Son Or Shamefully Electrified Corpse of Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up Now With Live Vintage Blues at the Marco Polo in Georgetown February 9, 2009 10:04 AM   Subscribe

Well, after a hiatus of some months, on Saturday, February 28th, at 8 PM, the Phantoms of Soul return to the Marco Polo Saloon in beautiful downtown Georgetown, as in Seattle. And, as once proposed and well linked, and well and Tube attended, here and here, I renew the proposal that we meet up there and then and yak and drink and eat and laugh and so on. Maybe even dance to the Mardis Gras Mambo.

Previously, as those who attended can attest, a good time was had by all. And is to be had once more. The band is quite hoppin' and yet a conversation can be carried on while the joint is still quite atmospheric, cozy and quirky. And, as we have had no meet up for some time, well, there's yet another Why not ? in there, too. As in...

Come fill the cup
and in the fire of spring,
your winter garment of repentance fling
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly and lo! the Bird is on the wing

It is spring here--despite the snow--and the birds are on the wing and singing.

Life is short. Carpe lager. Hope to see you there.
posted by y2karl to MetaFilter Gatherings at 10:04 AM (50 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

And there will Be many "and"s and random capitalization And all will be well and Truly anded.
posted by Grither at 10:08 AM on February 9, 2009

D'oh! My bad. Well, I am writing the powers that be this very minute or sometime soon thereafter.
posted by y2karl at 10:11 AM on February 9, 2009

Is there a version of this post in English?
posted by DU at 10:11 AM on February 9, 2009

Torches and nitpicks....
posted by y2karl at 10:18 AM on February 9, 2009

Please take lots of pictures of the yak.
posted by cashman at 10:22 AM on February 9, 2009

This is spring? Crap!
That said, I should make it. Anyone else heading there from the city centre? (1st Av)
posted by jacalata at 12:59 PM on February 9, 2009

Bus 174 and Bus 23 both run down the length of 4th st, so you can easily get there from downtown.

I can probably make it, and I will be coming from capitol hill, so I can pickup folks also on the way if they want rides.
posted by mrzarquon at 1:15 PM on February 9, 2009

Georgetown, Capitol Hill..... did Seattle copy everything from DC?
posted by inigo2 at 1:20 PM on February 9, 2009

If I don't snag a ride before hand, I will likely take the 174 from @nd and Pike downtown on the 6:54, if not the 7:17, PM run. There is a stop about a block or half block north of the Marco Polo on Orcas.

And for drivers or bus riders, here is the Google map for 5613 4th Avenue South. Click on the Satellite label and zoom in to get the lay of the land down thereabouts.

Or, better yet, click on the Street View there. Three clicks forward on the arrows and there's your Marco Polo right in front of you. Or rather, right to the right of you. Turn about, zoom in and inspect. Read and memorize the Pressure Fried Chicken sign. Now you'll find it, fer sure... Gotta love that Street View.
posted by y2karl at 1:42 PM on February 9, 2009

@nd and Pike downtown is 2nd and Pike dowtown, of course.... [d'oh2]
posted by y2karl at 1:44 PM on February 9, 2009

As dowtown is downtown, *sigh* [d'oh³! ]
*must get new glasses soon...*
posted by y2karl at 2:32 PM on February 9, 2009

The Marco Polo has Mega Touch Free Wi-Fi.
posted by Tube at 5:02 PM on February 9, 2009

While locals are gathered, I don't start work 'til next Monday and am already getting a little bored of wandering around the city on my own. Would anyone like to meet up for a drink or similar sometime this week?
posted by jacalata at 7:14 PM on February 9, 2009

jacalata- I am just a few blocks from your up on capitol hill, I can show around this neck of the woods if your up for it sometime this week (probably weds/thurs it looks like).
posted by mrzarquon at 8:47 PM on February 9, 2009

That sounds cool - the people I know from Australia live out in Redmond and don't want to head all the way into the city during the week, and I'm not keen to start drinking alone yet.
posted by jacalata at 9:50 PM on February 9, 2009

Although I am not intending to imply that I am desperate to get drunk, I tend to use 'drinking' as a catchall for 'social activity'. Along those lines, is there anywhere I could turn up to a trivia night on my own?
posted by jacalata at 9:51 PM on February 9, 2009

Hey Jacalata, I've been thinking of hitting up Bill's On Broadway trivia night this Sunday evening. They've got happy hour and prizes! Also, it's my favorite bar in the universe. Mail me if you want to go.
posted by lattiboy at 12:46 AM on February 10, 2009

Well, I know that, whoever makes the meetup, one thing I am going to be asking is if anyone knows of any old school metal swings in any parks or playgrounds in town. Somewhere along the line, the standards for playground equipment have gotten pea under the matters that with swings the result is something so overly nerficized that it no longer be higher than 8 feet. Great for the toddlers, sucks for the big kids. My experience has been tha every time I find long forgotten playground or mini-park with an old school swing set, and gets remodeled and gets the all new teletubby safe playground equipment that is the current standard, and, there goes a cool set of swings. Gone forever, just like the last greasy

So, think swings. Are there any old school swing sets left anywhere around here anymore ?

Man, when I think of the playground equipment I grew up with--man, I was so lucky. In more ways than one, it is true. But what fun--hugeass swings and super tall slide and wood and pipe merry-go-rounds where the big kids could make with that circular bucket brigade and spin you up to 78 rpm. That was long before Nerf World days. I don't know about the merry-go-rounds now, myself, but I sure hate to see tall swings go the way of the passenger pigeon. An extinct species.
posted by y2karl at 8:17 AM on February 10, 2009

A speaking of playground equipment in Seattle, here's postcard of a playground from the Nineteen Teens, from the looks of it. There's the stuff to give an underwriter a coronary.
posted by y2karl at 8:23 AM on February 10, 2009

Blargh! The 28th is one of maybe three nights this month that I have inescapable plans. (I'm volunteering at a friend's benefit, and I can't throw a nonprofit over in order to rock out and drink.)

As for old-fashioned swings, a few years ago I swung on one in the Bryant Neighborhood Playground, but I don't know whether they're still around. Or whether I'm thinking of the nearby View Ridge Playfield. I get confused in the suburbs; they all look alike to me.
posted by cirocco at 7:45 PM on February 10, 2009

I've been wondering what meet-ups are like and I guess this is my chance to find out.
posted by silkygreenbelly at 7:48 PM on February 12, 2009

silkygreenbelly, I must warn you, Y2Karl and I so dominated the last meet-up that we have decided to become the de facto overlords for the upcoming meet up. While we welcome your "fresh" input, please be aware that Karl and I are relics of a bygone era and thus our conversations are as inexorably directional as railroad tracks.

Please be advised of our roster of proposed conversational topics:

1. Why sonic booms were always a "double" boom.

2. Public school waste incinerators. Was yours painted or rusty?

3. Did your TV have a broken channel-changer knob? What did you do about it; locking pliers, regular pliers, or repetitive replacement of the detached knob?

4. Why "spam" became a household word while CB lingo did not.

5. Were you ever freaked out by CB "crosstalk" coming over your stereo?

6. Did you use a Discwasher D3 LP brush? Remember how the black fibers ran one way and you had to orient the brush in your hand in the right way? Did you worry about using too much D3 fluid? Did you use the D3 stylus brush? Remember how tiny the bottle of D3 stylus cleaning fluid was?

7. Remember that time that NFL football player lost his hard contact lens, and all the players, including the opposing team, helped him look for it?

8. Did your car ever backfire? When was the last time you heard a car backfire, anyway?

9. Did you orient your LP sleeve so you the record would come right out, or were you more anal, like me, and oriented it 90 degrees to the opening on the grounds that less dust would get in? Remember the losers that wouldn't even use record liners? Or the record snobs that would pay extra for the special anti-static audiophile record liners?

10. Your parent's endless accounts of depression-era privations.

11. When "neon" as a color scheme was called "day-glo".

12. Did your drive-in use AM radio, or the clunky attach-to-the-driver's-window speakers?

13. Did you know the algorithm by which to make "SHELL OIL" appear on your calculator?

14. McDonald's plastic "coke spoon" coffee stirrer controversy.

15. "Driver's ed" in high school, and the shortcomings of the Link simulator.

16. The ease with which one could hooky-bob various models of automobile, based on bumper morphology.

17. Grass stained jeans.

18. Teachers explaining the moral turpitude of snowball fights based on the lesson of that kid who got his eye put out because of that other kid who put a rock in his snowball.

19. The clear plastic protective sheets between the anatomy plates of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

20. Whispering in the library.
posted by Tube at 8:38 PM on February 13, 2009 [2 favorites]

Now I feel like my presence may actually be useful:

1. Why sonic booms were always a "double" boom.
They what?

2. Public school waste incinerators. Was yours painted or rusty?
You painted a rubbish can?

3. Did your TV have a broken channel-changer knob? What did you do about it; locking pliers, regular pliers, or repetitive replacement of the detached knob?
Who has a knob for that? My grandma's channel knob worked fine, anyway.

4. Why "spam" became a household word while CB lingo did not.
Because of Monty Python.

5. Were you ever freaked out by CB "crosstalk" coming over your stereo?
no? it never did?

6. Did you use a Discwasher D3 LP brush? Remember how the black fibers ran one way and you had to orient the brush in your hand in the right way? Did you worry about using too much D3 fluid? Did you use the D3 stylus brush? Remember how tiny the bottle of D3 stylus cleaning fluid was?
What? No? No? No? No? WTF?

7. Remember that time that NFL football player lost his hard contact lens, and all the players, including the opposing team, helped him look for it?
No, but that happened to a girl at my school swimming sports once. I haven't been swimming since then THANKS ROWENA

8. Did your car ever backfire? When was the last time you heard a car backfire, anyway?
What does that even sound like? Yes, yes, a gunshot, but I don't know what that really sounds like either, except loud.

9. Did you orient your LP sleeve so you the record would come right out, or were you more anal, like me, and oriented it 90 degrees to the opening on the grounds that less dust would get in? Remember the losers that wouldn't even use record liners? Or the record snobs that would pay extra for the special anti-static audiophile record liners?
LP haha

10. Your parent's endless accounts of depression-era privations.
They weren't even born then.

11. When "neon" as a color scheme was called "day-glo".
Was that the seventies? So THAT's what went wrong then!

12. Did your drive-in use AM radio, or the clunky attach-to-the-driver's-window speakers?
I don't know if we're using 'drive-in' in the same way. Mine just asks if I'd like fries.

13. Did you know the algorithm by which to make "SHELL OIL" appear on your calculator?
Use the letter function?

14. McDonald's plastic "coke spoon" coffee stirrer controversy.

15. "Driver's ed" in high school, and the shortcomings of the Link simulator.
Australia doesn't let school children drive.

16. The ease with which one could hooky-bob various models of automobile, based on bumper morphology.

17. Grass stained jeans.
Ok, I THINK I've done that. But modern stain removers just fix it, so I'm not sure we're on the same page.

18. Teachers explaining the moral turpitude of snowball fights based on the lesson of that kid who got his eye put out because of that other kid who put a rock in his snowball.

19. The clear plastic protective sheets between the anatomy plates of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
I'm not sure but I think...ewwww

20. Whispering in the library.
Finally! Cross cultural experiences!
posted by jacalata at 10:25 PM on February 13, 2009

Wait, maybe I wasn't useful after all.
posted by jacalata at 10:28 PM on February 13, 2009

I will attest to Tube & y2carl's domination of conversation. I recall a simple anticdote about flickr elicited a 10 minute lecture on media interactivity from Tube. It was wildly interesting, yet somewhat....unsettling. I just want everybody to be awares.....
posted by lattiboy at 11:53 PM on February 13, 2009

Jacalata, do you apply Promite cyclonically or anti-cyclonically?
posted by Tube at 12:10 AM on February 14, 2009

If I were to eat it, I would apply it in a straight line, possibly diagonally across the toast from corner to corner. But I don't eat it, so that's just extrapolating from how I spread jam.
posted by jacalata at 12:17 PM on February 14, 2009

In other words you're saying the Coriolis effect is negligible, and doesn't factor into your decision making process...
posted by Tube at 6:50 PM on February 14, 2009

Well, as far as talking goes I am usually pretty quiet except about one or two subjects which I generally won't mention unless someone else does first. So really, I don't mind if someone else dominates because it means less pressure to figureout what to say.
posted by silkygreenbelly at 8:01 AM on February 15, 2009

Negligible with respect to solids, yes.
posted by jacalata at 11:31 AM on February 15, 2009

If anyone is still reading this... Will the Mefi group be noticeable or will I have to go from group to group saying some secret phrase about blues, greens and greys?
posted by silkygreenbelly at 2:31 PM on February 20, 2009

I'm sure I'll be there. I look like this. Karl, however, is much more adroit than me, and looks like this.

I understand your trepidation though, as the first meet up I attended I found my party using only "The Force".
posted by Tube at 6:10 PM on February 20, 2009

The secret phrase I picked up from someone else on MeTa is 'do you know Matt and Jessamyn?' Feels much less awkward.
posted by jacalata at 11:56 AM on February 21, 2009

Oh, also, if anyone of the people looking for rides still needs one, I will be coming from Capitol Hill and do not mind stopping to pick some one up.
posted by silkygreenbelly at 7:35 PM on February 21, 2009

I might be able to make this one.
posted by grouse at 8:00 PM on February 23, 2009

So I have a last minute change of plans, and wont actually be able to make this meetup.

So have a good time folks, learn many weird things about Tube.
posted by mrzarquon at 4:45 PM on February 24, 2009

Well, people, I would love to see you all again but I got tickets to the Seattle Opera this night. After hitting 5 of these meetups in a row, I feel bad about missing the last couple but I'll buy a round next time.

And how 'bout that family meetup we talked about? I'm gonna have one soon!
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 8:40 PM on February 25, 2009

And, as a precursor and lagniappe for this particular meet up. let it be note that:
On Friday evening, Feb. 27th, the 10% crescent Moon will glide by Venus, forming a gorgeous and mesmerizing pair of lights in the sunset sky. Moon-Venus conjunctions are not unusual, but this conjunction has some special qualities:

(1) Venus is at maximum brightness: magnitude -4.6. The planet is twenty times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. It is so luminous that it can actually shine through thin clouds and cast subtle shadows on the ground.

(2) As seen from North America, the Moon-Venus separation is only a little more than 1o. Stick up your thumb and hold it out at arm's length. Venus and the Moon will fit comfortably behind the thumb-tip. Tight conjunctions like this are the most beautiful of all.

(3) Not only is the Moon a crescent, but so is Venus. A small telescope pointed at the glittering planet will reveal a slender 20%-illuminated disk.

Last evening pairing of Moon and Venus until 2010
posted by y2karl at 1:53 PM on February 27, 2009

I will, uh... be there. If anybody cares.
posted by Dunwitty at 7:34 PM on February 27, 2009

There are five folks coming from MetaFilter, for sure, from what I know for sure and some real world friends of mine will be there as well. If in doubt, look for yon Tube--if not the giant head of Homer. You will be welcomed with open, if not folded, arms, depending on how shy the individual someone else in questions feels about those hugs. But greeted warmly, whatever the case.
posted by y2karl at 12:58 PM on February 28, 2009

I'll be bringing two shirts to give away that might appeal to other Mefites. As noted previously, they are the product of Mefite Jezztek.

I've only worn them 2 or three times so they are in very good condition.
posted by Tube at 6:06 PM on February 28, 2009

In honor of Paul Harvey, the rest of the story.

It was a good meetup. silkygreenbelly is much more ebullient in real life than her modest self-appraisal suggests.

Karl's friend Arnie worked on the human genome project. I kept asking him questions about PCR and restriction enzymes until I learned that he worked in the software domain, engaged in pattern analysis...

To illustrate what I was describing to hattifattener, I created this page some time back.
posted by Tube at 9:16 AM on March 1, 2009

Sorry I couldn't make it guys. I hope I can come to the next one.
posted by grouse at 9:23 AM on March 1, 2009

Wow, that Wikipedia page is really uneven. Usually technical articles are better than that, aren't they?

I wish I could remember what anecdotes I brought forth at the meetup, I'd link to them too.

Anyway. A good meetup and good fried chicken was had by all.
posted by hattifattener at 10:04 PM on March 1, 2009

I was having trouble hearing, not to mention remembering names and, oh, look! There's something shiny! Interesting demographics this time but I think each and everyone got something out of it. And it certainly had its moments, and for me these were many, but I really wished the music was not so loud. Even so, I got to hear some interesting stories. And now know how to fold t-shirts like a pro--what a time saver! I am not kidding.

For awhile, it was me and my friend Susan and her friend Arnie, who I had met just that night. Then it was us and Tube. Then silkygreenbelly and jacalata showed up in short succession. Whuh oh! Generation gap meets gender gap--and what do I know about twittering or texting, let alone texting and driving? But, all the same, we managed to keep the awkward silences to a minimum. Or, as they say in Britain, minium. And when Hattifatterner showed up, it was a proper meetup. Anything over four is critical mass to my mind.

And an international one at that, with jacalata having just moved here from the land of Oz.
And going from summer to winter in the process, which can put quite a shock to the system, I would think. But, hey, next week's the start of Daylight Savings Time. Gothworld ends soon. There is that.

We found out that Tube has a thing about dermal ridges. And he was at the first Modern Primitives Tribal Tattoo show here. I remember that show--I didn't go to it but I was downtown at the time of the opening and saw some guy in his 50's get out of his car on Second Avenue and take his shirt off to reveal about fifty or so four inch swastika's upon his flabby fish belly white upper torso. An example of prison tattooing, I would now believe. But at the time the sight was really rather shocking.

I mention describe the event to Tube and it's like he's Mr. History of Tattoos and knows the guy's name and background. I kid you not.

Splendid Table mode: I especially liked the chili cheese fries--which you had to eat with a fork, but all same, good greasy road food. I so rarely eat carbs but all the same, those were worth doing once in a while. Would eat them again.

And I even got to have a Get Off My Lawn senior moment in front of Jacalata when, discussing facial tattoos and those who get them, I mention gutter punks and then end up going into a rant about them. And what does an Australian know about gutter punks ? Well, if you have lived on Capitol Hill for a few years, you might understand.... All the same, I found myself thinking, 'Boy, am I turning into Abraham Simpson here--before her very eyes--or what ?'

It was noisy, it was hard to hear sometimes. But I for one enjoyed the company and conversation. Bright people on their best behavior talking about things that interest them. That part I would do again. In a quieter place, to be sure.
posted by y2karl at 9:26 AM on March 2, 2009

You know, that's the first mention I've heard of Daylight Savings Time. Is this going to be like when I moved to England and was an hour late for work one day because I didn't know about the clock change?

Good food, good conversation, would meet again.
posted by jacalata at 7:02 PM on March 4, 2009

Yes, you must "spring forward". These days, clocks on computers, cell phones, and cable TVs set themselves automatically. I can't vouch for Abe, er, Karl, but I have one "old school" clock that must be set manually, and it's a bi-annual irritant.

You see, back in the day, stoves had analog clocks that were set with knobs. Sometimes these knobs broke off. Not only do you need a pliers to rotate the steel shaft, you must also push or pull at the right time to reset the integrated red timer hand. I say push or pull, because I can never remember which, as I do this only twice a year.

Inevitably, your complex series of rotations, pushes, and pulls will cause the stove timer buzzer to go off while you are sussing out the logic. Eventually the red hand will be "parked" vertically and cease to buzz, hopefully without disrupting the time setting of the white hour and minute hands.

It was a machine design that sucked dog balls even when the knob wasn't broken off.

The 70's had net t-shirts, Adidas Stockholm tennis shoes, aviator teardrop sunglasses, and Led Zeppelin, but it also had knobs...
posted by Tube at 11:28 PM on March 4, 2009

Gas stoves do not have timers and when you cook on one, you're cooking with gas.

So, you do realize, Jac, that you do this Daylight Saving Time this weekend and, also, don't forget that your television may not be able to received digital television and you have to get a tuner if your TV is an over-the-air broadcasting receiving only beater--other wise they will never stop running that annoying screen crawl on Channel 9 and we shall all be driven bonkers.
(* XXth Yank idiom for old and worn out car, and, hence, machinery by extension)
posted by y2karl at 8:42 AM on March 6, 2009

Is that something I'd have to watch TV to understand?
downloading is where it's at, yo. Possibly now that I'm in the US and have the chance to watch stuff when it actually comes out, I will change, but I doubt it.

The guy I share an office with said he didn't know anything about Daylight Savings but the internet (worldclock) says it is happening. How about if I just take Monday off, then I can't be late?
posted by jacalata at 8:35 PM on March 6, 2009

That's the ticket, then. Sleep in and get rested because it takes more than a day to get used to getting up one hour earlier. Not much more than a couple of days in most cases, as long as you don't burn the candle at both ends.

I get up so early that morning is just breaking--now I will go back to a week or two of getting up in the dark.

But the plus side is the longer hours in the evening, which is when I get my gardening done. And it's off to the races tomorrow with that, weather permitting.

Lucky for you in one respect, jacalata--you have a year with two summers this year. Come late May and it will still be light around ten in the evening. Which is well worth the price we pay by living through Halloween to Michaelmas aka Groundhog Day.

Which could be Wombat Day where you come from, now that I think about it. Well, Happy Belated Wombat Day, mate!
posted by y2karl at 1:21 PM on March 7, 2009

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