Why is my site not turning up in google? March 27, 2002 10:25 PM   Subscribe

speaking of google, i did a quick search of the name of my journal/blog/analfoam-site/whatever, called 'pigeonfarm', and metafilter came up a whole lot more than my site itself. anyone else got this going on?
posted by jcterminal to General Weblog-Related at 10:25 PM (4 comments total)

Well, we know that part of the way Google works is that a site that's linked to often is seen as more "important" to search results. But does this work at the site, or page, level?
posted by Su at 12:21 AM on March 28, 2002

It doesn't appear that Google has crawled your page recently (perhaps lj doesn't allow it to) but even if it had it would only see that your weblog is entitled "jcterminal's LiveJournal Entries". The term "pigeonfarm" doesn't appear as text anywhere on your index page, except in the URL. You probably want to change the contents of the title tag to "jcterminal's pigeonfarm", at least.

posted by xiffix at 7:21 AM on March 28, 2002

he can metatag as well... he can also submit his site freely to yahoo and to other search engines.
posted by gloege at 10:39 AM on March 28, 2002

Interesting description of Google's PageRank system here (pdf file). Found via eatonweb.com
posted by willnot at 1:29 PM on March 28, 2002

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