Delicious.out / December 16, 2010 3:24 PM   Subscribe is dead. In the FPP about it, a lot of people are discussing switching over to Pinboard. I linked to my Pinboard account so people could add me to their network — something I'd reciprocate. Only problem: Pinboard doesn't report the people following you.

So, although Pinboard is a service you can easily add to your profile, I figured I'd make a MeTa to swap usernames, like we have for Twitter and Tumblr in the past.
posted by defenestration to MetaFilter-Related at 3:24 PM (81 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite

posted by defenestration at 3:25 PM on December 16, 2010

You can also go here to see all MetaFilter Members on Pinboard. (There are 30 right now.) Or here for accounts. (There are 1,000 right now.)
posted by pb (staff) at 3:27 PM on December 16, 2010 [8 favorites]

Didn't know that was possible. Thanks, pb!
posted by defenestration at 3:29 PM on December 16, 2010

posted by brundlefly at 3:41 PM on December 16, 2010

...and your contacts on those lists are highlighted - nice touch!
posted by klarck at 3:41 PM on December 16, 2010 [1 favorite]

I am mathowie on Pinboard as well. I was just wondering how on earth I would re-create my "Delicious bookmarks from your Network" page on Pinboard, and it turns out the Pinboard designers kind of purposely hide users and usernames from the main pages of their sites and the profile pages of other people are spartan to non-existent. I really like the Network tab at Delicious and sincerely hope I can find the 200+ people I follow on delicious over on Pinboard.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 3:42 PM on December 16, 2010 [1 favorite]


I tried to get in earlier, when it was around $6.50, but couldn't get in. Now its up to $7.29 and rising. I feel lucky to get in in under $10.
posted by anastasiav at 3:46 PM on December 16, 2010

I'll give you one guess.
posted by misterbrandt at 3:57 PM on December 16, 2010


I was a sucker and didn't get in a few weeks ago when my friend advised me to.
posted by immlass at 3:58 PM on December 16, 2010

I'm hawaii. My years of Delicious bookmarks are among the 700 files apparently now queued for import in the PinboardIn system.
posted by pzarquon at 4:08 PM on December 16, 2010


It's a nice little website, and they also have a Twitter account. For some reason, an active Twitter acount always seems to encourage me to part with my dollars.
posted by saturnine at 4:11 PM on December 16, 2010

*sigh* karmakaze

Sorry - I'm still all depressed about this.
posted by Karmakaze at 4:18 PM on December 16, 2010


This is one of those things where I don't even know if I'll use it but I know I want to not have my name camped. This is almost certainly the first time I've paid money for that sort of thing, so go Pinboard in that respect I guess.
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:19 PM on December 16, 2010

It's a nice little website, and they also have a Twitter account.

AND, the guy who started it is the guy behind such posts on his blog as the Alameda-Weehawken Burrito Tunnel, Argentina on Two Steaks a Day, Dating without Kundera, and that essay on Scott and scurvy that everyone loved a while back.
posted by kenko at 4:20 PM on December 16, 2010 [2 favorites]

ethosophical. My delicious bookmarks are still importing (me and a million other people), so it's empty right now, but will fill up soon.
posted by l33tpolicywonk at 4:22 PM on December 16, 2010

I haven't signed up, but with Pinboard when I'm looking at my bookmarks can I narrow it down by multiple tags? Just browsing other people's I don't see a way to view multiple at once (say, video + youtube + humor).
posted by starman at 4:31 PM on December 16, 2010

I'm bnwlfsn.
posted by kenko at 4:32 PM on December 16, 2010


I mostly used Delicious for web designery things. Other stuff seemed to go elsewhere. It remains to see if I'll do the same with Pinboard.
posted by Magnakai at 4:34 PM on December 16, 2010

I got a pinboard account some time ago for some reason. I added two bookmarks and stopped, since I still don't get it. It's basically my folders and bookmarks, but online instead of on my laptop?

Oh, and I tried getting joshmillard, but it was taken, so I grabbed cjorgensen.

I think I paid a dollar for mine, and then never actually used it.
posted by cjorgensen at 4:41 PM on December 16, 2010

since I still don't get it. It's basically my folders and bookmarks, but online instead of on my laptop?

Yes, and so accessible anywhere you can access the web. I bookmark stuff at work to look at when I'm home; bookmark stuff at home to look at later on my phone, etc. Also was very handy when our home desktop got fried by some random electrical event. I backup my photos and music but never think to backup stuff like web bookmarks.

Speaking of which: do they have an iPhone app? (I suppose I could just search...)
posted by anastasiav at 4:44 PM on December 16, 2010

with Pinboard when I'm looking at my bookmarks can I narrow it down by multiple tags?

I can't see it in the UI, but you can edit the URL: ->
posted by zamboni at 4:50 PM on December 16, 2010 [2 favorites]

All right, I gave in when it was at $7.43. I'm here, though my bookmark import is still soaking into the system.
posted by limeonaire at 4:55 PM on December 16, 2010

What swayed me, by the way: There is at least one Pinboard Firefox add-on. Doesn't look as good as the Delicious one, but if enough people migrate over, I bet someone will come up with a good alternative to that...
posted by limeonaire at 5:01 PM on December 16, 2010


I'm in the switchover process as well, but will have bookmarks there eventually, or so the site tells me.
posted by Stacey at 5:04 PM on December 16, 2010

Just learned from this thread about the impending demise of delicious. Damn.

I'm now up as philipy on Pinboard.

But yet to import my stuff from delicious or find my way around the system.
posted by philipy at 5:09 PM on December 16, 2010

It's a nice little website, and they also have a Twitter account. For some reason, an active Twitter acount always seems to encourage me to part with my dollars.

And they accept PayPal! Wikileaks aside, PayPal acceptance tends to encourage me to part with my dollars.
posted by limeonaire at 5:32 PM on December 16, 2010

I am adawn.

Still in the upload queue.

This blows. I like delicious.
posted by aclevername at 5:32 PM on December 16, 2010


I really hope there's a mid-level manager from Yahoo! here on Metafilter eating his own liver out right now.
posted by adamrice at 5:36 PM on December 16, 2010 [3 favorites]

Only problem: Pinboard doesn't report the people following you.

Look, dude, no one is following you. You're being kind of paranoid. If they are just turn around and confront them. "What do you want? Leave me alone or I'll call for the police." Sheees. How hard is that?
posted by Toekneesan at 5:52 PM on December 16, 2010 [3 favorites]

I hope Pinboard can handle the extra traffic. They're going to get a lot bigger a lot faster than they were probably expecting.

You can also go here to see all MetaFilter Members on Pinboard.

If, unlike me, the member thought to connect their accounts. Which I will now do.
posted by philipy at 5:56 PM on December 16, 2010

posted by yerfatma at 6:22 PM on December 16, 2010


The guy running the site also writes excellent and often funny travel stories on his blog Idle Words.
posted by domnit at 6:38 PM on December 16, 2010

So freaking annoying. I am a delicious mainliner and have been for years. Like others have said, I'da paid cash money to keep the damn service. I am awaiting completion of my migration to madamjujujive on pinboard, but will be wicked disappointed if accessing bookmarks from your network isn't an option.

All my favorite things are giving me trouble today. I am pissed at malwarebytes too. Grrr. Shape the fuck up internets.
posted by madamjujujive at 6:47 PM on December 16, 2010 [2 favorites]

will be wicked disappointed if accessing bookmarks from your network isn't an option.

just click network to see items from those you have subscribed to. they must be wicked busy, i uploaded my delicious items 90 minutes ago and they haven't shown up yet.
posted by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon at 7:07 PM on December 16, 2010 [1 favorite]

If, unlike me, the member thought to connect their accounts. Which I will now do.

How to?

go to profile page, click on 'edit profile', scroll down to 'social apps' and choose pinboard from the drop down menu. supply username. save preferences.
posted by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon at 7:10 PM on December 16, 2010

What swayed me, by the way: There is at least one Pinboard Firefox add-on.

Which, weirdly, only adds a pinboard context menu for links, not for just regular right-clicking on a page, which would be (for me) much more useful.
posted by kenko at 7:32 PM on December 16, 2010

posted by Rory Marinich at 7:40 PM on December 16, 2010

they must be wicked busy, i uploaded my delicious items 90 minutes ago and they haven't shown up yet.

I uploaded mine six hours ago and they still haven't shown up. Not really concerned, though. As long as they show up before delicious vanishes I'll be ok.
posted by anastasiav at 9:15 PM on December 16, 2010

Honeybee413... up to $7.69 and waiting for my number to come up in the queue.
posted by honeybee413 at 9:42 PM on December 16, 2010

yosomono same as delicious. $7.70
posted by nightchrome at 10:45 PM on December 16, 2010

$7.87 and they're still getting hammered, probably not in a good way.
posted by flabdablet at 3:11 AM on December 17, 2010

Haha, I was just saying over in the blue that I'd like to see a thread like this. Wish granted!

I'm Britta on Pinboard. I bookmark weird artsy stuff, mostly.
posted by dreamyshade at 3:46 AM on December 17, 2010

My bookmarks finally popped up. So it does eventually process your import.

What swayed me, by the way: There is at least one Pinboard Firefox add-on.

Which, weirdly, only adds a pinboard context menu for links, not for just regular right-clicking on a page, which would be (for me) much more useful.

Yeah, it's not a great add-on, especially since it makes it a pain to save shortened links (i.e., almost every link from Twitter)—you have to copy the title of the resulting page and add it to the saved shortened link so you know what the hell you were saving. But it's at least a start...
posted by limeonaire at 5:18 AM on December 17, 2010


Way bummed about losing Delicious - it was perfect for transient links and short term projects, but Pinboard looks like a decent substitute. My Delicious links finally loaded over night so it looks like I'm ready to test Pinboard out.
posted by Slack-a-gogo at 6:08 AM on December 17, 2010

I'm in as criticalbill, but it only cost me £5.28 suckas!!
posted by criticalbill at 6:10 AM on December 17, 2010

posted by John Cohen at 6:50 AM on December 17, 2010


posted by tommasz at 6:53 AM on December 17, 2010

posted by OmieWise at 6:56 AM on December 17, 2010

I don't plan to use online social bookmarks anymore, but I would like to find a way to keep my bookmarks or export them like how one can from Firefox into an html file. Would appreciate advice if anyone knows how I could do this?
posted by The Lady is a designer at 7:05 AM on December 17, 2010

Wait, so what happens when the price gets to $25 - does every adopter get the archive account?

I didn't read up on the archival account so I don't know what the story is there (I'll need to actually ever use it first), but it looked like it was a yearly fee. So paying that on the way in doesn't suggest you'd be covered for any more than a year in any case.
posted by cortex (staff) at 7:13 AM on December 17, 2010

I signed up last night - starling - and initiated my bookmark import before bed. I was pretty relieved to check this morning and see they'd done their thing overnight, and I have not lost the eleventy billion recipes I've been collecting. Phew!
posted by alynnk at 7:14 AM on December 17, 2010 [1 favorite]


I should've camped the name back when I first saw Maciej's announcement, and saved myself some money.

This morning the price jumped from $8.10 to $8.14 between the time I hit Pinboard's homepage and completing checkout. Go them.
posted by ardgedee at 7:53 AM on December 17, 2010

posted by hwestiii at 8:40 AM on December 17, 2010

Or perhaps hwestiii
posted by hwestiii at 8:41 AM on December 17, 2010

iamkimiam - haven't transferred the links over yet, but there will be lots and lots (and lots more to come) in language, linguistics, research, food, sociology, politics, knitting, and surfing. Please add me if you find any of those things interesting. :-)

(Delicious was where I put anything neat sent my way, my super favorite MeFi threads and comments, interesting language phenomenon I saw around, and anything whatsoever related to my PhD research (not all of that last one is public, but most is).)
posted by iamkimiam at 9:22 AM on December 17, 2010

I'll see you there but you won't see me (unless the "who's following you" gets implemented).
posted by Prince_of_Cups at 9:23 AM on December 17, 2010

From the pinboard page:
What does it cost?

An archival account costs $25 per year. Your signup fee counts towards the first year's price. For example, if you paid $6.10 to join Pinboard, we will charge you $18.90 for your first year of archiving.

You can request a refund within three days of enabling the service. After that, no refunds are available.
I only paid $4.20? Sweet!
posted by Skorgu at 9:25 AM on December 17, 2010

Only problem: Pinboard doesn't report the people following you.
I'll see you there but you won't see me (unless the "who's following you" gets implemented).

A silly question: from my user page I can click on the 'profile' link and it will show me my network, that I'm following 2 users (with a link to my network page) and that none are following me. If I gain followers, will this just give me a number, or will it tell me who those followers are?
posted by alynnk at 11:36 AM on December 17, 2010

Now Yahoo! Says Delicious Will Live On...Somewhere Else

Matt ought to ask them if they'll sell it to him for $1.00. (Isn't that how much Newsweek just went for?)
posted by anastasiav at 12:23 PM on December 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

posted by melissa at 12:53 PM on December 17, 2010

alynnk: "If I gain followers, will this just give me a number, or will it tell me who those followers are?"

It'll just give you a number.
posted by brundlefly at 1:00 PM on December 17, 2010

posted by fake at 1:12 PM on December 17, 2010


Has anybody used the Archival service and if so do they find it useful? Add me to the long list of those who would have paid money to not have to deal with such a headache. This is the opposite of delicious.
posted by allkindsoftime at 1:34 PM on December 17, 2010

thanks brundlefly!
posted by alynnk at 1:38 PM on December 17, 2010

I've just signed on as pronoiac, though the delicious import will probably take hours.

limeonaire: Yeah, it's not a great add-on, especially since it makes it a pain to save shortened links (i.e., almost every link from Twitter)—you have to copy the title of the resulting page and add it to the saved shortened link so you know what the hell you were saving.

I think I see how I'd do this, using Instapaper as an intermediary. There's a Firefox plugin that adds an "Instapaper It!" option to the right-click menu (just like the handy context menu in the Twitter client I use). Pinboard offers, in settings, the ability to pull entries in from my Instapaper feed. Just put them together, & enjoy!
posted by Pronoiac at 3:09 PM on December 17, 2010 [1 favorite]

Is anyone migrating to diigo as well as/instead of

If so, do you want to swap your diigo usernames?
posted by with the singing green stars as our guide at 4:55 PM on December 17, 2010

Just signed up for $8.something. 'box' is the kind of name you've got to snap up quick.
posted by box at 5:03 PM on December 17, 2010

Why the heck is the price going up? I'm not paying for this until I see its value to me. If Delicious lives on, I'll stick to it, especially with its handy Firefox extension.
posted by cmgonzalez at 7:57 PM on December 17, 2010

It would be super duper fantastic if somebody wanted to make a little mini meta-post in this thread, linking to all the different bits that are floating around about Pinboard (the MeFi list on Social Explorer, the deadlicious link from Jessamyn, the AskMe comparing bookmarking sites, etc.) as well as Pinboard tools and userscripts to install...any takers?

I'd really, ridiculously appreciate it...especially the scripts/tools/badges, etc. I'm sort of freaking out, as my research workflow has been entirely derailed by this announcement and I'm going to be struggling to find ways to get everything back on track.

On the bright side, I'm stoked about the archival feature...I signed up for it right away, as I can see that it will be really useful in my endeavour of making a searchable "corpus" of all my culled internet content, filterable by tags. Holy heck that's cool. (Already envisioning adding discussion threads and HTML versions of academic articles...oh boy, oh boy!)
posted by iamkimiam at 3:56 AM on December 18, 2010

"Why the heck is the price going up? I'm not paying for this until I see its value to me. If Delicious lives on, I'll stick to it, especially with its handy Firefox extension."

I'm very, very curious what the resting price point is for Pinboard. I think that will say a lot about the value of things, both relative to time-sensitive context and in general. What *is* a social bookmarking site worth to people? Where do people decide it's not worth it? What's the rate of decline (and what drives it), back to that point where people start buying again? And how do the outside factors (Yahoo! news; other, free sites) influence the cost?

I don't know much about economies like this, other than World of Warcraft and pay-what-you-want albums, but I am curious to learn more and I see this situation as an entry point for me.
posted by iamkimiam at 4:03 AM on December 18, 2010

I'm Tobu on both sites.

Tip: if you want to enable “private by default”, wait until after the import.
posted by Tobu at 6:45 AM on December 18, 2010

"What's next for Delicious" and Hacker News discussion.
posted by fake at 7:17 AM on December 18, 2010

I went for diigo as it's free, here's a good guide to migrating from the how-to geek. Same username.
posted by ellieBOA at 7:35 AM on December 18, 2010

posted by mkim at 7:59 AM on December 18, 2010

I'm theichibun on Diigo. And ZooTool for what it's worth. I signed up for just about everything yesterday that I could find just in case.

I know with Diigo you can sync with Delicious. Are people here going to stop using Delicious altogether?
posted by theichibun at 8:41 AM on December 18, 2010

What *is* a social bookmarking site worth to people? Where do people decide it's not worth it?

The fact that the price keeps going up can also act as a deterrent, because hey, he got it for $4 and she got it for $6. Why should I pay $8? It feels not worth it to pay now, even if the price will continue to climb. Would probably just make sense to say, charge everyone $5 and be done with it.
posted by cmgonzalez at 11:07 AM on December 18, 2010

posted by roll truck roll at 10:33 AM on December 20, 2010

Never use them. What was so good about these delicious? Why people keep their bookmarks somewhere outside of their computers?
posted by Cindyrella at 3:57 PM on December 20, 2010

Cindyrella, for many of us, what gets us started with an online bookmarking site is simply the need to reach the same bookmarks from multiple computers and multiple browsers. There are various bookmark-syncing utilities out there, but those aren't great for shared computers, for example.

Beyond that, there are a lot of bonuses. It's one of those things you don't think will make a big difference in how you work, but the longer you spend with it, the bigger the difference in makes.
posted by roll truck roll at 4:11 PM on December 20, 2010

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