How can I view my favourites by person? January 26, 2010 11:05 PM   Subscribe

Is it possible to look at your own favourites in an info-dumpish way?

It occurs to me that I probably favourite some people regularly, and that possibly some people also favourite me more than once. Is there any EASY way to see who I have multi-favourited and who has multi-favourited me?

It seems to me that I might like to pay closer attention to people that I favourite and who favourite me. I might want to add them as contacts and make an effort to read what they say.... I do tend to skim large quantities of the grey, green and blue.

So, does this facility exist?... to find my metamates? (in an Australian context, mate.. not in the life partner, significant other, bff context.)

And if it doesn't.. .could someone make it? Thanks mate/s.
posted by taff to Feature Requests at 11:05 PM (87 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

We might often call ourselves the Hive Mind, but that doesn't mean we should ll eat from similar plates of similar beans. Diversity and challenging thought can add spice to life... group think is boring.

It might be interesting to find this out, but paying more attention to people who favorite you? Dunno. Sounds really homogeneous to me.
posted by Effigy2000 at 11:28 PM on January 26, 2010 [1 favorite]

I don't remember which post it was, but I'm pretty sure FishBike did a rather awesome breakdown of the Mutual Appreciation Society. So maybe mail him?
posted by Dumsnill at 11:32 PM on January 26, 2010

No, this doesn't exist in any way on the site right now. I'm guessing we probably won't add anything like this to the site in the near term. We're still thinking about and discussing the November favorites experiment and I don't think we're in a good place yet for adding anything to the existing favorites system.

Yeah, on preview, I agree that pulling the data yourself from the infodump is your best bet right now.
posted by pb (staff) at 11:37 PM on January 26, 2010

Oh, thanks pb for the quick response. So... I know NOTHING about the info dump. Not where it is, what it is, how to look at it or anything.

Could you give a complete moron some handy tips for this?

And Effigy... I can see what you mean about it becoming homogenous... but I just don't spend enough time here, nor have good enough retention to get to know who I like. Apart from a very few.... who are almost famous. And some of them have left.

I thought it might be a nice way to make "friends"... but that sounds a bit stalkery and not really what I mean.... but if I"ve favourited someone 40 times over the last 3 years and not particularly noticed them, I"d like to take a second look at all their posts.. particularly on the blue.

And if it so happened that someone favourited me 40 times (ha!)... I might like to go and see what they have to say for themselves... or maybe check out their own website/twitter or something.

I know favourites are considered to be fraught... but I was thinking of using them to enhance my reading.

Now... about that infodump folks... tips???
posted by taff at 12:03 AM on January 27, 2010

FishBike made analyses like this one, for me, when asked politely. (Heh, I used the Infodump to find that link.)
posted by Pronoiac at 1:40 AM on January 27, 2010

taff: Fair enough. Apologies if I sounded a bit harsh.
posted by Effigy2000 at 2:37 AM on January 27, 2010

Not at all my dear. You made a good point and I would hate to fall in to that trap, so I'm really glad you raised it as I hadn't thought about it that way.

But I'm still interested anyway. At least once... then we'll see.
posted by taff at 2:49 AM on January 27, 2010

I would like a way by which I could detect those transgressors who dare to unfavourite my comments and posts. So that I could sneak into their bedrooms at night, and draw dildos on their faces. Then when they wake up in the morning people will be all like "Hey, dildo-face!"
posted by turgid dahlia at 3:55 AM on January 27, 2010

This pony request came up before, and the implementation of it was outsourced to the Piscis Velocipede Works. That production line is still open for requests if anybody wants to see their report (an example of which Pronoiac has already linked to, above).

I'll be returning to the factory this evening, so if anybody wants some numbers run through the machinery, send me a note and say if you want results by MeFiMail, or posted here for all to see.
posted by FishBike at 5:40 AM on January 27, 2010 [1 favorite]

FishBike, that's totally cool.
posted by Admiral Haddock at 5:46 AM on January 27, 2010

said the Haddock to the Fish...
posted by HuronBob at 6:35 AM on January 27, 2010

taff is right, FishBike is a tzadik, and sometimes people just go through and prune their favorite history for whatever reason.
posted by jtron at 6:51 AM on January 27, 2010

FishBike is the man. And like pb says, this is definitely DIY datawankery stuff, not something that'll be implemented as an on-site feature.

taff, if you decide you want to start down the heady path of datawankery, the Infodump is here, and has a link to the mefi wiki with some more info about the contents of the files available.

If processing the raw files yourself is a little too daunting, you might check out Pronaic's beanplate which presents a command-line interface into the data. Still fairly wonky stuff, but more accessible certainly.
posted by cortex (staff) at 7:14 AM on January 27, 2010 [1 favorite]

fishbike, I'd like a thingy, please, and you can post it here.

I'm pretty surprised to see that older thread fishbike posted the stats in. It had escaped my attention, before. what's funny is that, of the people whose stats were collected, I show up in none of the favorites breakdowns EXCEPT I am in the 8-10th place spot for "favoriting the same things you favorite" in every. single. one. which is a weird seemingly improbable thing to happen. so now i'm pretty curious what my stats look like.
posted by shmegegge at 8:07 AM on January 27, 2010

also, fishbike is totally the man. thanks for being awesome, dude.
posted by shmegegge at 8:07 AM on January 27, 2010

I'm pretty surprised to see that older thread fishbike posted the stats in. It had escaped my attention, before.

We don't get good excuses for datawankery often enough. Such is life. I do have a couple things on my TODO list for the dump again; once those are nailed down I'll eventually do another announcement thread about the changes.
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:13 AM on January 27, 2010

Wow, FishBike, that's really cool. If it's not too much bother I'd love it if you ran me through the machine. You're welcome to post it here.
posted by sveskemus at 8:34 AM on January 27, 2010

Is it possible to look at your own favourites in an info-dumpish way?

My grammy says doing that will make you go blind.
posted by special-k at 8:59 AM on January 27, 2010 [1 favorite]

What I kind of wish is that we could search our favorites by username of who gave or got the favorites. That doesn't currently work, at least as far as I've figured out.
posted by Caduceus at 10:42 AM on January 27, 2010

fishbike, you are the MAN! Could you please run me through the machine? You can post it here, that's fine!
posted by misha at 10:42 AM on January 27, 2010

I assume this has been discussed before, but why is there no MeFi API? If the infodump is fair game for folks to play with, why not a portal for realtime (if limited and/or sanitized) queries?
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 10:44 AM on January 27, 2010

I assume this has been discussed before, but why is there no MeFi API?

It's not my site, but my guesses would be:

1) Surprisingly difficult to make it secure enough
2) Very hard to optimize database performance in the face of arbitrary queries
3) Several orders of magnitude more effort to implement than a data dump
4) Given all the above, can't do a bunch of things we are already doing with the Infodump
posted by FishBike at 10:50 AM on January 27, 2010

I too would like to be able to see a list of who is favouriting my posts or comments esp posts as I don't make too many comments. The chances are that following that persons favorites may well lead to missed gems. I go away for periods of time quite frequently and therefore miss quite a bit.
posted by adamvasco at 11:11 AM on January 27, 2010

...why is there no MeFi API?

Yep, I think FishBike hit the major points. In a way, we already have an API in the form of RSS feeds for much of the data here. We just don't call it an API. But we have thousands of feeds that are requested continuously by newsreaders and bots.

The nice thing about the infodump is that we can time when it is generated. We create the dump in off-peak hours so it doesn't compete with standard site activity. Performance is improving, but we still reach our capacity once in a while so we need to carefully plan anything that adds an extra load.

FishBike is right on point #3 as well. We would need to design, implement, and support an API. Not impossible, and there are some great examples out there we could look at. Given our limited size, is building/testing an API the best use of our development time? Especially when the infodump gets us 80% of the way there? This is definitely something we revisit from time to time, and I wouldn't be surprised to see us with an API down the road. But I think the infodump is serving us well for data-crunching right now.
posted by pb (staff) at 11:14 AM on January 27, 2010

Yeah, what pb and FishBike said. The fact is that the Infodump was (a) relatively easy to create and (b) didn't distract pb from more core development stuff since it's my personal pet project and (c) has gotten some use from like-minded nerds but has not seen an explosion of demand.

If (c) were very different—if the Infodump was falling well short of meeting the volume and complexity of folks' demand—we'd be in a position of looking more seriously at API stuff, I think, but it seems to be doing well enough for most casual datawankery needs and in the rare case that someone has a legit curiosity that exceeds what it can provide they can always drop us a line to talk about looking at throwing something custom together.

I think an API would be awesome, for what it's worth, but I think that a lot of things that aren't realistically going to happen any time soon would be awesome.
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:13 PM on January 27, 2010

Thinking a little more about an API, it seems like these things typically operate in a slightly different space than the Infodump anyway. I imagine it as the sort of thing one would use to implement other user interfaces to MetaFilter, or to help automate certain processes. For example you could use an API to do something like this:

Every 5 minutes,

1) Retrieve the current favorite count for your account (via the API)
2) Calculate that it is now N favorites higher than in the previous iteration
3) Retrieve a list of the N most recent favorites (via the API)
4) Display a "You have N new favorites." notification that lists them.
5) Automatically generate a MeFiMail message to each person who favorited you, thanking them (via the API).

I think this is an example of the sort of thing that could, but for god's sake should not, be done with an API.
posted by FishBike at 1:25 PM on January 27, 2010

Okay, that explains it pretty well. I haven't bothered to play with the infodump, personally, but I would have a lot of fun with an API if one became available, someday eventually. I think we'd see Mefites doing lots of way cool things (and some rather disagreeable things) that nobody ever saw coming. That kind of rapid innovation would be beneficial this place on the whole, I think. Maybe somebody would try to automate favorite-thanking, but I guess that's why we have mods. With great power comes great responsibility or you're gonna get banhammered, and all that.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 2:41 PM on January 27, 2010

My reasons for not going near the automatic tracking of favoriting & unfavoriting:
1. It's not very interesting.
2. I prefer making results public. Partially for the favorites, partially for some sort of symmetric disclosure.
3. This would cause grar for numerous parties.
4. No good could come of it.
5. The Infodump could stop if we're malicious with it.
posted by Pronoiac at 3:39 PM on January 27, 2010

Eh, while we're playing with data, could anybody confirm that the favorite threshold for inclusion in the contact sidebar is 12?
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 4:22 PM on January 27, 2010

That is correct, M,sM.
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:35 PM on January 27, 2010

Since taff started off this whole thread...

Stats for:taff
Who does taff favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Anonymous [40]
ThePinkSuperhero [11]
UbuRoivas [8]
desjardins [8]
weapons-grade pandemonium [6]
k8t [6]
grumblebee [5]
Stynxno [5]
grouse [5]
Brandon Blatcher [5]

Who does taff favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

0.67% (40 of 5962) of Anonymous's comments+posts
0.39% (5 of 1274) of Stynxno's comments+posts
0.38% (5 of 1325) of b33j's comments+posts
0.35% (5 of 1424) of acoutu's comments+posts
0.28% (6 of 2119) of k8t's comments+posts
0.21% (11 of 5125) of ThePinkSuperhero's comments+posts
0.18% (6 of 3287) of weapons-grade pandemonium's comments+posts
0.17% (5 of 3009) of grumblebee's comments+posts
0.13% (8 of 5994) of desjardins's comments+posts
0.09% (5 of 5867) of grouse's comments+posts

Who favorites taff the most?
(simple count of favorites)

ceri richard [10]
Space Kitty [4]
crabintheocean [3]
divabat [3]
peacheater [3]
mazienh [3]
flibbertigibbet [2]
Muirwylde [2]
mjao [2]
asciident [2]

Who favorites taff the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

ceri richard: 1.99% (10 of 502) of taff's comments+posts
General Tonic: 1.13% (2 of 177) of taff's comments+posts
emkelley: 1.06% (1 of 94) of taff's comments+posts
fantine: 0.99% (2 of 203) of taff's comments+posts
asciident: 0.99% (2 of 203) of taff's comments+posts
peacheater: 0.90% (3 of 335) of taff's comments+posts
Space Kitty: 0.80% (4 of 502) of taff's comments+posts
Nameless: 0.71% (1 of 141) of taff's comments+posts
zaxour: 0.65% (1 of 154) of taff's comments+posts
mazienh: 0.62% (3 of 482) of taff's comments+posts

Who are taff's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

taff [2] ---- [2] flibbertigibbet
taff [2] ---- [2] mjao
taff [11] ---- [2] ThePinkSuperhero
taff [3] ---- [2] sondrialiac
taff [2] ---- [1] ClaudiaCenter
taff [3] ---- [1] loquacious
taff [3] ---- [1] otherwordlyglow
taff [2] ---- [1] Greg Nog
taff [1] ---- [1] contessa
taff [3] ---- [1] lottie

Who are taff's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

taff [1.04%] ---- [0.62%] mazienh
taff [0.56%] ---- [1.13%] General Tonic
taff [1.37%] ---- [0.40%] mjao
taff [0.85%] ---- [0.35%] lottie
taff [1.71%] ---- [0.32%] dreamphone
taff [0.28%] ---- [0.40%] flibbertigibbet
taff [0.94%] ---- [0.26%] thewalrusispaul
taff [0.43%] ---- [0.26%] dogrose
taff [0.25%] ---- [0.49%] anniecat
taff [0.22%] ---- [0.47%] sondrialiac

Of the threads where taff has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

Anonymous: 14.1% [56 of 396]
smoke: 12.0% [16 of 133]
TooFewShoes: 11.8% [9 of 76]
jessamyn: 11.6% [46 of 396]
kathrineg: 11.4% [15 of 132]
thinkingwoman: 9.6% [38 of 396]
PhoBWanKenobi: 9.4% [17 of 181]
theora55: 9.3% [37 of 396]
St. Alia of the Bunnies: 9.3% [15 of 162]
palliser: 8.6% [12 of 139]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has taff also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after taff has joined MetaFilter)

rangefinder 1.4: 11.1% [6 of 54]
scottymac: 8.8% [6 of 68]
geek anachronism: 8.5% [5 of 59]
cyniczny: 7.5% [4 of 53]
jaruwaan: 7.0% [4 of 57]
faineant: 6.8% [7 of 103]
Abbril: 6.8% [4 of 59]
at the crossroads: 6.7% [7 of 104]
honey-barbara: 6.5% [4 of 62]
esprit de l'escalier: 6.3% [4 of 63]

Who has favorited the same items as taff the most?

ifjuly [118]
hot soup girl [79]
flibbertigibbet [76]
melorama [76]
divabat [71]
deborah [65]
nooneyouknow [64]
blueberry [60]
streetdreams [59]
yohko [59]

posted by FishBike at 5:16 PM on January 27, 2010

shmegegge: "fishbike, I'd like a thingy, please, and you can post it here."

Stats for:shmegegge
Who does shmegegge favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

cortex [274]
Astro Zombie [156]
jessamyn [122]
It's Raining Florence Henderson [103]
languagehat [101]
klangklangston [95]
Artw [74]
Optimus Chyme [60]
NDó [57]
robocop is bleeding [54]

Who does shmegegge favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

2.59% (7 of 270) of anansi's comments+posts
2.38% (8 of 336) of Christ, what an asshole's comments+posts
2.17% (6 of 276) of lore's comments+posts
2.07% (5 of 242) of Uppity Pigeon #2's comments+posts
1.99% (9 of 452) of L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg's comments+posts
1.89% (57 of 3012) of NDó's comments+posts
1.79% (13 of 726) of Damn That Television's comments+posts
1.77% (11 of 620) of Dormant Gorilla's comments+posts
1.73% (8 of 463) of Parasite Unseen's comments+posts
1.67% (6 of 360) of Combustible Edison Lighthouse's comments+posts

Who favorites shmegegge the most?
(simple count of favorites)

tehloki [119]
JHarris [77]
misha [68]
Pope Guilty [57]
ShawnStruck [54]
marble [45]
koeselitz [45]
klangklangston [44]
burnmp3s [43]
Joe Beese [43]

Who favorites shmegegge the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

Rory Marinich: 4.03% (6 of 149) of shmegegge's comments+posts
bakerina: 2.68% (14 of 523) of shmegegge's comments+posts
tehloki: 2.06% (119 of 5776) of shmegegge's comments+posts
Joe Beese: 2.01% (43 of 2136) of shmegegge's comments+posts
misha: 1.37% (68 of 4980) of shmegegge's comments+posts
Pope Guilty: 1.09% (57 of 5219) of shmegegge's comments+posts
burnmp3s: 1.05% (43 of 4107) of shmegegge's comments+posts
Reverend John: 0.93% (36 of 3856) of shmegegge's comments+posts
JHarris: 0.93% (77 of 8306) of shmegegge's comments+posts
Lexica: 0.91% (14 of 1534) of shmegegge's comments+posts

Who are shmegegge's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

shmegegge [95] ---- [44] klangklangston
shmegegge [74] ---- [33] Artw
shmegegge [28] ---- [57] Pope Guilty
shmegegge [28] ---- [45] koeselitz
shmegegge [60] ---- [27] Optimus Chyme
shmegegge [23] ---- [34] Bugbread
shmegegge [19] ---- [119] tehloki
shmegegge [20] ---- [19] delmoi
shmegegge [18] ---- [43] burnmp3s
shmegegge [101] ---- [18] languagehat

Who are shmegegge's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

shmegegge [1.69%] ---- [4.03%] Rory Marinich
shmegegge [0.69%] ---- [2.06%] tehloki
shmegegge [0.68%] ---- [1.05%] burnmp3s
shmegegge [0.94%] ---- [0.67%] minifigs
shmegegge [0.84%] ---- [0.63%] ShawnStruck
shmegegge [0.58%] ---- [0.79%] Caduceus
shmegegge [0.77%] ---- [0.56%] twins named Lugubrious and Salubrious
shmegegge [0.65%] ---- [0.53%] klangklangston
shmegegge [0.92%] ---- [0.49%] scrump
shmegegge [0.48%] ---- [1.09%] Pope Guilty

Of the threads where shmegegge has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

cortex: 28.9% [1203 of 4169]
DU: 26.4% [688 of 2604]
delmoi: 24.6% [1026 of 4169]
filthy light thief: 24.2% [255 of 1054]
Joe Beese: 23.1% [217 of 939]
Astro Zombie: 22.9% [782 of 3412]
languagehat: 21.2% [884 of 4169]
jessamyn: 20.6% [860 of 4169]
klangklangston: 20.2% [812 of 4025]
hippybear: 18.8% [133 of 706]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has shmegegge also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after shmegegge has joined MetaFilter)

Duncan: 28.1% [41 of 146]
darukaru: 27.1% [71 of 262]
thatweirdguy2: 26.0% [25 of 96]
the Cabal: 25.0% [13 of 52]
LD Feral: 24.6% [14 of 57]
Combustible Edison Lighthouse: 23.3% [56 of 240]
29: 22.9% [16 of 70]
mpbx: 22.4% [13 of 58]
PugAchev: 21.9% [14 of 64]
Pacheco: 21.6% [29 of 134]

Who has favorited the same items as shmegegge the most?

tehloki [925]
scrump [764]
Pope Guilty [735]
schyler523 [569]
koeselitz [487]
misha [468]
blueberry [464]
burnmp3s [447]
JHarris [444]
deborah [423]

posted by FishBike at 5:29 PM on January 27, 2010 [2 favorites]

sveskemus: "Wow, FishBike, that's really cool. If it's not too much bother I'd love it if you ran me through the machine. You're welcome to post it here"

Stats for:sveskemus
Who does sveskemus favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

mathowie [17]
jessamyn [12]
cortex [10]
Effigy2000 [9]
Astro Zombie [9]
allkindsoftime [8]
Mutant [7]
loquacious [7]
interrobang [5]
languagehat [5]

Who does sveskemus favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

0.41% (7 of 1728) of Mutant's comments+posts
0.39% (8 of 2033) of allkindsoftime's comments+posts
0.27% (9 of 3393) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
0.19% (17 of 8722) of mathowie's comments+posts
0.19% (5 of 2603) of interrobang's comments+posts
0.16% (5 of 3055) of robocop is bleeding's comments+posts
0.11% (5 of 4588) of Pastabagel's comments+posts
0.08% (5 of 6057) of goodnewsfortheinsane's comments+posts
0.08% (9 of 11580) of Astro Zombie's comments+posts
0.08% (12 of 15749) of jessamyn's comments+posts

Who favorites sveskemus the most?
(simple count of favorites)

tehloki [13]
agregoli [6]
ifjuly [5]
dabitch [4]
babybuns [4]
shmegegge [4]
jtron [4]
Abiezer [4]
muymuy [3]
KokuRyu [3]

Who favorites sveskemus the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

tehloki: 1.81% (13 of 720) of sveskemus's comments+posts
bellbellbell: 1.67% (1 of 60) of sveskemus's comments+posts
Joe Beese: 1.67% (1 of 60) of sveskemus's comments+posts
HFSH: 1.04% (1 of 96) of sveskemus's comments+posts
Wrinkled Stumpskin: 1.04% (1 of 96) of sveskemus's comments+posts
paleyellowwithorange: 0.95% (1 of 105) of sveskemus's comments+posts
pyrex: 0.72% (3 of 414) of sveskemus's comments+posts
tweemy: 0.72% (1 of 138) of sveskemus's comments+posts
rocks009: 0.72% (1 of 138) of sveskemus's comments+posts
Uppity Pigeon #2: 0.72% (1 of 138) of sveskemus's comments+posts

Who are sveskemus's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

sveskemus [4] ---- [4] dabitch
sveskemus [4] ---- [4] shmegegge
sveskemus [3] ---- [3] horsewithnoname
sveskemus [2] ---- [2] DevilsAdvocate
sveskemus [2] ---- [3] nickyskye
sveskemus [2] ---- [2] orthogonality
sveskemus [3] ---- [2] grouse
sveskemus [2] ---- [2] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
sveskemus [2] ---- [13] tehloki
sveskemus [4] ---- [2] turgid dahlia

Who are sveskemus's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

sveskemus [2.02%] ---- [0.38%] HaloMan
sveskemus [0.29%] ---- [0.38%] dabitch
sveskemus [0.48%] ---- [0.28%] horsewithnoname
sveskemus [0.17%] ---- [0.28%] agropyron
sveskemus [0.29%] ---- [0.14%] hadjiboy
sveskemus [0.32%] ---- [0.11%] mustcatchmooseandsquirrel
sveskemus [0.10%] ---- [0.12%] RussHy
sveskemus [0.10%] ---- [0.38%] jtron
sveskemus [0.10%] ---- [0.15%] flatluigi
sveskemus [0.10%] ---- [0.71%] turgid dahlia

Of the threads where sveskemus has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

cortex: 29.9% [230 of 768]
The Whelk: 25.8% [23 of 89]
jessamyn: 21.2% [163 of 768]
delmoi: 20.3% [156 of 768]
languagehat: 19.8% [152 of 768]
Alvy Ampersand: 17.0% [118 of 694]
DU: 16.9% [83 of 490]
quin: 16.7% [128 of 768]
mathowie: 16.5% [127 of 768]
stavrosthewonderchicken: 16.5% [127 of 768]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has sveskemus also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after sveskemus has joined MetaFilter)

RobertFrost: 10.2% [6 of 59]
Nice Donkey: 9.6% [5 of 52]
the Cabal: 9.6% [5 of 52]
Duug: 9.3% [7 of 75]
bayliss: 8.1% [6 of 74]
Shave: 7.9% [5 of 63]
every_one_needs_a_hug_sometimes: 7.7% [5 of 65]
lysistrata: 7.6% [9 of 119]
Neilopolis: 7.5% [4 of 53]
Duncan: 6.9% [10 of 144]

Who has favorited the same items as sveskemus the most?

flibbertigibbet [91]
tehloki [91]
scrump [84]
deborah [80]
graventy [78]
schyler523 [69]
flatluigi [67]
iamkimiam [67]
arcticwoman [65]
divabat [64]

posted by FishBike at 5:33 PM on January 27, 2010 [2 favorites]

misha: "fishbike, you are the MAN! Could you please run me through the machine? You can post it here, that's fine"

Aw, gorsh, I hope everybody knows I'm doing this because it's fun, right?


Stats for:misha
Who does misha favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Astro Zombie [211]
cortex [187]
NDó [96]
jessamyn [93]
Brandon Blatcher [93]
languagehat [89]
quin [89]
shmegegge [68]
It's Raining Florence Henderson [64]
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing [57]

Who does misha favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

5.39% (11 of 204) of the quidnunc kid's comments+posts
5.09% (96 of 1886) of NDó's comments+posts
4.81% (14 of 291) of L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg's comments+posts
3.38% (5 of 148) of psmith's comments+posts
2.74% (211 of 7688) of Astro Zombie's comments+posts
2.63% (15 of 571) of scrump's comments+posts
2.59% (7 of 270) of elizardbits's comments+posts
2.51% (8 of 319) of "Tex" Connor and the Wily Roundup Boys's comments+posts
2.39% (5 of 209) of GeckoDundee's comments+posts
2.29% (6 of 262) of Mr. Bad Example's comments+posts

Who favorites misha the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Tennyson D'San [152]
chicainthecity [16]
blueberry [16]
tehloki [16]
ifjuly [12]
marble [11]
divabat [10]
DevilsAdvocate [9]
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing [9]
deborah [8]

Who favorites misha the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

Tennyson D'San: 4.98% (152 of 3050) of misha's comments+posts
chicainthecity: 0.67% (16 of 2382) of misha's comments+posts
Blue Jello Elf: 0.67% (4 of 599) of misha's comments+posts
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing: 0.64% (9 of 1408) of misha's comments+posts
travertina: 0.56% (1 of 179) of misha's comments+posts
blueberry: 0.52% (16 of 3050) of misha's comments+posts
tehloki: 0.52% (16 of 3050) of misha's comments+posts
june made him a gemini: 0.46% (2 of 436) of misha's comments+posts
ErikaB: 0.46% (2 of 436) of misha's comments+posts
bearwife: 0.46% (2 of 436) of misha's comments+posts

Who are misha's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

misha [10] ---- [9] DevilsAdvocate
misha [57] ---- [9] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
misha [8] ---- [16] tehloki
misha [9] ---- [8] mygothlaundry
misha [21] ---- [7] kittens for breakfast
misha [6] ---- [7] JHarris
misha [26] ---- [6] Miko
misha [93] ---- [6] Brandon Blatcher
misha [8] ---- [6] The Bellman
misha [35] ---- [6] Artw

Who are misha's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

misha [8.33%] ---- [4.98%] Tennyson D'San
misha [0.96%] ---- [0.64%] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
misha [0.56%] ---- [0.52%] blueberry
misha [0.63%] ---- [0.46%] ErikaB
misha [0.69%] ---- [0.46%] bearwife
misha [0.43%] ---- [0.52%] tehloki
misha [1.25%] ---- [0.41%] palliser
misha [0.49%] ---- [0.37%] Joe Beese
misha [1.20%] ---- [0.36%] marble
misha [0.35%] ---- [0.46%] june made him a gemini

Of the threads where misha has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

cortex: 20.1% [465 of 2314]
quin: 19.0% [440 of 2314]
jessamyn: 18.8% [434 of 2314]
Brandon Blatcher: 17.8% [412 of 2314]
Joe Beese: 14.9% [117 of 787]
filthy light thief: 14.9% [127 of 855]
The Whelk: 14.4% [130 of 903]
DU: 13.9% [321 of 2314]
kathrineg: 13.8% [71 of 515]
delmoi: 12.7% [293 of 2314]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has misha also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after misha has joined MetaFilter)

Crash: 27.5% [14 of 51]
Esoquo: 24.1% [19 of 79]
Horken Bazooka: 18.2% [10 of 55]
prostyle: 17.7% [52 of 293]
gtr: 17.7% [11 of 62]
phoque: 17.3% [26 of 150]
strontiumdog: 17.3% [9 of 52]
SteveTheRed: 17.0% [27 of 159]
furiousthought: 16.7% [13 of 78]
Many bubbles: 16.6% [33 of 199]

Who has favorited the same items as misha the most?

tehloki [818]
scrump [640]
deborah [570]
schyler523 [509]
shmegegge [468]
Pope Guilty [434]
flatluigi [426]
koeselitz [415]
Nattie [385]
blueberry [380]

posted by FishBike at 5:50 PM on January 27, 2010

... and with that I think I am all caught up on the in-thread and MeFiMail stats requests, so if I missed anybody, feel free to let me know.
posted by FishBike at 5:58 PM on January 27, 2010

Thanks so much!
posted by misha at 6:24 PM on January 27, 2010

If tehloki doesn't favourite you most, basically, you suck.
posted by gman at 6:41 PM on January 27, 2010

Wow, I didn't realise sveskemus favorited me so often. Since he has, I went and added him as a contact. Gotta look after the fans, y'know.
posted by Effigy2000 at 10:57 PM on January 27, 2010

group think is boring

I concur.
posted by flabdablet at 12:34 AM on January 28, 2010 [1 favorite]

Mr/s Bike, you are a scholar and a gentleman/woman.

How very cool. Thanks so much.

I guess mine doesn't mean much because I don't write enough and stopped favouriting people so much because my favourites got unmanageable.

But, again, thank you from the bottom of my bottom.
posted by taff at 2:49 AM on January 28, 2010

If tehloki doesn't favourite you most, basically, you suck.

Heh, no, but we know that tehloki favorites a lot1, so it's interesting when his name doesn't show up in the top 10 for some people. Similarly, I gather that The Whelk is active in a whole lot of threads, so tends to show up on the mutual thread activity lists quite a bit, but not always.

We know from prior analysis that there are people who are mostly active on the blue, and others who are mostly active on the green, so maybe what we are seeing is just the natural segmentation of the community along MeFi vs. AskMe boundaries. Or maybe there is some other kind of community segmentation going on, though since it involves looking at specific people, I wouldn't want to pry into that further without their OK.

Mr/s Bike, you are a scholar and a gentleman/woman.

Mr, for what it's worth, but one of the things I like about these Infodump threads is that the Committee for Stereotype Reinforcement has its work cut out for it in that regard.

1: As far as favorites are concerned, the rest of us are but shadows. tehloki is the sun.
posted by FishBike at 6:22 AM on January 28, 2010

Hey, can I have one, FishBike? Please?
posted by grouse at 6:22 AM on January 28, 2010

I wouldn't mind a go.
posted by The Whelk at 6:55 AM on January 28, 2010

Thank you, FishBike! You rock!
posted by shmegegge at 7:40 AM on January 28, 2010

Fishbike, I'd love one too, if you have the time. Thank you in advance!
posted by saveyoursanity at 11:56 AM on January 28, 2010

Who does sveskemus favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

mathowie [17]
jessamyn [12]
cortex [10]

Sucking up to the mods FTW!
posted by sveskemus at 12:25 PM on January 28, 2010

For people wanting an API, why not take the infodump, register a domain, and add some webservices?

posted by blue_beetle at 12:33 PM on January 28, 2010

sveskemus, it might just be that those three people are particularly awesome. Controlling for factors like that is important before jumping to any conclusions.

Now who's sucking up to the mods?
posted by FishBike at 12:36 PM on January 28, 2010

I have a lot of favorites. Mind running me through the script?
posted by flatluigi at 1:24 PM on January 28, 2010

I would also like some data.
posted by jtron at 2:10 PM on January 28, 2010

Mmmm, datas.
posted by blue_beetle at 2:29 PM on January 28, 2010

grouse: "Hey, can I have one, FishBike? Please"


Stats for:grouse
Who does grouse favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Anonymous [143]
jessamyn [71]
Astro Zombie [59]
cortex [55]
delmoi [55]
ROU_Xenophobe [55]
ThePinkSuperhero [53]
Optimus Chyme [51]
Brandon Blatcher [50]
DU [41]

Who does grouse favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

1.81% (143 of 7881) of Anonymous's comments+posts
1.79% (13 of 726) of Damn That Television's comments+posts
1.79% (6 of 336) of Christ, what an asshole's comments+posts
1.72% (33 of 1923) of East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94's comments+posts
1.33% (17 of 1281) of game warden to the events rhino's comments+posts
1.18% (10 of 845) of 0xFCAF's comments+posts
1.02% (13 of 1277) of pb's comments+posts
1.01% (6 of 594) of Your Time Machine Sucks's comments+posts
0.99% (14 of 1412) of Horace Rumpole's comments+posts
0.94% (8 of 850) of zoomorphic's comments+posts

Who favorites grouse the most?
(simple count of favorites)

tehloki [86]
DevilsAdvocate [67]
Pope Guilty [38]
blueberry [32]
marble [26]
delmoi [23]
axon [23]
peacheater [21]
orrnyereg [18]
Deathalicious [18]

Who favorites grouse the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

HandfulOfDust: 3.33% (2 of 60) of grouse's comments+posts
Rory Marinich: 1.67% (1 of 60) of grouse's comments+posts
knz: 1.67% (1 of 60) of grouse's comments+posts
tehloki: 1.41% (86 of 6078) of grouse's comments+posts
shammack: 1.26% (7 of 554) of grouse's comments+posts
ripley_: 1.18% (4 of 338) of grouse's comments+posts
smoke: 1.00% (8 of 802) of grouse's comments+posts
cheesecake: 0.89% (3 of 338) of grouse's comments+posts
bakerina: 0.89% (3 of 338) of grouse's comments+posts
orrnyereg: 0.85% (18 of 2116) of grouse's comments+posts

Who are grouse's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

grouse [27] ---- [38] Pope Guilty
grouse [55] ---- [23] delmoi
grouse [21] ---- [67] DevilsAdvocate
grouse [17] ---- [15] koeselitz
grouse [15] ---- [14] nasreddin
grouse [18] ---- [14] shmegegge
grouse [14] ---- [17] Sidhedevil
grouse [26] ---- [14] Artw
grouse [23] ---- [13] rtha
grouse [40] ---- [13] scody

Who are grouse's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

grouse [1.33%] ---- [1.26%] shammack
grouse [0.66%] ---- [0.77%] Lexica
grouse [0.53%] ---- [0.74%] DevilsAdvocate
grouse [0.48%] ---- [0.85%] orrnyereg
grouse [0.47%] ---- [0.72%] Pope Guilty
grouse [0.66%] ---- [0.46%] infinite intimation
grouse [0.33%] ---- [0.37%] Reverend John
grouse [0.32%] ---- [0.47%] PhoBWanKenobi
grouse [0.30%] ---- [0.31%] burnmp3s
grouse [0.30%] ---- [0.59%] peacheater

Of the threads where grouse has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

delmoi: 14.6% [810 of 5539]
jessamyn: 14.3% [790 of 5539]
cortex: 13.7% [757 of 5539]
languagehat: 12.1% [668 of 5539]
DU: 11.8% [392 of 3319]
turgid dahlia: 10.3% [165 of 1601]
smackfu: 9.9% [550 of 5539]
kathrineg: 9.7% [51 of 526]
Joe Beese: 9.6% [98 of 1025]
The Whelk: 9.1% [114 of 1250]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has grouse also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after grouse has joined MetaFilter)

Burger-Eating Invasion Monkey: 22.0% [13 of 59]
iso_bars: 22.0% [11 of 50]
Horken Bazooka: 20.0% [11 of 55]
I EAT TAPES: 19.5% [17 of 87]
the Cabal: 19.2% [10 of 52]
qwerty155: 17.5% [10 of 57]
aihal: 17.4% [15 of 86]
hugsnkisses: 17.4% [25 of 144]
Duncan: 16.9% [25 of 148]
Necker: 16.7% [12 of 72]

Who has favorited the same items as grouse the most?

tehloki [688]
Pope Guilty [500]
blueberry [440]
scrump [412]
schyler523 [330]
lalochezia [302]
burnmp3s [277]
shmegegge [277]
deborah [273]
Nattie [267]

posted by FishBike at 4:03 PM on January 28, 2010 [1 favorite]

The Whelk: "I wouldn't mind a go"

Stats for:The Whelk (whose name I keep pronouncing "Das Velk" for some reason)
Who does The Whelk favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Artw [27]
jessamyn [14]
Kattullus [14]
tkchrist [14]
Astro Zombie [14]
Greg Nog [14]
not_on_display [14]
cortex [11]
koeselitz [11]
hermitosis [11]

Who does The Whelk favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

1.19% (14 of 1179) of Greg Nog's comments+posts
0.93% (6 of 645) of Avenger's comments+posts
0.90% (10 of 1114) of jb's comments+posts
0.89% (9 of 1014) of Pastabagel's comments+posts
0.85% (7 of 824) of geoff.'s comments+posts
0.76% (7 of 924) of robocop is bleeding's comments+posts
0.76% (14 of 1850) of tkchrist's comments+posts
0.74% (10 of 1344) of dirtynumbangelboy's comments+posts
0.74% (6 of 809) of Slap*Happy's comments+posts
0.72% (5 of 694) of Lipstick Thespian's comments+posts

Who favorites The Whelk the most?
(simple count of favorites)

JHarris [92]
tehloki [82]
liza [74]
Joe Beese [72]
Pope Guilty [67]
Artw [66] [55]
deborah [55]
misha [50]
sebastienbailard [48]

Who favorites The Whelk the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

JHarris: 1.79% (92 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
tehloki: 1.59% (82 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
Joe Beese: 1.57% (72 of 4572) of The Whelk's comments+posts
liza: 1.44% (74 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
Pope Guilty: 1.30% (67 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
Artw: 1.28% (66 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
bakerina: 1.21% (15 of 1241) of The Whelk's comments+posts
deborah: 1.07% (55 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts 1.07% (55 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts
misha: 0.97% (50 of 5151) of The Whelk's comments+posts

Who are The Whelk's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

The Whelk [27] ---- [66] Artw
The Whelk [14] ---- [30] not_on_display
The Whelk [14] ---- [13] Kattullus
The Whelk [11] ---- [14] hermitosis
The Whelk [11] ---- [34] koeselitz
The Whelk [10] ---- [46] dirtynumbangelboy
The Whelk [10] ---- [72] Joe Beese
The Whelk [9] ---- [17] Navelgazer
The Whelk [9] ---- [11] hippybear
The Whelk [7] ---- [22] klangklangston

Who are The Whelk's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

The Whelk [0.88%] ---- [0.82%] LMGM
The Whelk [0.74%] ---- [0.89%] dirtynumbangelboy
The Whelk [0.60%] ---- [0.72%] nasreddin
The Whelk [0.63%] ---- [0.58%] not_on_display
The Whelk [0.54%] ---- [1.79%] JHarris
The Whelk [0.53%] ---- [0.80%] minifigs
The Whelk [0.52%] ---- [0.43%] The Great Big Mulp
The Whelk [1.07%] ---- [0.41%] arcticwoman
The Whelk [0.40%] ---- [0.42%] Scattercat
The Whelk [0.39%] ---- [0.52%] EatTheWeak

Of the threads where The Whelk has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

DU: 29.7% [666 of 2245]
Joe Beese: 21.8% [427 of 1962]
Astro Zombie: 19.8% [445 of 2245]
filthy light thief: 19.0% [419 of 2205]
quin: 18.6% [417 of 2245]
delmoi: 17.9% [402 of 2245]
hippybear: 17.9% [266 of 1486]
Artw: 17.7% [398 of 2245]
Burhanistan: 17.5% [393 of 2245]
cortex: 16.2% [363 of 2245]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has The Whelk also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after The Whelk has joined MetaFilter)

joedan: 40.3% [25 of 62]
maqsarian: 38.8% [26 of 67]
Julnyes: 36.0% [18 of 50]
leftcoastbob: 34.6% [27 of 78]
klarck: 32.7% [17 of 52]
subbes: 31.6% [83 of 263]
double block and bleed: 30.9% [68 of 220]
WolfDaddy: 30.5% [85 of 279]
vibrotronica: 30.0% [91 of 303]
paddbear: 30.0% [18 of 60]

Who has favorited the same items as The Whelk the most?

JHarris [101]
tehloki [96]
Caduceus [92]
Pope Guilty [84]
ShawnStruck [78]
Joe Beese [76]
deborah [75]
nooneyouknow [75]
nicolin [73]
Amanojaku [72]

posted by FishBike at 4:07 PM on January 28, 2010

saveyoursanity: "Fishbike, I'd love one too, if you have the time. Thank you in advance"

Stats for:saveyoursanity (It's too late, I lost my sanity in a system crash years ago. I should have saved it more often.)
Who does saveyoursanity favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Anonymous [11]
koeselitz [3]
grumblebee [2]
jessamyn [2]
five fresh fish [2]
schroedinger [2]
tangerine [2]
thehmsbeagle [2]
grouse [1]
brina [1]

Who does saveyoursanity favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

0.23% (11 of 4790) of Anonymous's comments+posts

Who favorites saveyoursanity the most?
(simple count of favorites)

miss cee [1]
jenfullmoon [1]
chicainthecity [1]
almodis [1]
majikstreet [1]
witchstone [1]
theichibun [1]
donajo [1]
FrauMaschine [1]
Roach [1]

Who favorites saveyoursanity the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

Who are saveyoursanity's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

Who are saveyoursanity's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

Of the threads where saveyoursanity has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has saveyoursanity also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after saveyoursanity has joined MetaFilter)

rachaelfaith: 2.3% [2 of 87]
dchrssyr: 2.2% [3 of 135]
Nolechick11: 2.0% [1 of 50]
falconred: 1.9% [1 of 52]
waitangi: 1.9% [1 of 52]
hollygoheavy: 1.9% [1 of 53]
bobobox: 1.9% [1 of 53]
jnnla: 1.9% [1 of 53]
rangefinder 1.4: 1.9% [1 of 54]
substars: 1.8% [1 of 55]

Who has favorited the same items as saveyoursanity the most?

ifjuly [18]
hot soup girl [17]
idiomatika [15]
chicainthecity [13]
melorama [12]
palomar [12]
polyester.lumberjack [12]
chrismear [11]
DulcineaX [11]
yohko [11]

posted by FishBike at 4:11 PM on January 28, 2010 [1 favorite]

BTW there are a bunch of blank sections there due to no data meeting the various thresholds for inclusion on those lists. I suppose I should have trimmed them out, eh?
posted by FishBike at 4:12 PM on January 28, 2010

flatluigi: "I have a lot of favorites. Mind running me through the script"

Stats for:flatluigi
Who does flatluigi favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

cortex [145]
jessamyn [83]
Astro Zombie [72]
Optimus Chyme [68]
mathowie [47]
DU [46]
empath [35]
Rhaomi [35]
languagehat [34]
boo_radley [33]

Who does flatluigi favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

16.67% (6 of 36) of pita's comments+posts
3.88% (9 of 232) of jscott's comments+posts
3.82% (5 of 131) of asavage's comments+posts
2.69% (68 of 2532) of Optimus Chyme's comments+posts
1.93% (35 of 1815) of Rhaomi's comments+posts
1.79% (6 of 336) of Christ, what an asshole's comments+posts
1.77% (9 of 508) of Ian A.T.'s comments+posts
1.61% (10 of 622) of Uther Bentrazor's comments+posts
1.52% (47 of 3089) of mathowie's comments+posts
1.51% (29 of 1923) of East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94's comments+posts

Who favorites flatluigi the most?
(simple count of favorites)

tehloki [34]
not_on_display [20]
JHarris [14]
Pope Guilty [14]
ShawnStruck [11]
jefeweiss [11]
BrotherCaine [9]
burnmp3s [9]
agregoli [9]
mike3k [9]

Who favorites flatluigi the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

tehloki: 3.42% (34 of 993) of flatluigi's comments+posts
not_on_display: 2.07% (20 of 967) of flatluigi's comments+posts
JHarris: 1.41% (14 of 993) of flatluigi's comments+posts
Pope Guilty: 1.41% (14 of 993) of flatluigi's comments+posts
The Devil Tesla: 1.40% (5 of 358) of flatluigi's comments+posts
quoquo: 1.33% (2 of 150) of flatluigi's comments+posts
trojanhorse: 1.33% (2 of 150) of flatluigi's comments+posts
voronoi: 1.33% (2 of 150) of flatluigi's comments+posts
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing: 1.15% (6 of 523) of flatluigi's comments+posts
ShawnStruck: 1.11% (11 of 993) of flatluigi's comments+posts

Who are flatluigi's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

flatluigi [14] ---- [14] JHarris
flatluigi [25] ---- [14] Pope Guilty
flatluigi [13] ---- [20] not_on_display
flatluigi [10] ---- [9] burnmp3s
flatluigi [8] ---- [34] tehloki
flatluigi [22] ---- [7] Artw
flatluigi [19] ---- [6] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
flatluigi [33] ---- [6] boo_radley
flatluigi [68] ---- [6] Optimus Chyme
flatluigi [7] ---- [5] Rock Steady

Who are flatluigi's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

flatluigi [5.00%] ---- [1.33%] quoquo
flatluigi [1.08%] ---- [1.40%] The Devil Tesla
flatluigi [1.05%] ---- [1.11%] ShawnStruck
flatluigi [3.57%] ---- [0.99%] robinhoudt
flatluigi [0.93%] ---- [0.82%] oulipian
flatluigi [0.65%] ---- [1.41%] JHarris
flatluigi [1.05%] ---- [0.61%] JoeXIII007
flatluigi [0.61%] ---- [0.70%] chrismear
flatluigi [2.69%] ---- [0.60%] Optimus Chyme
flatluigi [1.08%] ---- [0.60%] boo_radley

Of the threads where flatluigi has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

cortex: 27.6% [163 of 591]
quin: 22.8% [135 of 591]
The Whelk: 22.5% [70 of 311]
filthy light thief: 21.4% [66 of 309]
not_on_display: 18.4% [107 of 581]
DU: 17.8% [105 of 591]
delmoi: 17.4% [103 of 591]
Astro Zombie: 17.1% [101 of 591]
hippybear: 16.5% [34 of 206]
jessamyn: 16.4% [97 of 591]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has flatluigi also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after flatluigi has joined MetaFilter)

Limiter: 14.0% [8 of 57]
the Cabal: 11.5% [6 of 52]
gtr: 11.1% [7 of 63]
kudzu: 10.9% [6 of 55]
[son] QUAALUDE: 10.5% [11 of 105]
arachnid: 10.3% [6 of 58]
Cyclopsis Raptor: 9.5% [8 of 84]
aihal: 9.3% [8 of 86]
m0nm0n: 9.3% [18 of 194]
Molesome: 9.2% [6 of 65]

Who has favorited the same items as flatluigi the most?

tehloki [971]
Pope Guilty [582]
scrump [567]
schyler523 [545]
misha [426]
shmegegge [411]
JHarris [377]
deborah [370]
arcticwoman [335]
ShawnStruck [326]

posted by FishBike at 4:17 PM on January 28, 2010 [1 favorite]

jtron: "I would also like some data"

Stats for:jtron
Who does jtron favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Astro Zombie [129]
orthogonality [85]
Pope Guilty [77]
Ambrosia Voyeur [61]
Optimus Chyme [50]
jessamyn [47]
adipocere [47]
cortex [44]
Meatbomb [44]
Smedleyman [41]

Who does jtron favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

3.33% (9 of 270) of anansi's comments+posts
2.32% (6 of 259) of artof.mulata's comments+posts
1.98% (6 of 303) of Ragma's comments+posts
1.97% (9 of 458) of Bora Horza Gobuchul's comments+posts
1.79% (27 of 1508) of Pater Aletheias's comments+posts
1.60% (21 of 1309) of Maias's comments+posts
1.60% (33 of 2064) of Avenger's comments+posts
1.59% (18 of 1133) of ignignokt's comments+posts
1.55% (6 of 388) of giraffe's comments+posts
1.54% (47 of 3051) of adipocere's comments+posts

Who favorites jtron the most?
(simple count of favorites)

ignignokt [12]
JHarris [9]
tehloki [9]
flatluigi [6]
klangklangston [6]
Pope Guilty [6]
RussHy [5]
Baby_Balrog [5]
Reverend John [5]
Rock Steady [5]

Who favorites jtron the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

ignignokt: 1.46% (12 of 821) of jtron's comments+posts
stormpooper: 1.23% (1 of 81) of jtron's comments+posts
Jimmy Havok: 1.11% (1 of 90) of jtron's comments+posts
tehloki: 1.10% (9 of 817) of jtron's comments+posts
JHarris: 0.91% (9 of 993) of jtron's comments+posts
MysteriousMan: 0.89% (1 of 112) of jtron's comments+posts
Pope Guilty: 0.78% (6 of 772) of jtron's comments+posts
flatluigi: 0.78% (6 of 772) of jtron's comments+posts
Reverend John: 0.76% (5 of 661) of jtron's comments+posts
oinopaponton: 0.70% (1 of 143) of jtron's comments+posts

Who are jtron's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

jtron [18] ---- [12] ignignokt
jtron [16] ---- [9] JHarris
jtron [38] ---- [6] klangklangston
jtron [77] ---- [6] Pope Guilty
jtron [11] ---- [5] Baby_Balrog
jtron [5] ---- [5] Rock Steady
jtron [9] ---- [5] agregoli
jtron [5] ---- [5] grobstein
jtron [6] ---- [5] lukemeister
jtron [5] ---- [4] DevilsAdvocate

Who are jtron's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

jtron [1.59%] ---- [1.46%] ignignokt
jtron [1.33%] ---- [0.78%] Pope Guilty
jtron [0.66%] ---- [0.76%] Reverend John
jtron [0.62%] ---- [0.67%] shadytrees
jtron [0.76%] ---- [0.57%] Tchad
jtron [6.25%] ---- [0.57%] problemspace
jtron [0.55%] ---- [0.91%] JHarris
jtron [0.47%] ---- [0.55%] minifigs
jtron [0.46%] ---- [0.70%] oinopaponton
jtron [0.42%] ---- [1.11%] Jimmy Havok

Of the threads where jtron has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

Astro Zombie: 22.2% [167 of 751]
cortex: 22.2% [186 of 838]
The Whelk: 21.3% [59 of 277]
Joe Beese: 20.1% [49 of 244]
DU: 19.5% [123 of 631]
klangklangston: 18.9% [153 of 808]
jessamyn: 18.6% [156 of 838]
quin: 18.1% [152 of 838]
filthy light thief: 18.0% [49 of 272]
languagehat: 17.7% [148 of 838]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has jtron also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after jtron has joined MetaFilter)

Reggie Knoble: 10.9% [7 of 64]
every_one_needs_a_hug_sometimes: 10.8% [7 of 65]
the Cabal: 9.6% [5 of 52]
Horken Bazooka: 9.1% [5 of 55]
theroadahead: 9.1% [7 of 77]
saslett: 9.0% [7 of 78]
shiu mai baby: 8.8% [22 of 249]
miss-lapin: 8.0% [4 of 50]
aquanaut: 8.0% [4 of 50]
dwivian: 7.8% [4 of 51]

Who has favorited the same items as jtron the most?

tehloki [558]
Pope Guilty [544]
scrump [376]
ShawnStruck [297]
schyler523 [287]
Caduceus [274]
blueberry [269]
JHarris [267]
shmegegge [259]
lalochezia [247]

posted by FishBike at 4:20 PM on January 28, 2010

For the favourites stats "since you/they joined", do you cut off at the date when favourites were introduced?
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 5:29 PM on January 28, 2010

For the favourites stats "since you/they joined", do you cut off at the date when favourites were introduced?

Hmm... no, which is a good point. I think when I wrote this code originally, I wasn't really aware of how recently the favorites system was introduced.

I think I'm going to have to add that to the queries, aren't I?
posted by FishBike at 5:40 PM on January 28, 2010

Ok, the script has been updated.

Now for all the stats that show percent of items favorited, it doesn't count any items posted before favorites were invented on May 1, 2006. Technically, people can go back and favorite earlier stuff than that, and they do, but not so much that it makes sense to count all those older items when calculating a percentage of "favoritable" things that actually got favorited.

It's just extending the existing logic based on everybody's signup dates, where it only counts the favorited percentage of items that were posted after the favorite-giver's signup date.

For anyone who asked for one of these reports, and whose signup date is after May 1, 2006, this won't make any difference at all to the stats for you, since all activity being looked at for your report was already post-favorite-invention activity.

For more long-time users, this only affects the stats for other long-time users on your report. I re-ran the one for grouse just to see how much changes for somebody who signed up in 2004, and the answer is not very much at all. From each top-10 list, a couple of names moved around and maybe 1 at most changed.

So it's not really worth re-running things, but future reports will be a little better. Thanks for suggesting that, M, sM.
posted by FishBike at 6:29 PM on January 28, 2010

Thank you, FishBike!
posted by jtron at 7:09 PM on January 28, 2010

Oh, how I love you fabulous MeFi geeks and your datawankery!

Can you do me, too, FishBike? Um, I mean, you my numbers through the good ol' machinery? Hope I'm not too late to opt in. Posting here is fine.
posted by velvet winter at 9:51 PM on January 28, 2010

I have been "privately" done by FishBike and a very interesting experience it was too. I cannot adequately express to you all how good it feels. Maybe this thread should now have the "Do me" tag.
posted by adamvasco at 4:15 AM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

I just know somebody's going to take adamvasco's comment above out of context one day. Probably me, if I ever set up a profile on a dating web site.

Anyway, one of the things we've often done in these Infodump threads is toss around ideas for other stats to run, or interesting correlations to search for, that sort of thing. All my current ideas revolve around post length data, so I'm eagerly awaiting the next Infodump schema update with that.

Any other things people are curious about and would like to see here?
posted by FishBike at 8:47 AM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

There's a bevy of pointless correlations I've always wanted to fiddle around with, just basically a great big cross table looking at how things that shouldn't really have any direct relation relate anyway, like username length in characters vs. average length of comments. I have a list of this in a notebook somewhere, though god knows where.
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:49 AM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

Am I too late to get in on the hot, hot favoriting action? You can post them publicly because I'm an exhibitionist like that.
posted by desjardins at 8:50 AM on January 29, 2010

Any other things people are curious about and would like to see here?

Well, FishBike, since you asked...after all this hot-and-heavy favoriting action and adamvasco's effusive praise of your abilities in "private," I admit I'm rather curious...

Oh, waittaminute, you actually mean datawankery, don't you?
posted by velvet winter at 2:35 PM on January 29, 2010

velvet winter: "Oh, how I love you fabulous MeFi geeks and your datawankery!

Can you do me, too, FishBike? Um, I mean, you my numbers through the good ol' machinery? Hope I'm not too late to opt in. Posting here is fine


Stats for:velvet winter
Who does velvet winter favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Anonymous [20]
rtha [17]
scody [15]
Miko [14]
cybercoitus interruptus [14]
Forktine [14]
jessamyn [12]
Mutant [12]
languagehat [11]
jokeefe [10]

Who does velvet winter favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

8.47% (5 of 59) of Salieri's comments+posts
8.00% (6 of 75) of catchingsignals's comments+posts
6.49% (5 of 77) of Frobenius Twist's comments+posts
6.06% (6 of 99) of sculpin's comments+posts
5.88% (5 of 85) of ellehumour's comments+posts
5.51% (7 of 127) of melissa may's comments+posts
5.21% (5 of 96) of Errant's comments+posts
5.10% (5 of 98) of palomar's comments+posts
3.20% (14 of 438) of cybercoitus interruptus's comments+posts
1.89% (9 of 476) of tzikeh's comments+posts

Who favorites velvet winter the most?
(simple count of favorites)

cybercoitus interruptus [21]
bakerina [13]
chicainthecity [12]
marble [11]
jokeefe [11]
languagehat [11]
nooneyouknow [9]
mordax [9]
hydropsyche [8]
Caduceus [7]

Who favorites velvet winter the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

mordax: 8.65% (9 of 104) of velvet winter's comments+posts
cybercoitus interruptus: 6.21% (21 of 338) of velvet winter's comments+posts
catchingsignals: 3.85% (4 of 104) of velvet winter's comments+posts
chicainthecity: 3.55% (12 of 338) of velvet winter's comments+posts
EvaDestruction: 3.37% (3 of 89) of velvet winter's comments+posts
ellehumour: 3.37% (3 of 89) of velvet winter's comments+posts
jokeefe: 3.25% (11 of 338) of velvet winter's comments+posts
languagehat: 3.25% (11 of 338) of velvet winter's comments+posts
marble: 3.25% (11 of 338) of velvet winter's comments+posts
philotes: 2.93% (6 of 205) of velvet winter's comments+posts

Who are velvet winter's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

velvet winter [14] ---- [21] cybercoitus interruptus
velvet winter [11] ---- [11] languagehat
velvet winter [10] ---- [11] jokeefe
velvet winter [6] ---- [8] hydropsyche
velvet winter [5] ---- [5] iamkimiam
velvet winter [14] ---- [5] Forktine
velvet winter [5] ---- [5] palomar
velvet winter [17] ---- [5] rtha
velvet winter [4] ---- [5] PhoBWanKenobi
velvet winter [5] ---- [4] Nattie

Who are velvet winter's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

velvet winter [8.00%] ---- [3.85%] catchingsignals
velvet winter [8.47%] ---- [3.85%] Salieri
velvet winter [5.88%] ---- [3.37%] ellehumour
velvet winter [3.20%] ---- [6.21%] cybercoitus interruptus
velvet winter [1.79%] ---- [32.50%] bakerina
velvet winter [1.58%] ---- [2.78%] Ouisch
velvet winter [5.10%] ---- [1.48%] palomar
velvet winter [1.45%] ---- [2.93%] philotes
velvet winter [1.47%] ---- [1.27%] hegemone
velvet winter [1.20%] ---- [3.37%] EvaDestruction

Of the threads where velvet winter has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

jessamyn: 24.2% [52 of 215]
Brandon Blatcher: 20.5% [44 of 215]
kathrineg: 20.0% [17 of 85]
grapefruitmoon: 17.7% [38 of 215]
EmpressCallipygos: 17.7% [38 of 215]
cortex: 17.2% [37 of 215]
desjardins: 17.2% [37 of 215]
rtha: 14.9% [32 of 215]
klangklangston: 14.0% [30 of 215]
Anonymous: 13.0% [28 of 215]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has velvet winter also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after velvet winter has joined MetaFilter)

prufrock: 8.9% [5 of 56]
maqsarian: 8.7% [6 of 69]
melissa may: 8.0% [9 of 112]
ginagina: 7.8% [4 of 51]
Law Talkin' Guy: 7.3% [4 of 55]
faineant: 6.9% [4 of 58]
Non Prosequitur: 6.8% [4 of 59]
palomar: 6.8% [4 of 59]
scottymac: 5.9% [3 of 51]
lacedback: 5.7% [3 of 53]

Who has favorited the same items as velvet winter the most?

Caduceus [165]
Lexica [145]
marble [143]
Nattie [143]
nooneyouknow [129]
palomar [122]
cybercoitus interruptus [117]
jokeefe [116]
Space Kitty [113]
bakerina [100]

posted by FishBike at 3:18 PM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

desjardins: "Am I too late to get in on the hot, hot favoriting action? You can post them publicly because I'm an exhibitionist like that"

Here are the stats in all their naked glory.

Stats for:desjardins
Who does desjardins favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

Anonymous [65]
nickyskye [20]
Brandon Blatcher [19]
homunculus [18]
salvia [13]
netbros [12]
cortex [9]
jbickers [9]
blahblahblah [8]
hermitosis [8]

Who does desjardins favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

1.48% (8 of 539) of blahblahblah's comments+posts
1.11% (65 of 5881) of Anonymous's comments+posts
0.59% (9 of 1533) of jbickers's comments+posts
0.45% (12 of 2651) of netbros's comments+posts
0.42% (13 of 3114) of salvia's comments+posts
0.40% (20 of 4992) of nickyskye's comments+posts
0.39% (7 of 1815) of Rhaomi's comments+posts
0.27% (7 of 2630) of burnmp3s's comments+posts
0.23% (5 of 2152) of CunningLinguist's comments+posts
0.23% (7 of 3042) of WCityMike's comments+posts

Who favorites desjardins the most?
(simple count of favorites)

chicainthecity [83]
blueberry [54]
Nattie [44]
lukemeister [40]
deborah [39]
tehloki [31]
limeonaire [31]
divabat [30]
PhoBWanKenobi [25]
Forktine [25]

Who favorites desjardins the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

cheesecake: 1.85% (6 of 325) of desjardins's comments+posts
chicainthecity: 1.60% (83 of 5172) of desjardins's comments+posts
travertina: 1.35% (3 of 222) of desjardins's comments+posts
Lexica: 1.24% (18 of 1456) of desjardins's comments+posts
bakerina: 1.23% (4 of 325) of desjardins's comments+posts
Nattie: 1.07% (44 of 4130) of desjardins's comments+posts
blueberry: 0.90% (54 of 5994) of desjardins's comments+posts
iNfo.Pump: 0.90% (1 of 111) of desjardins's comments+posts
skyl1n3: 0.90% (1 of 111) of desjardins's comments+posts
barney_sap: 0.90% (1 of 111) of desjardins's comments+posts

Who are desjardins's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

desjardins [20] ---- [22] nickyskye
desjardins [13] ---- [10] salvia
desjardins [7] ---- [20] burnmp3s
desjardins [6] ---- [6] Kattullus
desjardins [6] ---- [9] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
desjardins [6] ---- [17] Sidhedevil
desjardins [6] ---- [10] Joe Beese
desjardins [5] ---- [25] Forktine
desjardins [5] ---- [15] Optimus Chyme
desjardins [5] ---- [9] Afroblanco

Who are desjardins's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

desjardins [3.13%] ---- [0.90%] knz
desjardins [0.40%] ---- [0.37%] nickyskye
desjardins [0.58%] ---- [0.36%] fantine
desjardins [0.29%] ---- [1.07%] Nattie
desjardins [0.76%] ---- [0.28%] nooneyouknow
desjardins [0.30%] ---- [0.28%] Meg_Murry
desjardins [0.33%] ---- [0.27%] Phalene
desjardins [0.27%] ---- [0.43%] burnmp3s
desjardins [0.24%] ---- [0.81%] jbenben
desjardins [0.56%] ---- [0.24%] General Tonic

Of the threads where desjardins has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

jessamyn: 18.1% [699 of 3870]
kathrineg: 17.5% [131 of 749]
Brandon Blatcher: 16.5% [639 of 3870]
Anonymous: 15.5% [601 of 3870]
cortex: 13.5% [522 of 3870]
quin: 11.8% [456 of 3870]
Joe Beese: 11.3% [166 of 1471]
EmpressCallipygos: 10.9% [261 of 2398]
DU: 10.8% [417 of 3863]
delmoi: 10.1% [390 of 3870]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has desjardins also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after desjardins has joined MetaFilter)

the Cabal: 26.9% [14 of 52]
uxo: 25.0% [15 of 60]
Jurate: 24.6% [16 of 65]
lacedback: 23.9% [21 of 88]
jaruwaan: 23.2% [13 of 56]
sixcolors: 22.3% [48 of 215]
December: 22.1% [33 of 149]
prettypretty: 22.0% [11 of 50]
ChabonJabon: 21.9% [14 of 64]
shammack: 21.8% [12 of 55]

Who has favorited the same items as desjardins the most?

limeonaire [156]
nicolin [150]
hot soup girl [128]
ifjuly [115]
yohko [115]
nooneyouknow [106]
divabat [105]
SuperSquirrel [102]
deborah [99]
twins named Lugubrious and Salubrious [99]

posted by FishBike at 3:25 PM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

cortex: "There's a bevy of pointless correlations I've always wanted to fiddle around with, just basically a great big cross table looking at how things that shouldn't really have any direct relation relate anyway, like username length in characters vs. average length of comments. I have a list of this in a notebook somewhere, though god knows where"

So here's a breakdown of a bunch of stats by user name length. Curiously, users exist with every possible name length except 48 characters. 8-character usernames seem to be both the most common, and the largest source of comments. I wouldn't put too much weight in the numbers where less than 100 users exist, as those are probably highly dependent on a few specific individual users.

Name        # of        # of        average
Length      users       comments    comment length
----------  ----------  ----------  --------------
1           11          1501        328
2           136         44099       423
3           632         121015      422
4           1162        232638      404
5           2037        357038      420
6           3187        661380      417
7           3491        613214      390
8           3880        733491      429
9           3066        582342      417
10          2612        486539      437
11          1976        366495      413
12          1524        259474      392
13          1186        240151      442
14          839         198584      421
15          623         159721      397
16          397         87314       398
17          258         65259       442
18          181         33448       437
19          154         25175       405
20          116         18879       409
21          54          12012       414
22          56          9022        416
23          46          22827       424
24          44          7964        397
25          25          9288        250
26          23          2322        379
27          15          1390        341
28          19          4270        344
29          16          954         472
30          14          589         605
31          16          16068       329
32          8           529         511
33          10          420         206
34          9           783         240
35          6           1153        357
36          6           1037        192
37          9           2435        407
38          2           318         446
39          5           90          336
40          10          178         462
41          2           8           275
42          3           1006        330
43          2           28          514
44          2           9           663
45          2           5           618
46          1           139         311
47          2           6           194
49          3           14          122
50          2           1844        183

posted by FishBike at 3:36 PM on January 29, 2010

Curiously, users exist with every possible name length except 48 characters.

posted by This name is exactly forty-eight characters long at 7:35 PM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

What kind of place is this where noting the non-existence of a thing causes it to spontaneously exist?

At this point, I shall note that a million dollars does not exist in my bank account.
posted by FishBike at 7:54 PM on January 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

What kind of place is this where noting the non-existence of a thing causes it to spontaneously exist?

The kind of place where you'd find a guy with $5 to spend and nothing better to do on a Friday night is my guess.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 8:00 PM on January 29, 2010

Oh heck. Now I feel I need to be part of the crowd (ironic given my first comment in this thread, no?). Fishbike, if you're up to it, please do my data too.
posted by Effigy2000 at 10:43 PM on January 29, 2010

To further the correlations could tags be thrown into the mix.?
posted by adamvasco at 12:35 AM on January 30, 2010

Effigy2000: "Oh heck. Now I feel I need to be part of the crowd (ironic given my first comment in this thread, no?). Fishbike, if you're up to it, please do my data too"

No problem, actually this is good. First it confirms my suspicions that for these stats to be fairly complete, it takes about 1000 favorites given and received (which you have, so these look good). Second, I don't think we've seen anybody favorite 40% of another users comments before (in a non-stunty fashion), so that's kind of an interesting outlier that may or may not be worthy of further discussion.

Stats for:Effigy2000
Who does Effigy2000 favorite the most?
(simple count of favorites)

cortex [42]
mathowie [39]
robocop is bleeding [24]
Anonymous [22]
jessamyn [19]
UbuRoivas [17]
Astro Zombie [12]
Xelf [10]
Pastabagel [8]
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing [8]

Who does Effigy2000 favorite the most?
(percent of their comments+posts since you joined)
(limited to users you've favorited 5+ times)

40.00% (10 of 25) of Xelf's comments+posts
1.01% (24 of 2381) of robocop is bleeding's comments+posts
0.67% (39 of 5806) of mathowie's comments+posts
0.53% (7 of 1318) of chococat's comments+posts
0.39% (5 of 1274) of pb's comments+posts
0.33% (22 of 6688) of Anonymous's comments+posts
0.20% (42 of 21401) of cortex's comments+posts
0.17% (8 of 4588) of Pastabagel's comments+posts
0.16% (5 of 3033) of Plutor's comments+posts
0.15% (17 of 10988) of UbuRoivas's comments+posts

Who favorites Effigy2000 the most?
(simple count of favorites)

tehloki [35]
JHarris [35]
ShawnStruck [26]
deborah [25]
nicolin [24]
divabat [24]
UbuRoivas [19]
flatluigi [18]
Caduceus [18]
limeonaire [17]

Who favorites Effigy2000 the most?
(percent of your comments+posts since they joined)

1901gunner: 3.23% (2 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
stoneweaver: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
divide_by_cucumber: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
ned4spd8874: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
travertina: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
cjelli: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
Kris10_b: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
zain: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
balmore: 1.61% (1 of 62) of Effigy2000's comments+posts
tehloki: 1.36% (35 of 2583) of Effigy2000's comments+posts

Who are Effigy2000's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by simple count of whoever has favorited the other the least)

Effigy2000 [17] ---- [19] UbuRoivas
Effigy2000 [8] ---- [9] Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
Effigy2000 [5] ---- [6] loquacious
Effigy2000 [4] ---- [6] ColdChef
Effigy2000 [4] ---- [9] wilful
Effigy2000 [4] ---- [13] East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94
Effigy2000 [4] ---- [6] madamjujujive
Effigy2000 [4] ---- [5] Rhaomi
Effigy2000 [39] ---- [4] mathowie
Effigy2000 [7] ---- [4] DU

Who are Effigy2000's top 10 mutual favorites?
(by percentage favorited of others posts since joining)

Effigy2000 [1.85%] ---- [0.52%] Twicketface
Effigy2000 [0.39%] ---- [0.38%] nudar
Effigy2000 [12.50%] ---- [0.37%] JoeGoblin
Effigy2000 [0.30%] ---- [0.78%] flatluigi
Effigy2000 [0.45%] ---- [0.29%] wilful
Effigy2000 [0.24%] ---- [0.26%] nooneyouknow
Effigy2000 [0.45%] ---- [0.24%] springbound
Effigy2000 [0.24%] ---- [0.48%] minifigs
Effigy2000 [0.35%] ---- [0.23%] inconsequentialist
Effigy2000 [0.39%] ---- [0.22%] rabbitrabbit

Of the threads where Effigy2000 has been active, who else has been active in the highest percentage?
(limited to threads active after the comparison user has joined MetaFilter)

cortex: 21.2% [492 of 2325]
delmoi: 20.8% [484 of 2325]
turgid dahlia: 16.7% [179 of 1069]
quin: 16.2% [376 of 2325]
Astro Zombie: 15.6% [354 of 2269]
jessamyn: 15.1% [352 of 2325]
languagehat: 14.8% [343 of 2325]
Joe Beese: 14.3% [106 of 740]
DU: 14.2% [238 of 1677]
The Whelk: 14.0% [123 of 877]

Of the threads where other users have been active, in whose has Effigy2000 also been the most active by percentage?
(limited to threads active after Effigy2000 has joined MetaFilter)

the Cabal: 23.1% [12 of 52]
Second Account For Making Jokey Comments: 21.7% [13 of 60]
Ceiling Cat: 17.0% [9 of 53]
Merik: 15.7% [14 of 89]
MiguelCardoso: 15.1% [8 of 53]
crossoverman: 14.9% [78 of 525]
29: 14.3% [10 of 70]
frenetic: 13.5% [15 of 111]
Neale: 13.3% [10 of 75]
cardoso: 13.3% [8 of 60]

Who has favorited the same items as Effigy2000 the most?

scrump [135]
Pope Guilty [121]
tehloki [119]
shmegegge [114]
deborah [112]
schyler523 [110]
flibbertigibbet [109]
graventy [101]
koeselitz [94]
misha [94]

posted by FishBike at 6:45 AM on January 30, 2010 [1 favorite]

adamvasco: "To further the correlations could tags be thrown into the mix."

I've been wanting to do some sort of tag-based user matching analysis for a while now. What I want to see is what tags are of most interest to me, and who are the other users who are most interested in those tags.

"Interest" is a somewhat loaded term, and not possible to calculate directly from Infodump data anyway. So I'm going to substitute "activity", and I've come up with a fairly arbitrary metric to define activity. It's the sum of:
  • post count x 20
  • comment count x 1
  • post favorite count x 1
  • comment favorite count x 0.1
So for any given post, it counts as 20 "activity points" if you were the poster, 1 point if you favorited the post, 1 point for each comment you made in the thread, and 0.1 points for each comment you favorited in the thread.

Since we also know which tags were associated with which posts, I can add up everybody's activity metrics for every post they were active in, and group these by tag name to get everybody's activity metric per tag. This is about a 17 million record table, by the way.

The question is how to report on that information. So far, the best thing I've come up with is to figure out a) what are my top 10 tags by activity metric, and then for each of those, who are the top 5 users in that tag by their activity metric for the tag.

Here is a sample of this analysis for me:

Top tag activity analysis for: FishBike
     Tag:"infodump", FishBike activity = 196.9


     Tag:"datawankery", FishBike activity = 191.8


     Tag:"wiki", FishBike activity = 127.1


     Tag:"database", FishBike activity = 119.1


     Tag:"analysis", FishBike activity = 118.1

          43.00:Mr. Gunn

     Tag:"datamining", FishBike activity = 118.1


     Tag:"graph", FishBike activity = 118.1

          29.70:East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94

     Tag:"node", FishBike activity = 118.1


     Tag:"quant", FishBike activity = 118.1

          21.00:chunking express

     Tag:"experiment", FishBike activity = 73.1


posted by FishBike at 8:52 AM on January 30, 2010

Interesting! If you want to run me, I'd be happy to see it.

One clear result of your run there is that one big long thread seems to be able to have a huge influence on the results—all those FishBike 118.1, cortex 91-ish bits are probably from just one or two threads (and in fact clearly we've both been really talkative in general in the few infodump-ish threads that have come along).

I wonder if there'd be some good way to sort of collapse that in terms of a sort of related-tag cloud, or to otherwise condense or cap the amount of influence that sort of thing can have.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:07 AM on January 30, 2010

Also, I've just added the "datawankery" tag to this post, which will I guess nerf your results next time the Infodump regenerates.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:08 AM on January 30, 2010

Interesting! If you want to run me, I'd be happy to see it.

Sure, see below.

One clear result of your run there is that one big long thread seems to be able to have a huge influence on the results—all those FishBike 118.1, cortex 91-ish bits are probably from just one or two threads (and in fact clearly we've both been really talkative in general in the few infodump-ish threads that have come along).

Keep in mind that the only tags even appearing in my report are ones where I have been very active. And I've been far more active in Infodump threads than in any other kind of discussion anywhere on the site. So those threads do have an influence, and I think they ought to.

When you see your report below, you'll see that although you're the most active user in the tags where I'm very active... I'm not on the list for any of the tags where you're most active. For different reasons, we're both also very active in MeTa compared to most users, so for us we're seeing a lot of MeTa-related tags here.

It might be worth looking at these but limiting it to activity on the front page or in AskMe. Ideally I'd like to get this down to some sort of top-10 list that doesn't actually mention specific tags, too, since displaying specific tag names for specific users has been previously deemed potentially creepy.

I wonder if there'd be some good way to sort of collapse that in terms of a sort of related-tag cloud, or to otherwise condense or cap the amount of influence that sort of thing can have.

As a sort of statistical witch-doctorey thing with no valid theoretical basis, I could try basing the activity metrics for a post on the square root of the comment and comment favorite counts. 100 comments in one thread would then count the same as 10 comments in 10 separate threads.

So here's the report. I'm having trouble with the formatting, though. The combination of small and pre tags seems to result in a really big inter-line spacing, at least on my browser.

Top tag activity analysis for: cortex
     Tag:"askme", cortex activity = 2743.2


     Tag:"callout", cortex activity = 1666.7

          654.80:Ethereal Bligh

     Tag:"music", cortex activity = 1452.9


     Tag:"mefi", cortex activity = 1412.6


     Tag:"etiquette", cortex activity = 1238.7


     Tag:"policy", cortex activity = 1016.9


     Tag:"pony", cortex activity = 933.5


     Tag:"solo", cortex activity = 767.1


     Tag:"moderation", cortex activity = 682.2


     Tag:"cover", cortex activity = 663.0

          232.00:american caesar

posted by FishBike at 9:25 AM on January 30, 2010

cortex: "Also, I've just added the "datawankery" tag to this post, which will I guess nerf your results next time the Infodump regenerates"

We're well into quantum datawankery now, where observation of the system is causing it to change. Have we had a user account get created specifically to alter a data anomaly (no 48-character user names) before?

And I feel sort of sad that the last un-used user name length has now been taken. Who knows how many more years it might have gone if I hadn't pointed it out?
posted by FishBike at 9:28 AM on January 30, 2010

When you see your report below, you'll see that although you're the most active user in the tags where I'm very active... I'm not on the list for any of the tags where you're most active. For different reasons, we're both also very active in MeTa compared to most users, so for us we're seeing a lot of MeTa-related tags here.

Yeah, no, that's a good point. I wasn't thinking about how the results wouldn't necessarily be reflexive, bit of a blind spot on my part. This list does seem to hit the nail on the head for how much time I spend in metatalk compared to other areas.

It's also interesting to look at in terms of what I guess we could call "ownership" of a tag; most of my top ten are things where my count is higher than any of the five related folks, though not all (y2karl stomps the music tag and I don't even make the top five there; Matt owns the pony tag, by virtue of having been the primary stable master over the years). I wonder if my relatively high ownership is an outlier based in large part on my sheer volume of output, or if that's something that would occur with just about anyone with a non-trivial commenting history?

As a sort of statistical witch-doctorey thing with no valid theoretical basis, I could try basing the activity metrics for a post on the square root of the comment and comment favorite counts. 100 comments in one thread would then count the same as 10 comments in 10 separate threads.

Yeah, that'd be an interesting idea. Value breadth of attachment to a subject, so that e.g. on errant and potentially even off-topic exchange in a given thread doesn't get treated as compelling evidence of interest the way that repeatedly engaging different threads on a subject would.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:38 AM on January 30, 2010

It's also interesting to look at in terms of what I guess we could call "ownership" of a tag; most of my top ten are things where my count is higher than any of the five related folks, though not all (y2karl stomps the music tag and I don't even make the top five there; Matt owns the pony tag, by virtue of having been the primary stable master over the years). I wonder if my relatively high ownership is an outlier based in large part on my sheer volume of output, or if that's something that would occur with just about anyone with a non-trivial commenting history?

Well, there are 13,092 users who "own" at least one tag (in the sense of having the highest activity metric under that tag). Of course I can't post that whole list here, but scrolling through it fairly quickly, the users with more activity overall do tend to be at the top for a greater number of tags, but it's a very noisy graph, so to speak.

Here's the top 50-ish of that list:
User name                                          Tags owned  Activity metric (total)
-------------------------------------------------  ----------  -----------------------
Kattullus                                          1246        14218.9
Artw                                               1143        24788.1
mathowie                                           1142        52920.6
homunculus                                         1142        35439
goodnewsfortheinsane                               948         12432.3
y2karl                                             775         21956
MiguelCardoso                                      773         20382.1
ericb                                              750         22698
amberglow                                          699         34352.6
jonson                                             696         18500.6
netbros                                            641         10656.8
filthy light thief                                 621         7637
vronsky                                            558         9699.7
tellurian                                          541         10844
miss lynnster                                      500         13759.1
nickyskye                                          498         15722.9
WCityMike                                          476         10580.9
wendell                                            467         16615.3
stbalbach                                          440         17287.9
plep                                               439         8055
not_on_display                                     415         9614.2
divabat                                            412         17105.6
grumblebee                                         378         13795
jason's_planet                                     371         5295.7
kirkaracha                                         367         15880.3
matteo                                             366         18708.1
loquacious                                         363         17263.8
digaman                                            349         7031.4
cortex                                             347         28599
Astro Zombie                                       338         17413.8
amyms                                              338         9439.7
Brandon Blatcher                                   330         14217.8
dersins                                            322         10958.5
troutfishing                                       320         12526
dobbs                                              315         14932.6
jonmc                                              313         27652.1
Postroad                                           312         19276.2
adamvasco                                          302         4756.2
anotherpanacea                                     297         5872.5
snsranch                                           291         10226.4
jessamyn                                           287         21657.8
carsonb                                            286         8171.3
chuckdarwin                                        285         7548.3
klangklangston                                     283         19010.8
spock                                              278         6531.8
Effigy2000                                         272         10012.8
hama7                                              270         9453
fenriq                                             270         11540.7
dios                                               267         6076
jonp72                                             267         4917.8

posted by FishBike at 11:39 AM on January 30, 2010

There may be a backtagging effect here: many backtaggers, including me, added a lot of tags to each post. Posts tagged by authors and their contacts will often have only 2-3 tags.

Also, for cortex, sheer volume: since 2006 or 2007, he's been posting around 5,000 comments/year to MetaTalk, outstripping everyone (jessamyn and mathowie usually occupy the 2nd and 3rd place).
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 11:50 AM on January 30, 2010

There may be a backtagging effect here: many backtaggers, including me, added a lot of tags to each post. Posts tagged by authors and their contacts will often have only 2-3 tags.

Yeah, that's an interesting effect for sure: does someone own a tag because they make or engage with posts bearing that tag, or do they own it because the posts they make or engage with tend to get backtagged with that tag?

I suppose you could do an analysis of pre- vs post-tagging content to see if how someone's apparent interests/ownership are split across content that was tagged when they dug into it vs. tagged after the fact.

It'd be interesting also to see the above analysis but also with average and median metrics shown for users, that sort of thing. Or in some other way examine a "curve" of interest to look at how a given user's activity metric or tag ownership differs from user to user.
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:08 PM on January 30, 2010

I've been messing around with the calculation of the activity metric itself. That idea of taking the square root of comment counts, and comment favorite counts, within a post and then adding them up seems to improve the results. I also thought that favoriting a post might be a better reflection of interest in it than a single comment is... so I tried making "favoriting the post" = 5 points instead of 1.

When I re-ran the analysis for myself, I get a more diverse set of tags for sure. The earlier version showed my top 10 tags as:
infodump, datawankery, wiki, database, analysis, datamining, graph, node, quant, experiment
... which I agree is a pretty good representation of most of my activity, quantitatively, but doesn't represent the topics of interest that I'm involved in here all that well. So after the square root trick and bumping up the significance of favoriting a post, my top 10 tags look like this:
intodump, datawankery, video, experiment, aircraft, science, train, java, internet, physics
This is closer to my actual interests, except that I don't particularly care about java all that much. One of my whopping 2 front page posts is a thing written in java, though, so that's where that comes from.
posted by FishBike at 12:20 PM on January 30, 2010

At Hacker News, someone put together an interesting tool to find similar users, with sliders for the equivalent of "more favorites" or "fewer," & "commenting in the same threads" or "word choice," which doesn't apply here. Maybe by tag?
posted by Pronoiac at 2:38 PM on January 30, 2010

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