonna miss it....sorry all, and sorry i can't finally meet you cc....
posted by amberglow at 12:18 PM on May 26, 2006

That's ok, I just bought Japanese candy from some place in midtown, I'll cover for you amberglow.
posted by splatta at 1:52 PM on May 26, 2006

I think I'm actually going to try to make it to this for a little while.
posted by chicobangs at 2:45 PM on May 26, 2006

You are all awesome. ::smooches::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 10:36 PM on May 26, 2006 [1 favorite]

the polaroids

oi. i'm missing names. can anyone let me know what's what?
posted by Stynxno at 11:37 PM on May 26, 2006

that awas flun.
posted by hellbient at 12:32 AM on May 27, 2006

No, you're awesome.

I honestly did not expect to have as much fun as I did last night.
posted by chicobangs at 5:22 AM on May 27, 2006

Thanks a ton for scanning those 'roids (heh roids).
posted by splatta at 6:56 AM on May 27, 2006

Huh. I thought that was grumblebee at first, but then the hair made me doubt it, and before long he was gone. Sorry I didn't say hello.
posted by bingo at 8:49 AM on May 27, 2006

That was really great, especially seeing the return of so many of the excellent people who populated my first meetups. We must have had 30 people there!
One bummer: I never really got a chance to talk to ColdChef. Thanks for the beads though!
posted by CunningLinguist at 8:51 AM on May 27, 2006

It was good to see you all for the short while I was there.
posted by riffola at 9:27 AM on May 27, 2006

We must have had 30 people there!

Who else was surprised at how many diehard Meatbomb fans came out of the woodwork?

I propose that future meetups should always be built around out of town guests, it really gets the juices flowing.
posted by StickyCarpet at 9:28 AM on May 27, 2006

I'm sad me and the mr. had to leave early. It was a lot of fun while we were there. Nice to talk with you, ColdChef!
posted by gaspode at 9:37 AM on May 27, 2006

I love you all. Especially you.
posted by dame at 2:01 PM on May 27, 2006

dame, Meatbomb said the same thing about you.
posted by StickyCarpet at 4:05 PM on May 27, 2006

The best part was when the strippers showed up.
posted by witchstone at 9:56 PM on May 27, 2006

Well, now I really wish I could have come down.

Sorry CC, next time you go to New York I promise I won't break my jaw the week before. The rest of you, you'll just have to wait - well, until the next time ColdChef goes to New York, I guess!
posted by yhbc at 10:10 PM on May 27, 2006

Just uploaded some photos, dawgs.
posted by nomad at 8:59 AM on May 28, 2006

Putting up names now, nomad.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 10:06 AM on May 28, 2006 [1 favorite]

Aw, no Meatbomb and no "unknown command" (??)

We need these people to defeat the west coasters who think they might ever (ha ha ha) be more attractive than us New Yorkers. Suck it haters.
posted by StickyCarpet at 4:21 PM on May 28, 2006

Dear mysterious girl in the red and white dress- Out of all the meetups I have attended, and the dozens of Mefites I have met you, you are the only person EVER to evade meeting me. I kept meaning to come over and say hello, but you disappeared so quickly. Please accept my apologies and do come again, so we can be properly introduced.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:21 PM on May 28, 2006 [1 favorite]

unknowncommand, StickyCarpet. And her picture was in the Polaroid set, with Stynxno.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:23 PM on May 28, 2006 [1 favorite]

Having been to my first meetup I am a bit disappointed. Where were the god damn cocktail weenies? Why so little drug abuse? I won't even mention the lack of free drinks or group hugs.

Sheesh, it all just seems like a big rip.

I think the next NYC meetup should be more sex / drugs / cocktail weenie / group hug oriented.
posted by Meatbomb at 5:07 PM on May 28, 2006

i think i left before nomad and splatta stirred things up. i was drunk off one beer(?!). 'twas a blast though. a weird, cognitively dissonant blast.
posted by unknowncommand at 6:37 PM on May 28, 2006

(obligatory comment about how the meetups were so much crazier back in the day)
posted by chicobangs at 6:50 PM on May 28, 2006

chicobangs: put up or shut up.
posted by StickyCarpet at 7:57 PM on May 28, 2006

Let's see:

I did, I certainly have, many easy-to-reach witnesses were there to attest to same, and... I will.
posted by chicobangs at 8:03 PM on May 28, 2006

You want wild partying? I'm bringing a damn piñata next time.
posted by nomad at 9:33 PM on May 28, 2006

My very small set of pictures.

I would have taken more, but you were all so damn fascinating, that I forgot to. It was so great to finally meet y'all, and even though I'm sure I now have three different venereal diseases and maybe a half-black child or two, I will treasure my fond memories of you all. Thanks to everyone who came out.
posted by ColdChef at 7:52 PM on May 30, 2006

Awww, that picture of you and dame, ColdChef, is too cute for words.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:06 PM on May 30, 2006 [1 favorite]

I totally have a crush on her, too. Don't tell my wife.
posted by ColdChef at 8:12 PM on May 30, 2006

Deal- if you don't tell her about me being pregnant with your babies.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:28 PM on May 30, 2006 [1 favorite]

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