Goodreads group May 16, 2010 8:12 PM   Subscribe

MeFi'ers on Goodreads unite

I have created a group for Metafilter. Feel free to join.
posted by reenum to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:12 PM (52 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

Oh, awesome! I've talked about my love of goodreads on here before--I particularly love friending people who actually post reviews. I review everything I read on there--even some Star Trek novels! Add me add me.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 8:21 PM on May 16, 2010

Just go to the link and join the group.
posted by reenum at 8:24 PM on May 16, 2010

Yeah, I did. :P I'm phoebereading.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 8:29 PM on May 16, 2010

Timing is everything. A few months ago I abandoned Goodreads in favor of just staying with the Living Social Books utility on FB. Goodreads just seemed too complex and demanded too much attention. Have fun reading, though, y'all.
posted by Miko at 8:31 PM on May 16, 2010

I joined up (I'm "Natalie") but if I get any hate for disliking Tolkien and Nabokov I'm gonna... I dunno, I'll be all :( I guess.
posted by Nattie at 8:33 PM on May 16, 2010 [1 favorite]

I actually had a bit of a dust-up over my review of one book--some personal acquaintance of the author came in and started throwing around personal attacks. I stood my ground though, and was glad I did; I made a surprising number of friends on there (some of which have reached outside the site) from people who messaged me privately telling me that they agreed with me, and couldn't understand why so many of the reviews were positive (I suspect that other negative reviewers were being bullied, too).

Author/reader interactions can be a delicate thing. I'd like to be published some day, and if I ever am, I hope I have the grace to stay out of reviews--and to encourage those I know to likewise keep their mouths shut. I think it undermines your work more, and is much worse press, to try to answer or address reviewers.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 8:36 PM on May 16, 2010 [3 favorites]

Totally agree, PhoBWanKenobi. I don't understand the mindset of people who respond to reviews just to argue with them in an unfriendly way. I've made GR friends with a few people who disagreed with me but in a sincere "different strokes" sort of way, often just pointing out the perspective they had that made the work more enjoyable for them, and I actually do appreciate that sort of thing because it has the chance of giving me a way to enjoy something I might not have enjoyed otherwise.

But then there's people who just go hunt down the negative reviewers. I have to admit it's lead to me posting fewer reviews than I would have otherwise because I often have problems even with books that I like, so when I dislike a book it's usually easy to give a dozen reasons why and this seems to invite ire from people. Sometimes I just dread posting anything. Over the years I've tried to word it more delicately to head some of that off -- in the beginning my thinking was it shouldn't really matter since it's just my opinion and anyone else can post their own opinion; I didn't care if people disagreed with my opinion of the book, but it seems some people cannot stand that someone else would have a different opinion -- but some people are just assholes, heh. I'm trying to be better lately about reviewing things anyway, and just not bother with people that are dumb about it. I'm trying to look at it more like, well, they're making themselves look unreasonable, and anyone reasonable isn't going to expect me to engage them, and anyone unreasonable isn't worth engaging anyway.

"I'd like to be published some day, and if I ever am, I hope I have the grace to stay out of reviews--and to encourage those I know to likewise keep their mouths shut. I think it undermines your work more, and is much worse press, to try to answer or address reviewers."

Ditto to this. It sucks when someone dislikes something you've written, but the way I see it, there are TONS of authors that I love that other people dislike, and vice versa. Usually the stuff that other people dislike about my favorite authors are the things that I like, and usually the stuff they like about another author is something I dislike. There's no reconciling that and writing a perfect book that will appeal to everyone. It's inevitable that someone will dislike it, and it's inevitable that some of those people might even be really mean about it. There's no sense in getting upset or defensive over it. I always end up thinking less of authors who engage those kinds of reviews. (Unless something explicitly untruthful was said; I can't remember the incident specifically now, but a year or two ago an author responded to a negative review because there were a lot of factual errors about the book in it, and I thought that was reasonable.)
posted by Nattie at 8:52 PM on May 16, 2010 [1 favorite]

Pretty sure I got sick of Goodreads after insufficient numbers of other users got in touch to compliment me on my eclectic reading habits and how awesome I must be for being like the only person on the site who doesn't list Wild Swans and A Suitable Boy and omg my favourite book these days is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo it's so dark and brutal and really makes you feel bluh bluh bluh wakka....
posted by turgid dahlia at 8:54 PM on May 16, 2010

I will join, because this might incentivize me to push past my ADD and and start pleasure reading again. MeFi has made me a canner and a homebrewer. If I remember how to read novels, the $5 will officially have made me a better person.
posted by mccarty.tim at 9:20 PM on May 16, 2010 [1 favorite]

BTW, I'm currently trying to read a library copy of Lowboy. But I can never concentrate on reading well enough to finish library books. And I can't afford to buy books.
posted by mccarty.tim at 9:25 PM on May 16, 2010

tim.mccarthy: Try audiobooks. I listen to these during the 1.5 hours I have to commute each day. It's the only way I read as many books as I do each year.

Like you, I'm also trying to conquer my Internet caused ADD and get back into reading longer works.
posted by reenum at 9:42 PM on May 16, 2010

I'm also in. I show up as Go (someone had already taken my real first name and middle Currently reading some edifying history and some classic detective fiction.
posted by Go Banana at 6:15 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in, though I've been lazy about writing reviews lately.
posted by JoanArkham at 6:37 AM on May 17, 2010

I hate the GoodReads interface. Using it seems too much like work.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 6:41 AM on May 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

I just joined. I, too, don't get much reading done but I'd love to read more. Maybe this will encourage me.
posted by sveskemus at 7:10 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in! I think you'll see me as "Jess A." - username is raanve over there. (For whatever reason, MetaFilter is about the only place I haven't used my universal username. WEIRD.)
posted by dryad at 7:49 AM on May 17, 2010

Love this. Goodreads is my favorite "social networking" site. It really does get me to read more, and keep track of that list in my head of things I want to learn...
posted by lunit at 8:08 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in, and I am very cleverly named "Jen" on there. I've been on a run of only getting halfway through books lately, so this may motivate me to push on to finish so I can make my terrible taste in books more public.
posted by banjo_and_the_pork at 8:30 AM on May 17, 2010

Oh, this is nice. I'm "Johanna" over there (and most places, now that I think of it). I need some more diverse groups so I can broaden my to-read list.
posted by gladly at 8:47 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in - as mygothlaundrey with an extra e which I attribute to not enough coffee. I have a history of abandoning reading sites, though, so I'm just hoping I keep this one up.
posted by mygothlaundry at 8:49 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm there under my real name. I'm pretty thorough about reviewing everything I read, and I'm a voracious reader. :) Actually, I found a local reading group through Goodreads -- they get together about once a month and talk about what everybody's reading. That part's been interesting; I find I work harder on my reviews to be better about talking about books at book club.

Almost everything I read comes from the library, BTW.
posted by epersonae at 9:32 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in as Alison.
posted by thivaia at 9:42 AM on May 17, 2010

I just joined BookMooch, so I went back over to my dormant Goodreads account and prettied things up a bit. Madamina, same as in town, but you might see my real name (the horror!).
posted by Madamina at 9:48 AM on May 17, 2010

Joined. As haveanicesummer, just created my Goodreads account so no reviews yet.
posted by haveanicesummer at 10:05 AM on May 17, 2010

In as tclancy.
posted by yerfatma at 10:08 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in. My name is Dona.
posted by donajo at 10:16 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in!

Under my real name, to boot. I don't really like this, but I haven't yet figured out how to get it to display my username instead.
posted by Ms. Saint at 11:23 AM on May 17, 2010

I'm in as Valette, just signed up last week in fact to help me track my reading.
posted by rhapsodie at 11:53 AM on May 17, 2010

Oh, my name on Goodreads is just Heather, I think. It's the one from Providence.
posted by lunit at 11:55 AM on May 17, 2010

Under my real name, to boot. I don't really like this, but I haven't yet figured out how to get it to display my username instead.
posted by Ms. Saint

You can put a username under the "First Name" entry on your profile page, instead of your name.
posted by haveanicesummer at 11:57 AM on May 17, 2010


So, I guess when it asks for "username" it really is just for the personalized URL you can get? That sucks. That means Goodreads is going to have to think my name is Mssaint Saint.
posted by Ms. Saint at 12:03 PM on May 17, 2010

Wait! I can just tell it that my first name is Ms.!

I'm brilliant.
posted by Ms. Saint at 12:04 PM on May 17, 2010

Wait, no, that'd just display "Ms."

The rumors of my brilliance are greatly exaggerated.
posted by Ms. Saint at 12:05 PM on May 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

I just joined as Amian.
posted by Serene Empress Dork at 12:31 PM on May 17, 2010

Uggggh, "Goodreads" tagged as "Social Networking" by the employer's internet filter.

I'll have to wait at LEAST another 2 hours before joining. :( :( :( :(

(In case it was unclear, I have unbearable sadness about this.)
posted by cranberrymonger at 12:39 PM on May 17, 2010

I'm in. I've been on Goodreads for several years, but this may be the first group I've actually joined. I've used it as a book tracker, but not so much with the social networking so far.
posted by immlass at 1:40 PM on May 17, 2010

I'm in! I have a huge list of the books I own on there (in case the place burns down) and I've been trying to keep up with new stuff and actually posting brief reviews of it.
posted by restless_nomad at 1:48 PM on May 17, 2010

Hm...I have mostly been using it just to track the 'important' books I read. I am still conflicted over whether I want to record everything - I read so much crap. I guess there's nothing wrong with having more information than I need. I wonder if I can just import my library records....
posted by jacalata at 2:19 PM on May 17, 2010

I'm in under Julie Rea. Maybe my real name, maybe not.
posted by angrycat at 2:36 PM on May 17, 2010

Just joined the site and the group as deborah.
posted by deborah at 2:37 PM on May 17, 2010

I've been on Goodreads for a few years, but I'm reluctant to join a MeFi-related book group because I just have a feeling it won't end well what with my fathomless hatred for House of Leaves and David Foster Wallace.
posted by cropshy at 4:48 PM on May 17, 2010

I joined the Goodreads group but refuse to out myself by my real name. I only compromise my privacy when Facebook tricks me into doing so! (Which it's already done with Goodreads. Damn.)
posted by tantivy at 4:54 PM on May 17, 2010

I'm there as Nelly. I love Goodreads, but I rarely write reviews. Sometimes the stars are enough.
posted by clearlydemon at 6:02 PM on May 17, 2010

cropshy, I just successfully gave away my copy of House of Leaves and I am overjoyed, since now it won't be there taunting me with my total failure to think anything at all about that book except eeeeurgh, too many fonts.
posted by mygothlaundry at 6:29 PM on May 17, 2010

So, a buncha compulsive readers means no mockery for "You're reading that again?" right? (currently happily making my way through the Vorkosiverse, not for the first time...)
posted by Lexica at 8:23 PM on May 17, 2010

I'm in; most of my reading list is from AskMe's book threads anyway. I am also Jen over there.
posted by anderjen at 8:42 PM on May 17, 2010

Hooray! I'm in. I'm Leslie over there. I read a ton and never write reviews, but I gladly take suggestions!
posted by chatongriffes at 11:21 PM on May 17, 2010

Yay! Interesting folks to help me decide what to read next! I'm Valerie over there. With luck, this will prevent me from posting a few AskMe questions.
posted by alight at 3:29 AM on May 18, 2010

joined! most of the books I add are young adult, though, since I'm a YA author. I'm also one of the people who friended PhoBWanKenobi based on an awesome/scathing GR review.
posted by changeling at 12:37 PM on May 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

I'm also one of the people who friended PhoBWanKenobi based on an awesome/scathing GR review.

Aww, yeah--you did!. There's clearly a nice overlap of awesome GRers/mefites!
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 1:10 PM on May 18, 2010

i hope im not the only mefite to delete my goodreads account simply because i read too fast to keep it updated ._.
posted by raw sugar at 5:28 PM on May 18, 2010

Hmm, I see there is an underused group on LibraryThing for Mefites...
posted by twirlip at 8:53 PM on May 18, 2010

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