Madison Metafilter Meet tonight September 12, 2002 8:49 AM   Subscribe

Since it got bumped down below the front page, here it is again: Madison Metafilter Meet tonight. The Plaza. Nine P.M. Who's coming? Should we wear name-tags?
posted by interrobang to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:49 AM (26 comments total)

Maitre'D to interrobang: "Metafilter, party of one..."

- Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'll have to skip this one, as I'm recouperating from an operation.
But maybe I'll catch one of the winter meetups.

posted by Smart Dalek at 12:45 PM on September 12, 2002

It's the wrong weeknight for me, (potential-) mon frere (-to-be). Next go-'round, perhaps.
posted by blueshammer at 12:55 PM on September 12, 2002

This is so sad.
posted by interrobang at 12:58 PM on September 12, 2002

I'll discuss leptons with you, if you come down to Chicago [/salt-pouring].
posted by goethean at 1:17 PM on September 12, 2002

Sorry, man. We can do a little meet-'n-greet right here, thought:

Is your first name really Genre?

Also, Interrobang has actually been the name at the top of my fictional production companies/think tanks/record labels/etc. for a long time. My mom first told me about the ill-fated punctuation mark when I was a wee tot, and it's always captivated a small part of my brain.
posted by blueshammer at 1:20 PM on September 12, 2002

No, my first name is not really genre. Say "genre alston" fast, and you'll get it.
posted by interrobang at 1:25 PM on September 12, 2002

Ah. Yeah, I'm dumb about visual aural puns. When I worked for my high school newspaper, someone wanted to use Heywood Jablomie as their pseudonym. I let the, not out of mischievous but out of an inability to get the joke.
posted by blueshammer at 1:33 PM on September 12, 2002

Dammit, that's two typos in two consecutive posts.
posted by blueshammer at 1:33 PM on September 12, 2002

At least your grammar's better than mime...
posted by Smart Dalek at 1:40 PM on September 12, 2002

I'll be there!
With bells and whistles!
Four alarms going!
And a barking dog!
Polka mania!
I'll bring my clown paintings!
And my saxophone!
So much fun. I'll wear a name tag.
posted by rocketman at 1:57 PM on September 12, 2002

I'll be there with no nametag.

posted by originalname37 at 2:18 PM on September 12, 2002

I'll be there with no nametag.

So how will we recognize you?

posted by interrobang at 2:21 PM on September 12, 2002

So how will we recognize you?

I'll be the one with no nametag.

Just kidding. I'll recognize you by your nametags.
posted by originalname37 at 3:23 PM on September 12, 2002

I really wanted to join you, but work is kicking my butt this week, so there's no way I'm going to be able to. Next time, though. And if you find yourself passing through Milwaukee in the meantime, lemme know.
posted by aine42 at 3:35 PM on September 12, 2002

I was thinking of coming, but didn't have enough time to plan for a 5 hour drive. Should y'all meet again sometime between there and here (Minneapolis), I'll come for sure. And if anyone finds themselves here, let me know and I'll buy you a pop!
posted by triggerfinger at 3:44 PM on September 12, 2002

I'll be the one with no nametag.
One of the oldest jokes in the book, and you got him to walk right into it as sweet as if he'd practiced. You are truly a master.
posted by Nicolae Carpathia at 1:26 AM on September 13, 2002

If I had a car and 10 free hours, I swear to G_d I would have been there.
posted by insomnyuk at 2:46 AM on September 13, 2002

There ended up being three of us there, everyone. It was a grand time. Let's make the next time bigger, and less polka-oriented.
posted by interrobang at 8:27 AM on September 13, 2002

No kidding. I'm tired and a little hungover and I can't get "Joan Pa Snippin" out of my head.
posted by rocketman at 9:29 AM on September 13, 2002

Aren't you meet-n-greeters afraid some psychopath will bring a .357 to the outing? I would be. I would only go to one of these incognito, wearing a bulletprrof vest... on the wrong night of the week. Plus I wouldn't introduce myself. I would just have a drink and then go home.
posted by internook at 12:27 PM on September 13, 2002

internook: having just looked at your psychotic user-page,

I attract attention. People day dream about my nude body. I am and always have been gifted and talented. There is more talent in my piss than in most people's entire lives. I'm lovely and handsome. Me, the bearer of all good things. I'm true. I'm real. Everything else is filth.

I'd be afraid if *you* showed up...

posted by interrobang at 12:50 PM on September 13, 2002

No offense.
posted by interrobang at 12:56 PM on September 13, 2002

None taken. I'd be afraid if I showed up too.
posted by internook at 1:14 PM on September 13, 2002

I would only go to one of these incognito, wearing a bulletprrof vest... on the wrong night of the week. Plus I wouldn't introduce myself. I would just have a drink and then go home.

Just an average night out on the town for 'ol triggerfinger.
posted by triggerfinger at 1:49 PM on September 13, 2002

metafilter nametags = metatags?
posted by nthdegx at 5:21 AM on September 14, 2002

Aren't you meet-n-greeters afraid some psychopath will bring a .357 to the outing?

I am now.
posted by originalname37 at 2:26 PM on September 19, 2002

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