SF MeFi/MoFi Meetup? October 3, 2007 12:58 PM   Subscribe

SF MeFi/MoFi Meetup? the quidnunc kid and I are throwing a meetup ... or meeting a throwup as the case may be.

Date and time has yet to be decided on; Saturday/Sunday/Monday November 10/11/12, afternoon/evening. Place is still up in the air; I'm thinking either The Exploratorium, followed by drinks and/or snacks somewhere, or El Rio, followed by staggering and burrito-devouring along Mission. We are open to suggestions.

Come one, come all! Or I'll get jessamyn to delete your account.
posted by Koko to MetaFilter Gatherings at 12:58 PM (42 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

I think there is a bay area meet-up already being planned. We could merge. Better you check on the other one...
posted by parmanparman at 1:59 PM on October 3, 2007

That one appears to be happening this month. Perhaps I could take the runoff from that meetup? Mine has to be on Veteran's Day weekend.
posted by Koko at 2:18 PM on October 3, 2007

Merge for great justice.
posted by iamabot at 2:18 PM on October 3, 2007

Pick up the pieces of your weapon, the glaive. Avoid all boulders.
posted by kirkaracha at 2:38 PM on October 3, 2007

I started the last meetup thread but I've now lost the will to coordinate.

I'll be glad to glom on to your Veteran's Day meet up.
posted by small_ruminant at 3:00 PM on October 3, 2007

El Rio! Better for East Bay meeters.
posted by wemayfreeze at 3:37 PM on October 3, 2007

El Rio sounds better to me, too.
posted by small_ruminant at 3:56 PM on October 3, 2007

Keep in mind that Sunday afternoons at El Rio are Salsa Sundays which can get kinda hectic.

A new cafe, though, has opened up in that area called Socha which would make a good fallback.
posted by vacapinta at 4:29 PM on October 3, 2007

It'll probably end up being El Rio ... the Exploratorium is fun, but not terribly meetup-friendly for a large-ish group, now that I've thought about it.

I'll still take suggestions for other dives.
posted by Koko at 4:30 PM on October 3, 2007

posted by fish tick at 6:20 PM on October 3, 2007

aw heck, I woulda been up for the Exploratorium ...

*shuffles feet, kicks dirt*
posted by Quietgal at 7:16 PM on October 3, 2007

Yeah, me too, Quietgal. Just can't face going over the bridge to the east bay. Oh wells.
posted by Lynsey at 9:08 PM on October 3, 2007

Ah, Veterans Day!

The once-a-year celebration in which every American ties a Veteran to a tree and beats him or her like a piñata until he or she bursts open lovingly, whereupon sweet, sweet pension checks scatter on the ground to be chased and gathered by neighborhood children, laughing and squealing with unbridled delight!

And how I've longed to see this ritual of American tomfoolery and high-jinx with my own eyes, in that land of frolicsome gaiety that many call "America"!

Dearest Metafiltarians, why not therefore join Koko and myself for this and other jolly japes and jinx of a high and medium-high nature?

Of course, some of you are wont to abjure such apparently nationalistic holidays, and instead you celebrate "Veterinarians Day", by beating up a Dog-Doctor or a Snake-Surgeon. Whatever.

As long as I can have a beer and a chat with you - you most intelligent and erudite of internetsers, whose all-round rhetorical and forensic skills are justly famed throughout the three worlds and the first and second lives of all right-thinking folk! - I'll be happy. You can beat up whoever you want.
posted by the quidnunc kid at 3:00 AM on October 4, 2007

Just can't face going over the bridge to the east bay.

Yeah, what Lynsey said. This is funny because just this morning I made a comment to someone about my never wanting to go anywhere that I have to cross a bridge to get to. Lynsey, if you are in the North Bay, let's have our own meetup and only people that don't have to cross a bridge get to come. Or is that mean?
posted by goml at 8:48 AM on October 4, 2007

El Rio is in San Francisco.
posted by oneirodynia at 9:34 AM on October 4, 2007

Sweeet. North Bay Areans unite! Where? When? Who? Why does that song, Many Rivers to Crooooossss pop into my head? But we probably should welcome anyone who wants to come, bridges optional.
posted by Lynsey at 9:37 AM on October 4, 2007

OK - I searched around for a few more places, and have these options to offer (all in SF):

Zeitgeist 199 Valencia St (at Duboce Ave) - has patio, food
Butter 354 11th St. (SOMA) - has food, other bars nearby
WISH 1539 Folsom St. (SOMA) - has food
Empress of China Cocktail Lounge 838 Grant Avenue betw. Clay & Washington (Chinatown) - has food (restaurant closes 10:30), balcony
Amber 718 14th Street (Duboce triangle) - big space, couches, smoking indoors, food nearby, also other bars nearby
Edinburgh Castle 950 Geary St. (Nob Hill) - has food

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts about these places. Would Sunday 11/11 be good for everyone? I'd like to avoid Salsa Sunday at the El Rio, so I think we shoud pick one of these other places.
posted by Koko at 10:32 AM on October 4, 2007

Well, I would prefer something closer to BART, like Zeitgeist or Amber. But perhaps you shouldn't listen to me, as my birthday is that weekend and I don't know what's going on with that.
posted by oneirodynia at 11:01 AM on October 4, 2007

I see people have come to their senses and decided to have the thing in town. My vote would be for Amber, because I smoke and I live a block away, but I have a feeling not everyone is going to be thrilled with an indoor-smoking venue.
posted by trip and a half at 11:10 AM on October 4, 2007

Trip and a half, I love you. Marry me and keep me in your window box - I desire only your fume-wafting company and a light sprinkling of water every other day.
posted by the quidnunc kid at 12:20 PM on October 4, 2007

I'm up for Amber too, since I smoke (and trip and a half and I are neighbors - hi trip!). But I'm cool with the other suggestions too. It's been a bit chilly in the city for Zeitgeist recently, but I guess that will thin out the crowd there.
posted by whir at 2:10 PM on October 4, 2007

tqk, I would, but my window box is full of cigarette butts!
posted by trip and a half at 2:54 PM on October 4, 2007

Hi, whir!
posted by trip and a half at 3:29 PM on October 4, 2007

But me no buts, trip and a half. The wedding ceremony is booked: please arrive at the meet-up in the marriage garb appropriate to your gender. I expect Reverend whir, dressed as Elvis, to officiate.
posted by the quidnunc kid at 1:48 AM on October 5, 2007

Well, no one's objected to Sunday, so I think we've nailed down a date. As for the place, let's pick between these 2:

a) El Rio - Mission District, patio, salsa dancing (perhaps afternoon only, I dunno)

b) Amber - Duboce/near Castro, smoking indoors, lounge on sofas, possibly go to dance club down the street later

Kindly chime in with your preference! Thanks!
posted by Koko at 8:30 AM on October 6, 2007

I vote for going to Amber with trip and a half, to whom I have plighted my troth. My wedding gift list will be posted here soon.

And if any of you people turn up wearing white, there will be the mother of all bitch-fights, let me tell you.
posted by the quidnunc kid at 10:31 AM on October 6, 2007

The wedding ceremony is booked

If that is so,
Sing derry down derry!
It's evident, very,
Our tastes are one.
Away we'll go,
And merrily marry,
Nor tardily tarry
Till day is done!

As the groom and/or bride, I pick Amber as the venue. (We can easily relocate to any of many nearby spots if people object to the smoke.) How do we get this on the sidebar?
posted by trip and a half at 11:38 AM on October 6, 2007

Once a few more people weigh in on the location, I'll add it to the calendar.
posted by Koko at 12:41 PM on October 6, 2007

posted by the quidnunc kid at 5:51 AM on October 7, 2007

OK, that's enough waiting. I declare this meetup will happen SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, at AMBER (718 14th Street near Church & Market), AT OH I DUNNO SEVENISH.

posted by Koko at 2:13 PM on October 7, 2007

posted by trip and a half at 9:55 PM on October 7, 2007

Woo! Finally, a meetup on a weekend when I'm not working! *dances*
posted by po at 12:23 AM on October 8, 2007

Huh. I'll be in San Jose for a conference ending on the 9th, and I was going to stay over for the 10th. Wonder if my brother could stand to have me there another day.

Sevenish? I'm really going to have to be very nice to the hubby for the next few weeks.

pencil me in as tentative.
posted by lysdexic at 9:52 AM on October 8, 2007

Looks like I'm in
posted by parmanparman at 6:16 PM on October 9, 2007

Actually, it looks I'll be working. Bleh.
posted by small_ruminant at 12:52 PM on October 10, 2007

Hey SF folks, I'm playing at the Edinburgh Castle on 10/18, come say hi to me if you happen to be around.
posted by ludwig_van at 6:00 PM on October 11, 2007

For some reason, I thought this was today and went over to Amber. Then I called my friend and asked him to give me the meet-up time. He was like, Nov. 11. So, now I am going to write this stuff down.
posted by parmanparman at 5:01 PM on October 14, 2007

Are you still there? Save us a couch.
posted by Koko at 7:46 AM on October 15, 2007

I'm tentative, might have to go to SoCal that weekend, but this place "Amber" sounds like my speed. (Nice name, too!)
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:38 AM on October 15, 2007

doh. I am crazy busy hosting people from out of town that weekend. Maybe the next one...
posted by wuwei at 5:10 PM on October 16, 2007

Oooo. I might go.
posted by R343L at 5:05 PM on November 1, 2007

Photos and followup.
posted by DaShiv at 1:34 PM on November 13, 2007

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